Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 521 Four fishing rods! Three drawing papers! (2, please order all!)

Chapter 521 Four fishing rods! Three drawings! (Please order all!)

"Fish? Do you have any fire! If there is no fire to bake, what is the use of catching fish? It's really funny! Hahaha!"

"Who said we don't have fire, I have fire now, it's almost as if you don't have fire yourself!"

"Fire? Where did your fire come from?"

"Humph! I want to know! I won't tell you!"

I really don't know, I'm shocked, although they all came to this world at the same time, but now everyone's development progress can be said to be completely different.

[Receive a transaction request.


Lin Han, who was watching the chat area, also received a message from the trading area.

"Someone use a general purpose bullet? 99

"Bullets! Let me see!"

Li Shuixin also heard the news and rushed to "August 47" to find out.

"I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect that there are such things as weapons here!"

Even Li Shuixin let out a sigh of admiration.

"It's normal", but what makes me wonder is, how could this person trade this kind of blueprint? Bullets and guns are inseparable, you can't fire without bullets, and without bullets, the gun is just like a gun Decorations are useless, so... Could it be that this person is in urgent need of food? Or is this blueprint very demanding on materials?"

Lin Han didn't hesitate. Since such a good thing was delivered to his door, he naturally agreed to it, and he agreed very quickly.

【The transaction is successful!

The fishing rod in his hand disappeared, replaced by a blueprint.

"No wonder! I think this person should have neither food gaps nor materials. The production of bullets on this requires gunpowder, accelerants, and magnesium powder. We have never encountered it before!

Lin Han laughed hoarsely.

"But it's also a good thing, things like blueprints are definitely rare, that is to say, the quantity must be fixed. As long as we firmly grasp things like blueprints, we will definitely dominate the market later! 93

Lin Han put the drawings on the hanger, which is portable and must not be thrown away.


Li Shuixin put on a curious expression.

"What time is it now?

Lin Han asked while observing the situation on the trading floor.

"It's past three in the afternoon! What's wrong?"

"Since you woke up, it's been less than six hours since you woke up, I think most people should be like this, and the tide of supplies is the first wave, so the shock is what you need most now. It's food, and as for these things, there is no use for them at the moment!

"But over time, when you're old enough to be self-sufficient in food, these things will become new hot spots, so we're going to..."

"Lots of hoarding!

Li Shuixin blurted out!

"Yes! Go on!

Lin Han smiled in relief.

[Receive transaction request]

[Ten square meters of canvas, five pounds of wood, five seeds of unknown plants, and one kilogram of iron. "

"It seems that this person has really come to a time of no choice. Although these things are messy, they really have what we need.

Lin Han didn't want to accept this deal at first, but he could see the embarrassment of the person through the other party's belongings, so he regarded it as a good deed.

"Plant seeds! With this thing, it means that it can be planted on a raft, but there is a lack of soil!

Lin Han thought to himself.

【Successful transaction】

A fishing rod disappeared again, and a bunch of items also appeared on Lin Han's raft.

"Shuixin, go and replace this wooden sail with a canvas sail, and the dismantled one will be disassembled! I will continue to stare here!"

Lin Han said to Li Shuixin.

“Good wine!”

Li Shuixin agreed, and then woke up his rune.

[Received a new trade request!]

[Ordinary harpoon drawings. Note: Self-protection is the most important thing on the ocean, although it is a harpoon, it can be inserted into anything!)

"While it's of no use to me, it's of great use to others! Take it!"

Lin Han did not hesitate to pass the gap transaction request.

The fishing rod disappeared and the blueprint hook appeared.

[Received a new trade request!

[Shade net drawings. Note: Sun exposure can be a good thing, but nothing is too much, and sometimes a good night's sleep in the shade is nice!

"It's the blueprint again? It seems that this group of people really have a lot of good things in their hands. If only flames could be traded, it would be sold as a set! 59

Lin Han touched his chin, and suddenly his whole body trembled...

Through the transaction, the fishing rod disappeared, the blueprint appeared, and Lin Han hurriedly opened the character panel.

But what he expected didn't seem to happen, Lin Han pointed at the burning charcoal fire with the back of his hand again, although the name of the thing displayed by the rune was charcoal fire, but this thing did not have a rhyme in the inventory.

Hurry up! This is..."

Although Lin Han didn't see what he wanted, he suddenly found that the name of his raft seemed to have changed.

What he saw before was an [old raft], but now he sees a [beautiful raft].


"Hey! What are you looking at? So serious, show me too!"

Li Shuixin came over. Although she was only controlled by runes, she still felt that every time she finished something, she would feel a little tired.

"Is the canvas ready?"

"Well, three square meters of canvas are used, as well as a pound of wood, a pound of iron, and a pound of plastic, you see!"

Li Shuixin jumped to the side of the cloth sail and pulled the rope extending from the upper end.

"This is retractable, which means that we can control the speed of the raft through the size of the sail!

Li Shuixin gave Lin Han a demonstration.

"Look at the character panel, do you see anything different?"

"What's the difference?"

Li Shuixin was stunned for a moment, then called out Fu 5.1 and looked at it.

"The raft where we were before was old, but now it's beautiful, so I think... The upgrade of the raft should be caused by the upgrade of each part, so we can't just upgrade or strengthen one place in the future."

Lin Han is also a vague guess, and apart from the appearance, Lin Han does not feel any essential difference between the rough raft and the fine wood.

"After the previous wooden sail was removed, only five catties of wood were returned to us, which is really a bit of a loss!"

Li Shuixin muttered in his mouth.

"How could there be a pie in the sky? Wouldn't the materials be inexhaustible? What do I use to directly make them today, and then decompose them after use up, the materials are not lost, I But enjoy the convenience brought by the manufacture, do you think this is possible if you are the other?"

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