Swallowed the Fruit of Thunder and Was Pulled by His Girlfriend to Slaughter the God

Chapter 46 I walk the world on behalf of the will of the gods, do you know what that means? (Ask for

On the edge of Eight Bridge Street,

An ordinary community, inside the security booth at the entrance.

Sunglasses captured Kuai sitting on a chair with his head drooping and Erlang's legs crossed, as if he was about to doze off and fall asleep.

He held a thermos cup in his hand, steaming steam on his face, and soon his sunglasses were covered with a layer of white mist.

"You haven't reached middle age yet, so you soaked wolfberry in a thermos?"

At this moment, the female arrester quickly pushed open the gate of the security booth and walked in. She glanced at the few wolfberries floating in the thermos cup and laughed.

"Isn't this adapting to old age life in advance." Sunglasses Chakuai came back to his senses and pushed up the sunglasses that had slipped under the bridge of his nose.

"People are not old, but their hearts are old?"

"Isn't this a perverted newcomer coming to our yamen soon?"

Sunglasses catcher said in a relaxed tone, half-jokingly, "Gu Qing's review is almost over. With a clean identity, I think it will take three days at most to officially join the job."

"Unconsciously... even the two of us are seniors?" The female arrester quickly covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Yeah, it's been five years..." The eyes flickered under the fast-catching lenses of the sunglasses.

Five years doesn't seem like a long time, but how many people can catch the fast...


At this moment, the surface of the water in the thermos swayed, and a few drops of slightly hot water fell.

"Huh?" Sunglasses captured Kuaishou's eyes slightly changed,

He feels...

The ground under my feet is shaking!

In an instant, Sunglasses quickly reacted and looked up into the distance!

In Skyrim…

Muffled thunder and heavy, bloody sky!

"problem occurs!"

In an instant, the two catching fasts acted at the same time, and they both turned into residual lines and swept to the place where the shock came from!



The streets have been flooded with blood!

As far as the line of sight goes, it is bright red, as far as the eye can see!


The sky was rendered scarlet, as if the sky was crying blood, about to shed blood and tears...

"Is the end of the world coming?"

"Who can tell me...what exactly happened?"

On the tops of some high-rise buildings, or high-rise floors that were not flooded with blood, people looked out the window in horror, unable to understand the scene in front of them.


The sea of ​​​​blood was cut open, and a thunderstorm cut through the earth and sky, and rushed straight into the clouds!


In the blazing thunder,

Gu Qing's hair was flying, arc-ridden, holding the head of the blood agent in one hand...

Drag the opponent into a sea of ​​blood!

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"I walk the world on behalf of the will of the gods, do you understand what this means?" The blood agent sneered,

He was not flustered, his body was changing towards the viscous blood, as if to merge with the sea of ​​blood.

"Then try." Gu Qing's expression was calm, holding the hair of the blood agent in one hand,

the other hand,

Hold up, form a fist.

Smash it down!


At this moment, the blood agent's cheeks were sunken and his cheekbones were cracked... The whole head was blown to pieces!

Immediately after,

The thunder left on Gu Qing's fist compressed into a thin line and shot out a distance of thousands of meters!

Boom, boom, boom!

Wherever he passed, the sea of ​​blood was torn apart, a large amount of foul smelling blood evaporated, and a white mist was formed in the air,

In the cracks in the sea of ​​blood, the streets were re-revealed, and the asphalt pavement and the half-melted cars, street lamps, etc. could be seen.

But at the next moment-

Blood flowed from both sides to fill the vacancy again, and the streets were once again covered up and engulfed.

Even the head of the blood agent exploded...

All are re-healing and cohesive at this moment!

"My meaning is God's will... If you want to kill me, you are fighting against the gods above your head." The blood agent stared at Gu Qing coldly,

His cheeks were growing rapidly, and his teeth were condensed from blood again when he spoke, which was hideous and strange.


The state of the blood agent is somewhat similar to elementalization.

His body is already made of blood and water, and it merges with this sea of ​​blood that floods the streets!

The sea of ​​blood is immortal, and he is immortal!


Gu Qing's eyes were filled with blood,

The two rounds of gouyu are as deep as abyss.

this moment,

His eyes narrowed,

Falling behind the blood agent, in the cloud of blood like a mountain,

A vague outline, a figure with wings on its back, standing quietly, as if overlooking the world!

"It turns out... this kind of thing is a god."


The words fell, thunderclouds roared, and thick thunder pillars fell from the sky, baptizing this sea of ​​blood indiscriminately!

Gu Qing looked calm,

lips parted,

The sound resounds through the sky and the earth!

"Can't kill you? Then evaporate you... along with this sea of ​​blood!"


at the same time,

Two figures are rapidly approaching here!

"This thunderous breath..."

Sunglasses catch fast jumping on the top of high-rise buildings,

While flying, he looked up and looked at the sky.

On the skyline, thunderclouds are pressing, dark and oppressive... The sky covering Baqiao Street has plunged the entire area into darkness!

"Is it Gu Qing? He is fighting another extraordinary battle with people?" Female arrester Kuai had a strange expression.

What's the situation with Gu Qing?

I just finished fighting with someone yesterday, and now... is this guy a physical force? !

At this time,

The female arrester's expression became stagnant!

They came to Baqiao Street,

The purpose of entry is... monstrous blood!

At this moment, blood is pouring from the end of the street, expanding outward and nibbling away at every corner!

"[The Territory of Ten Thousand Rings]!"

The female prisoner Kuai's face was ugly for a moment,

She turned her palm up, facing the sky, the mysterious pattern lit up, and the transparent ball cover appeared, quickly spreading and blocking the entire Baqiao Street!


The blood waves came one after another, slapping on the edge of the [Wanjie Territory], if they hit the towering mountains, they were temporarily isolated!

[The Territory of Ten Thousand Precepts], the heritage of thousands of years, still plays a role at this moment,

The blood wave will be blocked strongly!

"It won't last long... at most half an hour." The female catcher gritted her teeth quickly, her mental strength was rapidly depleting.

"Master Guan only took action yesterday, and today there are still people who dare to jump in the Nanjiang River, are you crazy?!" Sunglasses caught the eyes of anger in the eyes,


He decides:

"I'm going to support Gu Qing, you evacuate the crowd and save ordinary people!"

"it is good!"

The female catcher nodded quickly and disappeared in a vertical leap!

at the same time,

Sunglasses quickly swept toward the collision center.

"Who the hell is fighting against Gu Qing?"

With the deepening of the sunglasses, his face became more and more ugly.

The streets were flooded with blood, all the shops on the first floor were washed away, and even some houses collapsed... At a glance, they were devastated and fragmented!

"You bastard, it's time to kill!" Sunglasses captured Kuai in a chilling voice,

The other party doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all, and it can even be said that they are deliberately affecting ordinary people!

boom! !

Suddenly, in the sky ahead, a thunderstorm exploded, and the blazing dazzling light drowned the world!

this moment,

Sunglasses catch fast pupils shrink!


A blood giant with a height of 100 meters is standing up a little bit, and the big hand covering the sky is raised, and it falls forward with a bang!

And in the position where the blood giant's palm fell,

A relatively insignificant figure stood there quietly... Backed by a dazzling thunder!

That's... Gu Qing! !


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