Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 502 Abnormal rainy season! (1, ask for full order!)

Chapter 502 Abnormal rainy season! (1, ask for full order!)

"The beginning of life? No! The beginning of life should start from the fertilized egg, and now the embryos are fully developed, just wait for it to hook, silly girl can't talk nonsense, she still has to be strict !33

Lin Han smiled and continued to watch the situation of the goose eggs in the incubator.

"What's the matter? In my eyes, being born is the beginning of life. Besides, this is just my personal opinion. I can say what I want to say! A little bit! 19

Li Shuixin made a face at Lin Han.

"You are a public figure now. Don't you think that the audience in the live broadcast room are all our loyal fans. I often watch the backstage of FanTong and say that someone reported us for spreading rumors!"

Lin Han laughed.

"Spreading rumours? Why? No no no! How could we spread rumours!

Li Shuixin didn't understand what Lin Han said.

"It's like what you just said, hooking up with love is the beginning of life. It sounds like you said it unintentionally, but some people can say that Li Shuixin is spreading rumors! Well! There are many people who are attentive, we just need to be ourselves!"

"Cough cough 08 spray! There are two goose eggs that are not fertilized, it seems that at most three small pots can be born tonight! What a pity! 19

Lin Han shook his head and said.

"Why? How to see if there is fertilization?

"Look, there are many grids on these three peripheries, but there are none in these two peripheries, and there is no paste formed in the central part, and the nutrients inside are not gathered, so naturally there is no fertilization. Fortunately, this time None of the three fertilized embryos have died, which is considered a good thing!"


Lin Han also reached in and took out the two unfertilized goose eggs.

"Tonight's tomatoes and goose eggs are just two of them!"

Lin Han held the goose egg and dazzled in front of Li Shuixin's eyes.

"I feel a little uncomfortable because you are going to eat the little life!"!

Li Shuixin looked at the two goose eggs in Lin Han's hands and said.

"Then you don't want to eat any meat I made in the future, don't eat it after the last honey roast, and the bacon last time, and besides, how can you say life without fertilization! Go! !"

Lin Han still went his own way, and Li Shuixin could only stick out his tongue when he saw this.

After returning to the residence, Lin Han handled the wild tomatoes and goose eggs with ease, while Li Shuixin also helped with the noodles. The noodles were also thrown into the pot by Lin Han.

The wild vegetables picked at random can be regarded as a decoration for this bowl of noodles.

Coated with tomato hijab, the steaming tomato goose egg noodles are mouth-watering.

Watch it, eat it!

Lin Han urged.

"Really! I've never felt this way before!"

Li Shuixin looked at the tomato and goose egg noodles in front of him and said.

"I'm hungry! Everything is delicious. Eat it quickly. If you leave it for a while, the noodles will all stick together, and it won't taste good!

Lin Han also made a big bowl for himself, sitting on the stump and swallowing.

But unfortunately, the rain in the sky suddenly became heavier.

"Have you finished eating! Suck~"

Lin Han raised his face and "dumped" it into his mouth. Although it sounds a bit exaggerated, in fact, this is what Lin Han's actions look like at this time.

On the other hand, Li Shuixin is like this now, she doesn't want to run in the rain with a bowl of noodles.

"Mmmmm! Immediately! Immediately! Immediately finished eating, suck~~~ ah!"

"Okay! Let's go in!"

Li Shuixin took a few mouthfuls of noodles, but didn't even have time to drink the soup.

"Okay! Let's go!

Lin Han took Li Shuixin into the house in the rain.

"Where's the candy you made? Did you forget to bring it?"

Li Shuixin wiped the rain on his body with something and said.

"Just bring it, you can eat it if you want. I have to check it frequently. The water level has risen so much now that we need to take some measures if necessary! 99

Lin Han took out a purse and put it in Li Shuixin's hand, and then also put on a dew robe and walked out of the room.

"What about tonight's quiz? Or wait until you come?"

Li Shuixin asked a question, but Li Shuixin actually hoped that Lin Han would let her do this.

"If I don't come back in an hour, you can host it. In a few nights, we will broadcast Xiaoying's hook live. You can also tell everyone about this. If there are many people who want to watch it, today I won't close the live broadcast later, if there are fewer people, forget it! I'm leaving!"

Lin Han still looked preoccupied, because the rain that started yesterday was so strange.

"You guys are just staying inside, these candies are for you to taste! Don't run around!"

Lin Han grabbed a large candy bar from his body. It was a semi-finished product that had just not been processed, but it was more than enough for these pets to eat.

Lin Han went west all the way and came to the stream.

"Xiuyuan! Zhengguo! You two come with me!"

With two giant crocodiles, he also came to the pavilion he made by himself.

"Sure enough, it's all submerged!"

Lin Han looked at the boat that he had placed on the shore. Before, the boat was parked on the shore at 830 degrees, and even if the tide was high, it would not float into the sea, but now what is in front of him is that the boat has already been in the middle of the sea. , Fortunately, there are ropes to fix it, otherwise Lin Han will be a hassle to go to sea in the future.

At present, "Looking at this water level is indeed in an abnormal state, even if the attraction between the two planets changes the gravitational force between the moon and the earth, there will not be so much rain! The increase of rain in anti-season can only be the reason. one.

Lin Han suddenly spoke into the air.

"What is it?"

At this moment, another voice appeared out of thin air.

"You are Director Li, aren't you! It's too late to inform me about today's events, so I'll continue to draw the line now! I still want to hear from the authorities!

Lin Han was still talking to the air. At this time, Xiuyuan and Zhengguo also discovered that the drone that had been signed by Lin Han before had disappeared.

"The dedicated image of the weather station is also helpless, mainly because the frequent occurrence of rain this time is very... very common sense!

That voice rhymes again beside Lin Han.

"how do I say this?"

Lin Han asked.

"The clouds are very thick and concentrated, and other climatic problems that accompany the rain are also in accordance with the law, that is why it is like this, is the rainy season earlier? Lin Shen, what is your opinion...

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