Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 522 Above the ocean! A disordered world! (1, please complete the order!)

Chapter 522 Above the ocean! A disordered world! (1, please complete the order!)

The expression on Lin Han's face is a bit dumbfounded, this is survival in the ocean full of crises, not just over you.

"Oh! I see, you don't need to be so fierce, do you?"

"I don't want to give you seriousness, but your thoughts are very dangerous! If you are not careful, you may be in danger. We must not relax our minds, you know?

Lin Han warned again.

"I know! I know! You don't need to talk anymore, my ears are already full of fungus! Xiaobai? Xiaobai, what did you find?"

Just as Li Shuixin was speaking, Xiaobai in the sky also began to scream desperately, and was flying in circles above the sky.

"Xiuyuan! Why are you welcoming us!"

Li Shuixin saw the two big nostrils appearing and disappearing on the water again.

"It looks like those people are here!"

Lin Han also came to the edge of the raft, put his hand on the forehead of the knee repair, and then felt it carefully.

"Here comes!"

Lin Han turned around and said to Li Shuixin.

"I think it's better to let 08 go, they will definitely touch the dust when they come to us!"

Li Shuixin's heart is still very kind, but for the pragmatic Lin Han, all this is different.

"Why? Why let them go? Since they're here, don't blame me for being rude. Besides, their wandering behavior is already very strange. It seems that they are also trying to rob the police. In that case, hehe!"

Lin Han shrugged and smiled, then said to Xiu Yuan.

"You go and tell Long Tail and your wife, don't stop them, just let them come over, all you have to do is hide in the nearby waters to prevent others from coming! Go! 93

Lin Han touched Xiuyuan's head and gave him an order, and Xiuyuan also disappeared into a wave of water.

"Are you really going to rob them? Isn't that a little cruel?"

"Cruel? Let's take a look at the situation. If the other party is not the kind of person who burns, kills, and loots, we must treat people kindly. If it's not that kind of person, I think it's fine! 39

Lin Han looked into the distance, not knowing what to expect.

This kind of anxious waiting is the most uncomfortable for Lin Han, but fortunately, with Shuixin's company, Shuixin's mood is also very unstable at this time.

"Crack quack!"

"Crack quack!

At this time, Xiaobai in the sky started to tweet again, and then three rafts appeared on the sea in the distance and slowly floated towards Lin Han.

"Is this coming? But it seems like there's nothing on it!

Li Shuixin stared into the distance with wide eyes.

"It's just nothing, what happened in the end, those guys won't take it..."

Lin Han's face was speechless, he actually didn't want to kill, and he didn't even know what the other party was doing, so these guys wouldn't make decisions without authorization!


The three rafts approached, and Xiuyuan Zhengguo also surfaced from below. Of course, the long tail could not be seen. With his size, it was already uncomfortable to approach the raft at close range.

"what happened?

Lin Han looked at the three rafts, and the supplies on them were also full. The sum of these supplies was about to reach Lin Han's material reserves.

"Hahaha, I told you to run farther away, you are so close, can the other party not find out? But this is fine, okay, you continue to go nearby and stare!

Lin Han couldn't help laughing again.

"what happened?"

Li Shuixin also came over and asked.

"The long tail just hooked up its shark fins, and those few thought the sharks were coming? They all ran to a raft and left, so these three were given to us for nothing!

Lin Han expressed that he was also very helpless. I have to say that the pie fell out of the sky, and I have to say that it is really refreshing!

"So these are ours?"

"Of course! Check it out, maybe there's something good!

Lin Han fixed the three rafts beside his own raft with nails, and first came to one of them with Li Shuixin.

Finally, through sorting and refining, the supplies on this ship can be described as a paradise for foodies, and there is nothing left except for food.

"Ten catties of cherries, one catty of bread, one catty of rice crackers, four biscuits, and fifty catties of apples!

Lin Han and Li Shuixin cooperated to carry these materials on their own rafts. Among them, Lin Han also discovered an interesting point, that is, when you are standing on the raft of the dreamer, there is no The material display, only when you carry the police material to the raft and come back by yourself, the dough circle will be displayed.

"This second ship should be the gathering place for their materials!

When Li Shuixin stepped onto the second raft, he saw a pile of iron blocks.

Counting down the iron, there are 33 kilograms of iron, which can be considered to make up for the lack of iron on Lin Han's side, and other materials are also various, although not many.

"One meter of hemp rope, three square meters of glass, one compass, one flare gun, one flare, and five meters of steel wire, all gone!

Lindsay-While carrying these things on his raft, he listened to Li Shuixin's report.


"No! It's mainly Iron Duo 863.

Li Shuixin laughed.

"Okay! Then the next one! 33

Lin Han said that he also stepped onto another raft, but some red marks on it really caught his attention.

"Looks like the owners of these rafts are no good! Look at the blood!"

Lin Han touched it with his hand, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it.

"It's hard for you not to talk nonsense about this, maybe you were suddenly injured when you were doing something, and a few drops of blood were dripping, which makes sense, right!

Li Shuixin didn't like to make people think so badly at first.

"The dripping blood is supposed to be a mess. Look here, the blood is obviously splashed. Could it be that I accidentally punched myself?"

Lin Han shook his head. It seemed that this world was far more cruel than he imagined. There was no order, and he could do whatever he wanted, kill and loot, and everything.

"Hey! Well, then I don't think we should move the things on this raft. Let's stay, I don't think it's clean!"

"What? You don't think it's clean? Hahaha, it's not necessary. Since it's all in front of us, we won't take it for nothing! Besides, we will soon put our stuff on the shelves on a large scale, and now we have to hoard a lot of it. raw materials

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