Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 511 Seize the opportunity, salvage crazy! (2, ask for full order!)

Chapter 511 Seize the opportunity and salvage wildly! (Please complete the order!)

Why is it so difficult to survive in this ocean? Except for Lin Han, all the survivors all over the world have a miserable expression.

Most of the "people should be dumbfounded right now, I think this is an opportunity! Let's speed up! Fight for everyone!!

Lin Han's motivation to salvage supplies is getting stronger and stronger, and Li Shuixin has gradually mastered some skills through constant attempts.

For example, when throwing a hook, you must throw an advance amount, so that when the hook is next to the material, it can be hooked accurately.

Another example is that when salvaging some heavy objects, you must not directly hook the center of the material. If you do this, the rope will not be able to withstand the floating force of the material, and it may become unstable or even break.

"So how should these heavy objects be salvaged?"

Lin Han smiled and looked at Li Shuixin.

"Either the two of us ask for the force, so as long as the angle is right, the force on each person's rope is equal to one-half of the traction force, or... Look it up, I'll show it to you!"

Li Shuixin was talking when he suddenly heard Xiaobai's chirping in the evening sky.


Lin Han took Li Shuixin to the other end of the raft.


Li Shuixin threw out the rope in his hand when the material showed a slight head, and the hook was also hooked on the corner of the material.

"In this way, you can pull it over Akatsuki with the least effort, and when it gets close to the wood, just take it up with your hands!"

Li Shuixin - said while pulling the rope.

"Why...why is it a banana again?

When the box was opened, it was full of turquoise bananas, which were not ripe at first glance.

"It's already very good, Shuixin, let's not say how many things we salvaged in such a short period of time, but I think it's already a lot in terms of quantity!"

Lin Han said and looked at the supplies that were piled up in a hill behind him.

"The main thing is that you've gotten used to the rhythm! Quick! The long tail seems to be back!

Lin Han took Li Shuixin to the side of the raft to retrieve the supplies that were dragged back by the long tail.

"What is this?"

A new-looking, but oddly shaped mechanism was placed in front of them.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a diesel engine! And it's a new one!

Lin Han looked up and down.

"What's the use of this? We are all seas here, what's the use of an engine? Besides, even if there is an engine, there is no oil!

Li Shuixin scratched his head, but the puzzled expression on his face instantly unfolded.

"If there is an engine, there must be oil. Let's keep trying!"

In this way, the two of them started again. At this time, the most powerful people in the world have also salvaged three or four items. Lin Han has accumulated countless gaps, which can be described as complete.

【Sorry, your salvage hook is damaged!)

【Due to irresistible factors, your salvage hook disappeared in the ocean】

【Your rope is broken, please try to change the salvage method. "

Within an hour after players all over the world woke up, various accidents happened one after another.

"No! Why am I here to get this kind of thing! I used to be windy and rainy, why is it now..."

"What bullshit! When did Laozi need to beg for food in this way! Stop it! 93

"Hahaha, comfortable and comfortable, this is the life I want, what to study and not to study, this most primitive way of sewing is the true meaning of life! Another one!"

"Shui Xin, there seems to be nothing on the sea! Are we..."

Lin Han stood at the top of the hill where the supplies were piled up and looked around.

"Really? Let me see!

Li Shuixin also came to Lin Han's side in one step.

Really "!! Where did you come from?

Li Shuixin found that Lin Han was holding a telescope.

"I found it in this group of things! Let me show you, it seems that we haven't met a single person yet!"

Lin Han jumped and started to organize today's spoils.

"Two hundred pieces of wood! The iron looks at least 50 pounds! There is actually 50 pounds of iron! There are about ten bananas, a total of... 30, 300? Why is this? More bananas!"

Lin Han is also excited and depressed for a while while sorting out the supplies...

"Ding Ding!"

At the same time, the runes on the backs of Lindsay and Li Shuixin's hands flickered.

"A newcomer is here, who can give some pointers?"

Lin Han calmed down and saw that it was a message from the chat room.

"Laozi is also a newbie, who can give me some pointers! 99

"Me too! Who can tell what's wrong with all this?

"What's wrong? Isn't there a survival guide? See for yourself, the first thing I want to ask is, how do I get out of here!"

"Lin Han, what are you laughing at?"

Li Shuixin was still jumping and looking at the four directions, and did not care about the flickering of the runes on the back of his hand.

"Nothing? They are finally starting to chat now, but they all say that they are Mengxin, and we are also Mengxin, but we are the most powerful type of Mengxin! Okay! Go on! 39

Lin Han closed the dialog and started busy again.

The sea breeze was blowing, and the sun was already suspended in the gap. Since the water vapor on the sea surface was much larger than ordinary places, the sunlight was also very dazzling under the refraction. After a while, Lin Han and Li Shuixin were also very dazzling. Sweaty.

"Come on a coconut! Water heart!"

Lin Han opened two coconuts, he and Li Shuixin were one each, and the goods piled high could be regarded as natural parasols, and the two of them had a short rest for 5.1 hours under the shadow.

"We have obtained 99% of the materials in this area today, so one thing we can be sure of is that most of the materials on the first day are food, but there are many precious things among them, I don't know tomorrow. Will it change! This marine survival system is changing us step by step, driving us forward.33

Lin Han raised his head and said.

"Whatever it is? As long as we're together, nothing can hold us back, go on! Come on, come on, get up, let's go on!

Since Li Shuixin came here, it seems like she has come to her own home, and she enjoys this kind of life very much.

"Ah? No, I just sat down and rested, did you see it? Blossoming! The police pulled me! The police pulled me~~~~93

Lin Han's bitter cry also spread with the waves...

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