Survival in the Wilderness: Live Broadcast My Leisure Life

Chapter 542 Sail! Set sail! (1, ask for full order!)

Chapter 542 Sail! Set sail! (1, ask for full order!)

On the contrary, as long as the distance between the two is close to a certain extent, the light will reappear until the two are absorbed together.


Lin Han made a weird sound from his mouth.

"What's wrong with the aliens?"

Li Shuixin asked immediately.

"Go go go! I interrupted! What are aliens? You must never reveal my identity, do you know? If you let the people on earth know my identity, it will be the end! 33

Lin Han laughed.

The distance between these "things that attract light is about one meter, that is to say, as long as we move around more in the future, won't we be able to find more ocean gems? 22

With a snap, Lin Han reattached the gem to the compass.

The compass moved north at a speed Lin Han didn't notice.

"The key is how do we try? We can't always see a person and board the raft of the portrait to search for it? Besides, our HX's identity is destructive and cannot be exposed!

Li Shuixin said worriedly.

"So, your little painting is still not as spicy as my old ginger! Look, what are you?"

Lin Han said and pointed to the sky.

"Xiaobai? You mean Xiaobai's 08?"

Li Shuixin raised his head and looked at it, Xiaobai also heard Li Shuixin calling its name, and flew down immediately.

We "can't get close to the police for various reasons, but it can! Do you think it's Xiaobai?"

Lin Han touched Xiaobai's smooth feathers with his hands.

It seems that usually this little white guy must be first-class.

"Hoohoo!! Hoho~~

Xiaobai kept squatting on Lin Han's hand with his head, looking very comfortable.

"Do you want Xiaobai to take this compass and go to the police to try it next to him?"

"Hmm! That's exactly what I meant! This guy is so agile, even if he encounters any danger, I think he can resolve it!"

Lin Han said.

"Then you have to think about it, if something is lost by this guy..."

"No, no! How can you question Xiaobai?"

Lin Han said while touching Xiaobai.

"Chuck! Chuck."

Xiaobai also shouted at Li Shuixin, as if refuting what Li Shuixin just said.

"In that case, let's go!"

Lin Han hung the compass around Xiaobai's neck with a rope, but at this moment, Lin Han suddenly discovered something.

"Is this thing a compass?

He looked at the [Seeker's Lamentation] and broke directly.

"Something's wrong! Compass compass, this side is obviously the west side? How do you point here?"

Lin Han has already made a big reaction through the stars in the sky, but it is too rhyme with the compass pointed to by the compass, and it is not the same at all...

"Look! Look! No matter which way I go, it always points to the west, even if it points to the north, that's fine! Behind the South Pole is the North Pole, but this..."

"Or is this compass trying to tell us what!99

At this moment, Li Shuixin suddenly spoke, and this sentence made Lin Han suddenly realize.

"Aoao! According to this, what is this compass guiding me? But doesn't it say that it is okay to collect all nine inlays? Why is one set now! 33

"Never mind the police! Let's just try it now!"

Li Shuixin laughed.

"No! We can't get out of here yet, what if the tide of supplies comes when we walk away?

Lin Han shook his head, their love for survival was the most important thing.

"What about your relatives? Don't you want to meet them? Or don't you want to see me meet them?"

Li Shuixin raised his mouth.

"It's not, it's not! I'm afraid that the police will be tricked by this compass in the end, and we haven't found anything, and we haven't gotten any supplies! Forget it, let's bet once! Let's crochet! 3)

Lin Han then roughly remembered what the sky looked like, but he didn't really remember the sky, how could the sky remember.

But remember the structure of the stars in this sky.

This is also one of the skills commonly used at sea. In ancient times, before Sinan was invented, people used the stars in the sky as a reference to identify police navigation!

He put away the anchor, tied the pets' rafts to himself again, recalled the long tails that were cruising in the distance, and repaired the fate, and raised the sails.

Lin Han and Li Shuixin are about to sue here. Although they are here for only two days, the things they have brought to Lin Han cannot be described in words.

"Are you still a little reluctant?"

Li Shuixin said with a smile, he knew that Lin Han was a more pragmatic person, and it was absolutely impossible to change Lin Han's mind with a compass alone.

The one who can really make Lin Han change his mind is himself.

Li Shuixin thought so.

"Yes! This piece of land is simply a treasure of Feng Shui. I wonder if it will be occupied by others next time we welcome it?

Lin Han murmured.

"If it's taken, then I'll take it back with you!

Li Shuixin said firmly.

"Okay! Haha! With your words, I'm relieved, we'll welcome you again! Let's go!

With Lin Han's order, the rope around the neck of the long tail began to shrink and straighten, and finally pulled the wooden boat and started heading west.

At the same time, the sails on the wooden boat also used the wind to provide another kind of power for the wooden boat, and the speed of the boat reached a peak in less than a while.

Li Shuixin felt that the speed was almost as fast as those speedboats.

Leaving 880 does not mean giving up, Lin Han's choice is also out of love for Li Shuixin.

And he finally had his own thoughts in his heart. He has been here for more than two days. Although he can have stable supplies here, he is still far from being able to become a man who dominates the ocean.

Only by going out here can Ji Neng be one step closer to his dream.

So, Yang Fan... set sail...

The wind on the sea was still blowing, but the time was gone in a flash for three days.

To the west of the Asian plate, 390928N1185316E, the fifth day that the world became an ocean.

"Whoo! Get up! Get up! There are supplies over there, we need to act! 59

Lin Han touched Li Shuixin lying in his arms with his hand and said.

At this moment, he felt that his arm was no longer conscious, and it was really uncomfortable to sleep this night.

"What's wrong with you?"

Li Shuixin opened her eyes slightly and looked at Lin Han with a haggard face and asked.

"You'll know by asking my hands, and now they don't have the slightest sense!"

Lin Han raised his hands and smiled wryly.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I will dare in the future!

Li Shuixin is playful.

"Okay! Let's act quickly, although our material reserves are relatively rich, but we must be prepared for danger...

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