Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 519 Sudden vision! Sound of light! (2, please complete order!)

Chapter 519 Sudden vision! Sound and light! (Please complete the order!)

"And we still have tin foil, so there will be a source of fire, sometimes I don't believe it myself, this is survival! Haha!

Lin Han said with a happy smile on his face.

"Then you mean you can use this battery and tinfoil to start a fire?"

"That's for sure, come! I'll show you!"

Lin Han said that he tore off a piece of tin foil from the tin foil, and then placed the two ends on the positive and negative poles of the battery. After a while, the middle armor part of the tin foil began to change, and the silver color began to flash before. It turned yellow and finally burned.

At this time, Lin Han put the burning tin foil on the wood chips, and the burning of the wood chips also ignited the wood.

"It's delicious!"

About half an hour later, Lin Han and Li Shuixin started eating with a piece of fish. Since the seawater was originally salty, and there were no seasonings at present, the two could only taste the taste of the original seafood.

"You really warned me, I feel even better than before! 99

"You feel bad if you eat too much, do you know what the 847 Sea lacks the most?

"Know! Didn't you say it before? What is lacking most is vitamin C and a source of fire!

Li Shuixin said immediately.

"Yes! But not only vitamin C, other vitamins are lacking, but seafood contains a lot, come, eat this squid!"

Lin Han said that he removed the internal organs of the squid with his hands, then put it in the sea to wash and dry, and handed it to Li Shuixin.

"Eat raw?"

Li Shuixin was a little hard to accept, although she knew that there was a sashimi meal, but it was difficult for her to swallow.

"Could it be that you still have to bake it? It's just a little squid, and if you bake it again, it will shrink to the point where you can't see it? Eat it! There are so many vitamins in it!

Lin Han laughed.

"But...then why don't you eat it? Let me eat it! Are you bullying me! 93

Li Shuixin had a face of reluctance.

"Shui Xin! You have to know that I will only treat you well, and will never harm you, and how can my physical fitness be comparable to yours? I will have a way to supplement it myself, but now there is only one, and of course I have to You eat first!

Lin Han said with concern.

"okay then!"

Li Shuixin also closed her eyes and swallowed the squid into her stomach. In an instant, she felt a slight chill spread out on her abdomen, and this feeling was very comfortable. She had felt this way before.

And the source of this feeling is also the function of Lin Han's Fountain of Life. Just when Li Shuixin didn't pay attention, Lin Han dropped some of the Fountain of Life that was purified by Survival in the Wilderness on the squid.

"These are the guys now! Are you hungry?"

Lin Han had a headache. Although Zhang Xiaofei's group had a huge role in the past, but now at sea, they have no use for anything other than a few mouths, and they still take up space.

Although Lin Han is very troubled by this, he still won't give up on these guys. After all, after getting along for so long, this feeling is still there.

"Let's eat these for you, remember to save it, anyway, you are not exercising now!"

Fortunately, Lin Han prepared some goose, duck and pork before, so he and Li Shuixin can fill their stomachs with seafood, and these meats are left to these guys!

Lu Xiaobu first expressed his noble sentiments. He took two in his mouth and came to Diao Xiaochan's side. It seemed that he planned to have one for each person. It can only be regarded as stuffed between the teeth, but because of Lin Han's words...

"It's hard for you, but don't worry, it won't be long before you can eat as much as you want!

Seeing this, Lin Han could only touch their heads, and his face was full of guilt.


At this time, Zhang Xiaofei also (aifb) gave himself two ideas, he didn't think he could be full by just eating one pot.

"Huh? Zhang Xiaofei? Shall we divide you up? I've never eaten tiger meat before, maybe it'll taste even better with some sea water! 19

Li Shuixin said suddenly.


Zhang Xiaofei saw that he had been discovered, so he had to let go of a pot and returned to the corner.

"Look at their reluctant expressions, I really feel a little bit of guilt in my heart!

Li Shuixin said while supporting her head with her hands.

"Okay! If these guys didn't come with us, you must feel uncomfortable again. Now that we are here, as long as our family is together, isn't that the best outcome?

"But I don't even know where my people are? I don't know if they are okay? Or whether they still exist in this world, I don't dare to think about it, I really don't dare to think about it!"

Li Shuixin was lost in thought again.

Seeing this, Lin Han was also sitting next to Li Shuixin. At this time, he had nothing to say. He could only use his arm as a fulcrum for Li Shuixin to rely on, and use his body temperature to warm Li Shuixin's restless heart.

"Ah! La!"

The seawater has been scouring the wooden chopsticks.

"Ah! Ah!

The sea still washed the raft.

"Ah! Ah!"

"That's not right! Now that the sea is not so turbulent, where does this sound come from?"

Lin Han was the first to discover the clues.

"La! La!

The voice has appeared again!

"This... stalactite?

Li Shuixin also felt the source of the sound, which was the stalactite on his chest.

"Glowing! Glowing! How does this glow? What the hell is going on!

Li Shuixin hurriedly took down the stalactite from his chest and put it in his hand.

But then the light and that strange sound disappeared.

Re-worn it on the neck, but the phenomenon did not return.

"What's going on here? Does this stalactite emit light and make sounds?"

Li Shuixin asked Lin Han.

"I don't know either! Maybe... maybe, let's take a look next time when it shines again, I can't find a reason to ask for a while now!

Lin Han scratched his head, although he was knowledgeable and experienced many strange things, this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

"Is it a hallucination?"

"How is this possible? You and I both saw it with our own eyes, how could it be a hallucination! Okay! Now that I have finished eating, I can tell you what happened! 99

Lin Han picked up a bag of potato chips, opened it, and put it in front of the two of them.

"Is that the reward you gave me earlier?"

"Yes! It can also be said to find something for you to do! I have to admit that you are doing better than me in some places, and having you help me makes me feel at ease...

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