Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 520 Produced by hx! Exquisite fishing rod! (1, please order all!)

Chapter five hundred and twentieth HX grapes! Exquisite fishing rod! (please order!)

"With your help, I feel a lot more at ease. I told you just now that you also know the impact of the added value of goods on the value of goods, and you also said that, like those luxury accessories, although the material The cost is very low, but it can still be sold at a high price, which also shows the brand effect, so I plan to sell it in the trading area.

: To create a brand of our own! This way we can seize the opportunity!

Lin Han opened the trading area and explained to Li Shuixin.

"Look at Shuixin, like this kind of coconut, there are various kinds in the trading area. One pound of iron can sometimes be exchanged for one kilogram of coconuts, and sometimes it can be exchanged for two kilograms of coconuts, so the value of coconuts is not the same. It has not been fixed, but coconuts are the most lacking at present!"

Lin Han said.

"Then you mean - currency?

"Smart! When did you become so smart! You even know the principle of money! 99

Lin Han touched Li Shuixin's head.

"I've always been very smart, but your light is too dazzling, so it seems that sometimes I can't do anything. Let me try this kind of opportunity in the future! I'm definitely better than you!"

"Okay! But we still need to achieve this step by step! Currency was a general term for general equivalents in the previous world. In the most primitive society, people traded by barter. Of course, every time they opened the door to buy something , It must be inconvenient to always carry something! 9

"So you started telling stories?

"Listen to me first!"

"Okay! You keep talking, I actually understand it. Since you want to tell a story, I will listen and sigh!"

Li Shuixin said helplessly spreading his hands.

"You know? Then tell me, what is the main function of money?"

Lin Han still doesn't believe this evil, does Li Shuixin really know this?

"Of course it's shopping!


Lin Han slapped Li Shuixin lightly on the head without saying a word.

"Listen to me, I'm not kidding, I'm still counting on you to help me! 33

Lin Han sorted out his expression and continued.

"Because it is troublesome to carry things honestly, people start to seek a convenient way, such as using some small but high-value things, but the requirements for such things cannot be easily obtained, and can only be fixed People to manage, so if we want to make money circulate, we must establish an order, and this is our ultimate goal!"

Lin Han roughly talked about his thoughts.

"So? So what are you going to do?

"Trading high-tech stuff, accumulating the most basic stuff, this is the first step! And we have to build our own brand effect, that is, to achieve the kind of thing that we sell is the best.

Lin Han explained.

Currently "We have a drawing of a fishing rod, and the rest of the drawings are nothing but the ones attached to the back of the guide. We must sell fishing rods more often!"

"Clever! We just want to sell our fishing rods, and we will continue to accumulate blueprints in the early stage. If the blueprints are not traded, they will always exist.

Lin Han opened the item box and made four fishing rods using four pounds of iron and eight meters of hemp rope.

At this point, the hemp rope is also exhausted.

"Then try first?"

Li Shuixin licked the corner of his mouth, looking ready to move.

"Sorry first! Change your name! In the future, people will be able to recognize that we are selling something! 93

"Oh! Then what?

"Look at yourself! Change it to whatever you want, this is just for the convenience of finding us in the future!"

Lin Han laughed.

"Then it's called HX? The last initial of your name is 日, the last initial of my name is X, and the combination is HX, what do you think?"

"Okay! That's called HX, and now we're going to touch up those four rods!"

Lin Han took out the blue paint he had salvaged earlier, dipped a bit of blue paint with a wooden stick, drew a smiley face on the tail of the fishing rod, and wrote the letters HX.

"It's on the shelves now, let's see how everyone reacts to our fishing rods?"

"If that's the case, I feel like I'm still missing something!

Li Shuixin did not rush to listen to Lin Han's words, but picked up the equipment made by Lin Han before and polished the fishing rod, wiped off all the potholes on it, and used blue paint on the line to make a meter every 50 cm. , and even re-sharpened the hook to make it even sharper.

0••••••••For flowers...

"This is a good fishing rod for our HX to play!"

Li Shuixin took it in his hand and took a good look at it.

"Not bad! You know how to process it again! Be in a hurry! This..."

Just when Lin Han browsed the wide area, he found that the fishing rod with a white name originally had a slightly bluish font after being processed by Li Shuixin, or it was understandable that it was a light blue.

"It seems to be upgraded! It looks like blue on top of white! Water heart! I have to say you are amazing!"

Lin Han excitedly grabbed Li Shuixin's hands.

"Send, send! Don't be so excited! Basic operation! Basic operation! Quickly help me finish the remaining three, we will put it on the shelves, I believe this time will definitely attract a lot of attention in the trading area!

As soon as he said it, Lin Han also picked up the equipment and began to polish the fishing rods. After a while, four fishing rods with light blue names appeared in the inventory.

"What are we going to replace?

Li Shuixin then asked.

"I come!"

After being modified by Lin Han and Li Shuixin, the name of the fishing rod has also changed.

【Exquisite fishing rod: This is one of the best choices for fishing gear. Note: Although you can catch good things, it may also be damaged!)

"The first trading blueprint is a blueprint, the second is also a blueprint, the third is a random item, and the fourth is also a random item.

Lin Han operated with ease, and within a while, a man named "HX" released four fishing rods in the trading area, each with a light blue name.

"Damn it! Do you all have fishing rods? Why does this have a blue name? The one in my hand is only white, and it's still rough. How can this be beautiful?"

Someone in the chat area was the first to discover the changes in the trading area.

"What's the fuss about, people must have drawings!"

"The same is fishing, I think anything can be used, and my hands are rough, but I have caught a lot of fish! Such exquisite things are not attractive to me at all! 39

"Fish? Do you have any fire! If you don't have fire to bake, you can catch fish... Xi,

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