Swallowed the Fruit of Thunder and Was Pulled by His Girlfriend to Slaughter the God

Chapter 47 Reborn from a drop of blood, thunder and thunder pillars fall, and the earth is scorched


The blood giant condensed from the sea of ​​​​blood, stood up and stood upright, just waved his palm to bring a terrifying hurricane,


The tall building next to it trembled violently because the palm of the hand rubbed it, and the glass was shattered!

In the face of this terrifying momentum,

Gu Qing didn't even lift his eyelids...

Blazing lightning has penetrated the sky!

One by one, hundreds of terrifying thunder pillars fell from the clouds, hanging like a hundred waterfalls, and like a group of dragons dancing wildly!


A thunderbolt fell, the blood giant's shoulders exploded, and a large amount of stench blood was evaporated. Its body tilted slightly, and its legs smashed a sea of ​​blood, splashing blood like waves.

Then there are the second, the third... Hundreds of ways!


The blood giant is caught in the thunder!

The huge and terrifying palm was a little slow, and its movements became smaller and smaller.


In front of Gu Qing, half a meter...stopped completely,

Can't go any further!

This scene,

Imprinted in the eyes of the sunglasses, it is like an eternity in an instant!

The blood giant standing upright in the sky, maintaining the posture of waving his palms, did not move, his body was pitted and dilapidated...

and across from it,

Gu Qing is as small as dust, and can even be described as "insignificant" in terms of physique.

But it is such a thin figure, standing in the air, standing there, without any action... let the blood giant collapse in front of him!


The blood giants began to disintegrate,

The first was the arm, which was broken off and fell to the ground, but the broken arm dissolved into viscous blood in mid-air and returned to the sea of ​​blood.

Then the head, the chest... The entire blood giant is disintegrating on its own!

For a moment,

In Gu Qing's pupils, a cyan arc flashed,

He was violent!


In a flash of light and shadow, Gu Qing landed on the blood giant's chest, his right arm stretched out, wrapped with endless thunder, and suddenly pierced into his heart!

Boom, boom, boom!

The heart beats like thunder, strong and powerful.

Gu Qing's eyes glowed like electricity, his arm pierced through his heart, and a figure... was smashed out!

Blood Agents!

"How many times do you have to try to understand, it's useless." The blood agent's cheeks were blurred and his cheeks were torn. When he spoke, his teeth were exposed on both sides of his face, which was hideous and terrifying.

Gu Qing did not answer, his eyes remained calm,


they looked at each other,

As at the beginning and end of the alley...the eyes meet!


Thunderclouds rolled, arcs surged, and the sky darkened.

Gu Qing grabbed the blood agent with one hand,

Eyes are calm as abyss,


The sky was split open, and the thunder pool accumulated above... The gate was opened to release the flood!

The thunder that was enough to obliterate a Xiongfeng into ashes fell without reservation, covering the blood agent!

The world trembles!

this moment,

A large amount of blood water was evaporated, and blood-red gas evaporated,

The original streets were also cracked like spider webs under the thunder, and strands of electric arcs traveled along the cracks, within a radius of 100 meters... everything was scorched as black as carbon!

"Is this the culprit who caused the tragedy on Baqiao Street?"

he saw

Gu Qing is using thunder to wipe out the blood agent!

I don't want to leave every inch of skin, every bone, and even the residue of the other party. This method...shocks the world!

"You can't kill me!"

Indistinctly, the dark glasses police quickly heard a hoarse roar from the thunder...

in the next second,

There is nothing left between heaven and earth!

Only Gu Qing stood there, maintaining the gesture of raising his hand,

When the wind blows,

The hem of Gu Qing's clothes fluttered, and endless thunder twinkled and flickered between the strands of hair...

"Dead?" The sunglasses catcher froze,

As soon as he rushed over, he saw... Gu Qing killed him?

Like last time in Beiwu Industrial Zone, following Gu Qing to collect stalls?

But at the moment when this thought just arises,

The sunglasses catcher quickly changed his face!

He saw, in the vast sea of ​​blood, a figure was condensing and walking out... It was an agent of blood!

"I said, you can't kill me."

The agent of blood raised his head, staring at Gu Qing who was standing in the air, with an indifferent smile on the corner of his mouth.


At the same time, Gu Qing turned her head, looked down at the agent of blood, opened her lips slightly, and asked calmly.

this moment,

The agent of blood... met Gu Qing's eyes again!

It is at this very moment,

The agent of blood instinctively frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart,

But if you really want to go deeper, you will only feel that all this is just an illusion, and you will forget this feeling completely in the blink of an eye.


Also at the same time, a ray of red light came, and the sunglasses catcher quickly took off his sunglasses, and a scorching and penetrating light burst out from his pupils.

The blood agent does not turn his head,

The red light pierced through his eyebrows!


Only in the next second, the hideous and terrifying gap between the eyebrows healed up little by little, and it returned to its original state again.

"Another bug?" The agent of blood had a very high posture, his eyes were squinting, as if he was above the policeman in sunglasses, and his words made people feel very uncomfortable.

"It's not like elemental..." The dark glasses catcher's face was ugly, but there were not many surprises.

Even being wiped out with thunder by Gu Qing can regenerate, let alone a 'minor injury' that pierces the center of the eyebrow?

"Damn it, it's the same as rebirth from a drop of blood in fantasy novels, what kind of ability is this?" He gritted his teeth and cursed, his eyes shot red again when he spoke!


The red light swept across the sky, and the scorching heat even evaporated the air, forming a vacuum-like zone!


The blood agent sneered, he still did not dodge or dodge, allowing the red glow to penetrate his body, burning out terrifying holes one after another.

This scene looked horrifying, his body was dilapidated, and he could even see the scene behind him through the big holes.


The agent of blood is still fine, and can even speak:

"What I have is not a low-level ability like a supernatural power."

"It's the goddess of war and destruction, the authority bestowed by Lord Ernio——[Controller of the Bloody Wind]!"

The moment the voice fell,

The ground under the sunglasses catcher quickly split open,

a spear of blood,

Pierce his chest without warning!


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