Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 541! Pendant on the chest! Ocean gem! (2, please order all!)

Chapter 541! Pendant on the chest! Ocean gem! (2, please order all!)

"Huh? Why is it still so far away?"

This person was surprised to find that the raft team that was just in front of him was still far ahead.

"No, no, no! Ah!!"

This person subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his hands soaked with sea water, and the pain came to his mind for a moment.

"One is in front of me, but ah, but... you are still far away!

Chen Yudi sat in the stern and looked at the person who gradually disappeared from his sight.

Perhaps there was still a little pity in his heart, but at this moment it was gone.

No one knows whether this person has gone back in the end, and Chen Yudi doesn't know either, because this matter has nothing to do with him.

But in the following few years, there has been a message of "eight and eighty" in this sea area, saying that a person can always be seen on the sea at dusk paddling in the sea.

"So? How?"

"What else can I say, of course I rolled up my sleeves and continued!"

At this time, Lin Han was very proud of the spring breeze. Although this [seeker's lamentation] is not useful for a while, but as Li Shuixin just said, at least something is better than nothing, as long as you can collect all the ocean gems , then you can find what you want, including your loved ones.

"Put up your sleeves? Hahaha, where are the sleeves from."

Lin Han laughed.

"Oh! I just made a metaphor, hurry up, we might be able to find ocean gems in the "trading area"!

At this moment, Li Shuixin put all her thoughts into finding ocean gems, as long as she could collect all the gems, she could find her relatives.

"Okay, okay! Since Madam is so anxious, let's take a look at the trading area first!"

Lin Han also touched Li Shuixin's head when he said that, and it was the sunset time.

By filtering the keywords, there are quite a lot of gem-named items, but most of them are also decorative items. Lin Han doesn't need to think too much. Since this "Seeker's Scream" is an orange name, then this The gems above are definitely not below a certain rank.

Although he didn't know what the ordering between the colors of the name was, it was good that the gem would not be white anyway.

"What's the matter? No!"

Li Shuixin's hand turned faster, but it was still all white.

"And it doesn't look right!

Lin Han said and took the hook of the compass from his arms and put it in front of the two to look at it.

But the moment Lin Han raised the compass, something unusual seemed to happen.

"Did something flash dry just now?"

Lin Han asked Li Shuixin.

"No? What? Are you dazzled? Let me see!

Li Shuixin grabbed the thing in Lin Han's hand and put it in front of him and looked at it.

At this moment, the stalactite on Li Shuixin's neck, which was made by Lin Han before, gave off a dazzling light.

"Ah~ what's going on?"

Because the light was too great, Li Shuixin was also startled, and she also threw away the things in her hands subconsciously.

Fortunately, Lin Han was by his side, and he caught it quickly, otherwise he would not regret it.

"BanBanBan! Be careful, you almost lost our luck!"

Lin Han carefully protected the compass in his palm.

"What was that just now? It seems that this thing is glowing again!

Li Shuixin showed the stalactite hanging around her neck with her fingers.

"It's this thing, didn't you just see it? It seems that these two things can react with each other! Come closer and I'll see!

Lin Han said.

"Hmm! 9

Li Shuixin moved his neck closer, and the distance between the two was sharply reduced to less than three or four centimeters, and the sound of breathing became rapid.

"What? Haven't you seen such a handsome boyfriend?"

Lin Han laughed.

"Scare! You better hurry up and get down to business! Don't talk nonsense! 33

Li Shuixin rolled her eyes at Lin Han.

"Whistle! In fact, there is no one here, so if you have any words of praise you want to say to me, you can say rhyme without any hesitation.

Lin Han laughed.

But how could Li Shuixin really let Lin Han want? Although she admired Lin Han very much in her heart, she was still not as articulate as Lin Han.

"Sure enough! Shui Xin, look!"

Lin Han looked at Li Shuixin and found that she had no intention of speaking, so she still focused on the compass..

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as the introduction. There are nine air strikes on it, which means that nine ocean gems need to be placed! Then what do you mean...

"Mmmm! If I'm not mistaken, one of the ocean gems is the one you're wearing on your chest!"

Lin Han laughed.

"I would definitely not believe it if there was no vision like just now, but even though there is a gap now, I still don't believe it, there is no way, try it!"

Li Shuixin took off the stalactite pendant made by Lin Han from his neck.

The stalactite was attracted as soon as it touched the surface of the compass.

There seems to be some kind of magnetic force between the two, but it also seems to be some magical force.

I knew that even the well-informed Lin Han had no thoughts in his heart when he saw this.

"You made the ocean gems?

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han in the next second.

"What I did? Ridiculous? If I did it, wouldn't I be the master of this world?"

Lin Han couldn't help laughing.

"No! As if I really did this thing!"

"That's what I did! No problem! How did it become some ocean gem?

Lin Han opened his mouth wide and said, looking at the compass in Li Shuixin's hand.

"How do I know? Didn't you say you came from another parallel world? Are you an alien? Is there anything you can't do?" 5.1

Li Shuixin started laughing at what Lindsay had said before.

"I really am an alien!

Lin Han shook his head and said, for Li Shuixin, Lin Han can only use this statement.

"Hmm! So what! Where are the other eight of the Ocean Gems?"

Li Shuixin asked.

Then Lin Han didn't speak, but took the compass in Li Shuixin's hand.

The stalactites are adsorbed very tightly, but this force is not the kind that cannot be separated by human beings.

With just a little effort, the two can be separated.

After being separated, the stalactites will again emit a dazzling light from the hook.

After Lin Han's experiment, it was discovered that as long as the distance between the two is separated to a certain extent, this kind of light can disappear, and vice versa as long as the distance between the two...

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