Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 503 An ominous premonition! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 503 An ominous premonition! (2, ask for full order!)

"how do I say this?"

Lin Han asked.

"The clouds are very thick and concentrated, and other climatic problems that accompany the rain are also in accordance with the law, that is why it is like this, is it because the rainy season is earlier? Lin Shen, what is your opinion? Can you share with us? ?

the other said.

"I'm just an ordinary person. There must be a lot of people studying this kind of thing. What's the use of you looking for me?"

Lin Han laughed.

"Lin Shen, you are being humble, if so many special portraits are really useful, we still have to ask you, after all, many of your opinions are at the forefront of the world!

The opposite smiled.

"Okay! Don't say these useless words, did you build the buildings over there!"

Lin Han looked at the hazy phantom and asked.

"Which side?"

"It's the northwest of my deserted island, that one!"

Lin Han repeated aside.

"Yes! There is indeed an observation point we built, and your troops in the other country have also moved in, and it is a missile force!"

The other party's voice was lowered, and it sounded like this matter should be classified as a confidential matter.

"Lin Shen, it's hard for you not to talk about this matter, I can only tell you this as a police officer at this level, and the above will turn a blind eye. If you talk about it, I can do it. It’s not easy to do, after all, this base is relatively close to the city’s coastline!”

The other party's tone also sounded more nervous.

"Is it to prevent hook problems after two planets collide?

"Yes! Experts have concluded that the collision between the two planets is in the sky above this latitude and longitude. Once this happens, the missiles can be launched for interception as soon as possible, and the safety of the people must be guaranteed first!"


"Haha! I'm afraid there is something wrong with your calculation! Although it collided over this longitude and latitude, have you calculated the problem of celestial bodies jumping in the atmosphere? Have you calculated the conservation of momentum? High school physics problems Does the image not think about it?

Lin Han thought it was a little ridiculous, even a little absurd.

"This... In addition to this place, there are five bases. In fact, all the issues you mentioned have been considered, but it may have been a little negligence. I will report it when I come down. Thank you... Thank you Lin Shen!

The other side laughed awkwardly.

"Humph! If you don't think about it, you don't think about it. Following what happened the day before yesterday, today is less than two days, and the speed of the special image is still not so fast!

Lin Han calculated in his heart.

"I need an analysis report of rainwater content, have you done this?"

"I've done it! I'm about to tell you about this! The test report just processed this morning..."

"Jiyun came this morning? Isn't this what we have to do at the beginning of the abnormal rainy season? For analysis, as long as one hour of samples is enough, why did he come this morning?"

Lin Han directly interrupted the other party without any explanation.

"This God Lin, don't get excited first, the main reason is that we found a big abnormality, so we did it more than ten times, and after eliminating the accidental factor, you should know this!

The other side explained.

"Hmm, it looks like this report is a bit tricky, doesn't it! Hey!"

Lin Han sighed, if it is true that a rainwater sample report can be repeated more than ten times, it seems that there is really a problem.

"Yes! A lot of radioactive substances have been detected in it, and the positive and negative ions in the rain are also abnormally unbalanced!

"What? The abnormal imbalance of positive and negative particles! Isn't this a situation that only occurs when the matter in the universe is annihilated, and this situation only exists for less than a tenth of a second, so why is it in the rain now? What about Yunxian? The key is that these rains can still exist for a long time! Be urgent! Only..."

Lin Han suddenly thought of something.

"Yes! You are right! Black holes! 11

"Black Hole!"

Lin Han also repeated a sentence in his mouth.

"The similarities that can be found in the latest and most comprehensive observation reports in the world are only in the vicinity of the black hole that positive and negative ions will exist for a long time, and they will not annihilate each other!"

The other's voice said forcefully and calmly.

"Could it be that our earth is going to collapse into a black hole? It doesn't make sense, and it doesn't make sense at all! 9

It's not that Lin Han doesn't want to believe it, it's just that he still has a lot of things to do, so Lin Han can't believe it because of his feelings and reason, because Lin Han has always followed a principle in his heart, that is, believe it or not.

"So experts think that this is just the energy dispersal between the two planets, coupled with the recent frequent sunspot activity on the sun, which leads to the instability of energy on nearby planets! But everyone still needs to ask at the first level. you!"

The other party continued.

"Hmm! I'll pay attention! What is the international community saying! Is it the same as your observations?"

"This is not very consistent. Now the main international argument is that the sun's activity is frequent, because according to calculations, solar fusion will be carried out in recent years. The last fusion was completed a hundred years ago, and now is the time!

"The sun is hydrogen fusion now, and the next time it will be helium fusion. As long as the fusion is completed, it will also be a disaster for the earth, and many things will have to be changed again!"

Lin Han said to himself.

"This has been discussed in the world for a long time, and our country has also begun to upgrade its infrastructure. When helium fusion occurs, the energy radiated to the earth will greatly increase, and we can make full use of it! 93

"So the international community thinks it's caused by fusion of the sun? Has nothing to do with planetary collisions?

"It doesn't matter (money is good), you are wrong about Lin Shen, it's just fusion and a series of chain reactions caused by the collision of planets! There are also a lot of electric charges between the clouds, and thunder is a discharge Therefore, it is normal for the rain to carry a little charge, but why there is radiation in the rain, even foreign images do not have a reasonable explanation!"

"Okay! I see! Is there anything else?

Lin Han said.

"Is there nothing? Lin Shen, don't you have any advice for us?"

"It's hard to say, please continue to work hard, I will pay attention to this matter at any time, and I will investigate myself, but I have a hunch..."

Lin Han's tone was hesitant to speak.

"You said! This does not involve any responsibility issues, and your opinion is only for reference. After all, there are so many domestic specialties, each of which is the mainstay of the exclusive field...

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