Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter Five Hundred and Twelfth After the wave, the harvest is very rich! (1, please complete the o

Chapter Five Hundred and Twelfth After the wave, the harvest is very rich! (Please complete the order!)

Lin Han's bitter cry also spread with the waves. It seems that Li Shuixin's energy is much stronger than Lin Han's.

"Thank you guys so much!"

Li Shuixin crouched on the edge of the raft and touched the smooth skin of the long tail.

"Although you guys didn't help with anything, I'll write it down for you first, so you can't back down when you need you in the future!"

Over there, Li Shuixin was comforting, and here Lin Han also took out the meat from the raft and threw it to Zhang Xiaofei and the others.

"Let's start, organize all the useful things, what do you think? I think you girls are much better than us boys when it comes to organizing things! 99

Lin Han came to Li Shuixin's side.

"It goes without saying that I think first we have to separate the food from the rest, and then subdivide it, because food spoils over time, but other things don't!


Lin Han08- looked at Li Shuixin with a smile on his face, Lin Han felt very relaxed at this time, Li Shuixin was different from the police girls.

After refining, Lin Han and Li Shuixin sorted out all the food, and then subdivided the food into fruits and meat.

To Lin Han's surprise, most of the fruit rations are those with a large water content. It seems that it is not difficult to live here, but it takes a little effort to live well.

"What about the meat? Is it hard for us to eat raw meat?"

Li Shuixin looked at the pork, mutton and beef wrapped in plastic bags in trouble.

"It should be cooking tools, do you remember the last few pages of the survival guide?"

Lin Han said suddenly.

"Remember! It seems that there are several drawings!

Li Shuixin also quickly opened the survival guide and turned to the last few pages.

But this time, the result of this incident did not satisfy Li Shuixin and Lin Han. Although there are drawings for building items in the last few pages of the Survival Guide, these drawings depict some of the most basic necessities of life.

For example, it is a freshwater device, such as a mast, such as a sail.

"There are even stools? What do you want stools for on this raft?

Lin Han looked at it and laughed.

“There is no such thing as a BBQ!”

A disappointed expression appeared on Li Shuixin's face.

"Even if there is a barbecue, there is no such thing as charcoal. Since there are these drawings, it means that there are other types of drawings. When the next batch of materials is available, we will continue to have a big fishing. Maybe There it is! Okay! Quickly organize it!

Lin Han said that he was busy with work again.

Here, Lin Han and Li Shuixin are busy and busy, but there are other people sitting alone on the raft. Some people are fine, although they didn't adapt to the sudden situation so quickly, but luckily they caught up at the last moment. So the problem of food and clothing is temporarily solved.

Some people respond quickly, naturally they get more benefits, food and clothing are not a problem, and they even get a lot of other scattered things, which are all basic materials.

But more people didn't get anything. When they were still confused, the supplies floated by. Some people still thought it was a dream, and they were waiting to wake up from the dream.

" does this make people live!

Sitting on a two-meter-long raft on the sea was a difficult man. He seemed to be alone. In front of him was a watermelon, which was the only thing he salvaged today.

He doesn't know when the next batch of supplies will arrive, but it's really a bit far-fetched to rely on a watermelon today.

"Fuck your grandma!

More abuse, people will use some unpleasant words to vent their depression after extreme promotion and helplessness.

But the police forgot that this is the sea. Not only is there a scorching sun on the sea, but there is also a lot of salt in the air. The water vapor in the human body is dissipated all the time.

Some people choose to go into the sea to avoid it temporarily, but this is not a long-term solution.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

This truth can't be more suitable to describe the current state of affairs.

"I'm fine here, how are you doing, Shui Xin?"

Lin Han placed the materials in front of him.

"It's about the same on my side! I think we can make a sail, and if the next time the supplies don't float right by us, we have a solution!

Li Shuixin also fiddled with the materials in front of him.

"Well! Shui Xin, you are right, let me first take a look at what we have in this great harvest!"

Lin Han called out the rune on the back of his hand and clicked on the character model].

Under this block, you can see the various functions of the body, and because you can see it intuitively, you can also adjust it specifically.

In addition to being able to understand their physical condition, players can also see the materials currently stored on the raft, and various attributes and uses are clear at a glance, which saves players a lot of time to record by themselves.

"Wujin iron is our own and we have 200 catties, and the rest is 15 catties of salvaged iron, 50 catties of wood, 200 milliliters of electrolyte, a lithium battery, a piece of tin foil, and five catties of copper. A bucket of blue paint. The stuff!"

Lin Han took advantage of the situation and looked down again.

"200 catties of bananas, 50 catties of apples, 50 catties of watermelons, 100 catties of coconuts, 847 catties of lychees, and 10 catties of oranges! I didn't expect 70 catties of oranges. It seems that we made a lot of money this time! 93

Lin Han snapped his fingers excitedly.

"What's the matter? What happened? It's not unusual for you to be so excited!"

Li Shuixin was also studying Miankuo, and when Lin Han suddenly snapped his fingers, he came over.

We "salvaged 70 catties of oranges! Do you know what oranges represent at sea?"

Lin Han smiled slightly.

"I know this, if there are no oranges, people will get sick!"

"What's the disease?

"Then how do I know? Could it be a mental illness!

Li Shuixin, Geng Xiao, Lin Han glanced, she was not a doctor, how could she know such details.

"There is a lot of vitamin C in the orange. If the human body doesn't take vitamin C at sea, it will get scurvy. At that time, the blood vessels will burst all over the body, the whole body will be weak, and the subcutaneous blood will be! So we are considered as Make a lot of money! 33

Lin Han laughed.

"So that's what you mean?"

Li Shuixin pointed to the trading area module where the finger-pointing rune was displayed.

"Well, now we have almost all the supplies, barter, this is the rapid advance that makes us stronger, then let's take a look together....

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