Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 127 The army is approaching, sweeping away everything!

Lear inspected the cold-blooded cavalry with high spirits.

The initial foundation of this army was 200 wetland lizard warriors of level 6 that he bought from the slave market.

After continuous absorption and training, not only has it increased to the current 700 people, but it has also been transferred to become cold-blooded cavalry, and its level has also been raised to level 11.

A transformation that has been reborn.

The mood is a little exciting.

Then he ordered that the whole army would gather to wipe out the dark Naga early tomorrow morning.

After getting the armor, the cold-blooded cavalry also needs a certain amount of adaptation time.

At the same time, the weapons that have not been repaired should be repaired together.

After the army dispersed, Li Er came to the blacksmith shop and called Brin.

He looked directly at the leader of the Fry people.

He said in a deep voice.

"Starting today, try to use Abyssal Magic Iron to forge weapons. In addition, the Scarlet Magic Iron sent yesterday can also be added."

"In the future, Scarlet Magic Iron can be produced continuously."

"Abyssal Magic Iron can only play the greatest effect after being stained with the blood of demons. I will ask Bubble Beast to send you a can later."

The blood he stored in the ruins before was sealed deep in the Scarlet Carrion Land.

With that piece of flesh and blood land, it can be preserved for a long time, so there is no need to worry about expiration.

Brin nodded immediately and said in a deep voice.

"My lord, the Frye people will never let you down. At most, the weapons can be developed in a week!"

It is simple to simply smelt ore to cast weapons, but it is difficult to bring out the full potential of the material.

As Frye people, they will not do such a wasteful thing.

If you want to cast, you must cast the best.

This is the persistence and stubbornness engraved in their bones, and it is for this reason that they will be cursed by the God of Forging.

Lier nodded slightly.

He originally planned to wait until the weapons were forged before taking action against the Dark Naga, but now it was obviously too late.

And he was always worried about the unknown Grand Duke of the Abyss standing behind the Dark Naga.

If the Swamp Authority came out, it might not fail to attract his attention.

He would have to deal with the terrifying flying dragon at that time. If there was another powerful enemy, it would undoubtedly greatly reduce his chances of winning.

First eliminate this hidden threat, and then he could withdraw his hands and slowly lay out.

Li Er regained his mind and continued to ask.

"Have you seen the bow and arrow manufacturing drawings that Yishani gave you? Are you sure you can produce it?"

The level of a 3-star bow and arrow is not low, but it requires materials from the underground world to grow.

Brin said in a deep voice.

"The materials in the underground world must have different properties because of the different growth environment. This also requires a period of research and experimentation."

"But at the end of the month at most, I am sure I can find replacement materials."

The manufacturing process of bows and arrows is more complicated than ordinary weapons.

But after having the inheritance, these are not a big deal.

Just give him time.

Li Er nodded.

"If you need any materials, apply to Baine. The resources of the territory will be used first for the blacksmith shop."

Brin took a deep breath and slowly bowed with his chest supported.

His eyes became firm.

During this period, most of the resources of the City of Wisdom were tilted towards them.

If he could not make enough achievements, he would not be able to justify himself.

After Li Er encouraged them, he turned around and left without saying much.

When he went out, he suddenly thought of something and asked someone to call Isani.

When the other party arrived, he stared at this handsome night elf.

He said slowly.

"There will be a big battle tomorrow. You should prepare all the bows and arrows in advance. Don't delay. Everyone should change to thorn arrows."

Due to the high-intensity production in the past few days, a lot of thorn arrows have been accumulated.

It is enough for these 15 teams of night elves to fight a high-intensity battle.

Isani's eyes were full of strong fighting spirit, and she happily agreed.

"As you wish!"

As life in the underground world, the night elves' desire for battle is no less than that of the cruel warriors such as the cold-blooded cavalry.

Only killing can soothe the waves in their hearts, and only blood can make their souls enjoy peace.

As Lear issued a series of orders, the army of the City of Wisdom began to move at high speed.

The entire territory was once again preparing for war.

At this time, Kalanis, who had been staying at home and rarely went out in the past few days, came to the door.

After the salute, his brows were furrowed.

"Lord Lear, why don't you take me with you in this battle?"

Lear looked at the other party's serious expression and said slowly.

"Our enemy this time is very powerful. You rest at home. At the latest at the end of this month, I will return to Loran City and take you back then."

The unknown Grand Duke of the Abyss is always a hidden danger. This potential stock that can reach the demigod in the future has not yet awakened his power.

Kalanis shook her head firmly.

"You saved me in the darkest hour. My sword is wielded for you!"

Feeling the other party's attitude, Li Er was slightly startled, and then smiled.

Yes, it is foolish to worry that a soldier will die on the battlefield.

"Okay, you will follow me tomorrow."

No matter how powerful the potential is, it takes time to realize it. Without tempering, how can you control the power of demigod? !

The next day, October 6, in the early morning, there was a solemn atmosphere in the air.

The residents hurried, looking at the army that had gathered early from time to time, with some worry and excitement in their eyes.

The last time the army gathered so much was more than half a month ago, and this time it was obvious that there would be another big move.

In order to be on the safe side, Li Er mobilized the most elite forces this time.

All 700 cold-blooded cavalrymen were brought along.

40 ancient tree guardians followed the army.

15 teams of night elves loaded with arrows were also ready to go.

The Crimson Carrion Land was stored in his mind.

In terms of heroes, there were 6 level 15 big demons, a level 14 two-headed ogre chieftain, a level 13 flesh slaughterer, and a level 12 Hags.

In addition, there was a level 14 wasteland grave in the Crimson Carrion Land, and a level 12 scarlet queen bee.

Cyclops, 10 bubble beasts, and 3 swamp banshees also set out with the army.

He left only a level 15 demon hero and 10 ancient tree guardians in the territory to guard.

That big demon alone can handle most of the troubles.

But for safety reasons, on the night of the 5th, Li Er sent the Scarlet Queen Bee to lead the bee colony to thoroughly clean up the sludge swamp and the surrounding area.

Eliminate all possible threats.

Li Er strode over, and after watching the army gather, he waved his hand and ordered to march without saying much.

He turned over and sat on the ancient tree guardian, and the night elf rode the swamp giant horn deer and followed behind the cold-blooded cavalry.

The swamp giant horn deer king had not surrendered yet, so he could only temporarily use the tree man as a mount.

But, this is actually quite cool.

The army moved very fast. Without wild monsters blocking it, it had arrived at the location where the dark naga was observed last time before noon.

Five or six hundred meters away, a valley surrounded by hills was shrouded in thick black fog, and the specific scenery could not be seen clearly.

Unlike last time, there were more than 6 squadrons of dark naga stationed at the entrance of the valley.

The enemy's strength has increased again.

Li Er frowned slightly.

After observing for a while, he turned his head to look at the Cyclops following behind him without getting any more information.

"Have you ever sensed anything unusual?"

This 6-meter-tall swamp creature holding a huge metal mace looked at the dark naga with its huge one-eyed face and said in a muffled voice.

"Master, the black fog in the valley can isolate everything."

As he spoke, a bit of palpitation appeared on his face.

"But I can vaguely sense that the power that enslaves me has increased again!"

Li Er's eyes became deep.

The Grand Duke of the Abyss? !

Sure enough, we can't delay any longer, otherwise we don't know what will appear inside!

The more dangerous it is, the sooner it must be killed.

While thinking, Li Er looked at the scarlet queen bee on the side.

His mind moved slightly, and a hole opened in the scarlet rotten meat land.

He reached out and a head-sized, pitch-black, round metal ball appeared in his hand.

Goblin bomb, 4 stars, can cause devastating damage to a range of 100 meters in diameter.

He got 5 goblin bombs in the goblin ruins, 4 4-star and 1 5-star.

His eyes turned cold as he looked at the valley shrouded in black fog.

The silent black fog can weaken the life attribute of those who step into it by 60%.

This is a powerful blockade of the dark naga. The opponent's black fog must be broken, otherwise, this war cannot be fought at all.

He had no means to deal with it before, so now let the bomb purify everything!

Goblin bombs can be detonated directly with mental power, which is convenient to operate.

Li Er infused his spirit into the bomb and then handed it to the scarlet queen bee on one side.

Bubble beasts can also perform tasks, but they can only control bubbles 200 meters away and are likely to be in danger.

Wasps can regenerate, and if they die, they die.

The order was issued.

A group of wasps with dark red blood spots flew down and took off with the goblin bombs.

After flying hundreds of meters high, it slowly approached the valley. The silent black fog spread about 300 meters high.

The swarm of bees soon arrived above it.

Li Er's mind moved.

They suddenly let go, allowing the goblin bomb to fall freely.

It smashed directly into the black fog.

The next moment.


The goblin bomb did not fall directly into the black fog as expected.

Instead, it stopped in mid-air as if it was bounced by rubber.

This black fog was wrapped in a transparent invisible shield.

Li Er's pupils shrank.

There was still an accident!

He was ready to call back the wasp and took out two goblin bombs at the same time.

What if there is a shield? The first one will be broken first, and the second and third ones will be smashed directly into it.

He didn't believe that this shield could block the 4-star goblin bomb.

If it doesn't work, he still has a 5-star one!

He is just arrogant.

But just as the swarm of bees in the sky flew away, Lear suddenly saw the black fog slowly surging and condensing into a giant hand.

The giant hand seemed to sense something, grabbed the goblin bomb hovering in the air, and then slowly pulled it into the black fog.

Lear saw this scene, his eyes were a little strange.

Did the guy inside bring the bomb into the house?

His mind moved slightly.

The next moment, bang~ a terrifying sound like thunder in the sky exploded.

In the thick black fog, a mushroom cloud with a terrifying heat wave rose.

The terrifying air wave swept around like a violent storm.

The thick black fog was blown away at this moment.

It was like someone had poked a big hole in the sky.

Accompanied by this, there was also a crisp sound of glass breaking, as if something was shattered by a bomb.

Although the killing range of the goblin bomb is only 100 meters, the actual impact can be multiplied tenfold.

A 4-star bomb is not a low-end product.

The silent black fog was dispelled frantically, and then the black fog of the entire valley slowly dissipated.

At the same time, there was a movement in front of the valley.

The stationed dark nagas looked up at the dispersing black fog one by one, and suddenly fell into a rage.

More dark nagas poured out of the valley, trying to search for enemies around.

The real battle has just begun.

Without the home advantage, let's see what you can do to fight the city of Wei Lu!

Li Er's eyes became cold and he gave a decisive order.

"The swarm will attack first."

"Cold-blooded cavalry, follow the charge!"

The order was issued, and the swarm flying close to the ground flapped its wings fiercely, like arrows piercing the sky.

In a blink of an eye, a mighty tide of insects formed, rushing straight to the dark naga in front of the valley.

The dark naga, who was in a rage, saw the enemy attacking, and the eyes of these terrible creatures with four arms and snake bodies in the lower body turned scarlet.

All the anger in his heart was poured out on the woodworms.

The slender sword in his hand swung and chopped, making a sharp whistle in the air, and one knife could kill more than ten.

It directly tore the impact of the insect swarm.

The fighting power was extremely fierce.

After the woodworms' attack was blocked, they immediately adjusted their attack methods, and their bodies swelled before they approached them.


Groups of shock waves with corrosive mucus splashed up and directly covered the dark naga.

Caught off guard, they immediately made a sizzling sound of being splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid.

The severe pain caused the formation to become chaotic.

A large number of scarlet wasps immediately swept down and began to attack the opponent's defense line. There were too many of them.

The six squadrons of dark naga could not be stopped at all.

At this moment, there was a clang, and the crisp sound of a sword being unsheathed was heard.

Dozens of shining swords cut through the void.

Cut through the bee swarm.

Puff~ Puff~

In the dozens of meters in the center of the battlefield, all the scarlet wasps were reduced to stumps.

The slurry broke.

The sky was clear.

At this moment, a dark naga wearing pure black armor and with a blood-red demon head engraved on his chest appeared.

He was a head taller than the ordinary naga, and his momentum was like a young dragon.

Every move he made gave people a great sense of oppression.

Naga War God, Hero Unit, Level: 14

After the appearance of this naga hero, the attack of the bee swarm was immediately suppressed.

As long as you dare to approach, the terrifying sword blade that can extend dozens of meters will be directly slashed.

There is no possibility of surviving and approaching.

Area killing skills.

But, the bee swarm is just a disturbance, not the main attack.


The dark naga who just took a breath suddenly heard the ground tremble.

He turned his head suddenly to look in the direction where the sound came from.

In a bush, the sound was approaching quickly.

The Naga God of War seemed to have sensed something, and his face changed drastically.

He roared fiercely.

"Form a formation!"

"Stop the enemy!!"

The dark Nagas around him woke up as if from a dream, quickly gathered together, lined up in a row, pointed the sharp blades of the slender swords in their hands at the front, and their eyes became cold.


The trembling of the earth became more and more terrifying, like a drum hammer beating the war drum fiercely.

The beating of the heart became more and more intense.

At the moment when the rapid sound reached its peak.

Swish~ The bushes in front were torn apart.

A knight in full armor was shining in the sun.

The black armor reflected a unique metallic luster, and the spear in his hand was more than three meters long, which was so eye-catching at this moment.

The knight was sitting on a heavy-armored lizard completely wrapped in armor, and the breath it exuded was terrifying!

The bushes behind were all trampled at this moment.

A heavy steel cavalry was fully exposed in front of the dark Naga.

At this moment, the 14th-level Naga God of War was trembling in his heart.

He subconsciously took a step back.

Thousands of cavalrymen rushed into the battle formation, and the pressure was like a hundred-foot-high flood that broke through the city walls and bridges, carrying the overwhelming power.


The cold-blooded cavalry approached rapidly.

When stepping into the 30-meter range, the trembling Naga God of War roared, and the terrifying aura on his body burst out.

He swung the four swords in his hands fiercely.

Sharp blade energy slashed out.

Directly covered the cold-blooded cavalry in front.


The sword blade slashed on the armor, making a metal collision sound.

But the armor was not torn by it, and only some minor scratches were revealed on the whole.

Full body armor-the unique inscription engraved inside can automatically share the damage of the armor. Unless the entire set of armor is broken, it will not be penetrated or damaged.

The Naga God of War trembled in his heart.


But the cold-blooded cavalry under the high-speed charge did not give him a second chance to draw his sword.

The steel torrent directly crashed into the dark naga, like a heavy hammer smashing the egg wall in front of it.

The 12th-level dark naga is definitely a high-level combat force.

But facing the heavy cavalry charge, it is difficult to counter it.


A dark naga wanted to swing his weapon to resist, but was hit by the swift lizard. The terrifying force directly knocked it out more than ten meters and hit its companions behind.

The bones were directly broken and shattered, and all the internal organs were shattered.

The blood in their mouths could not be stopped from gushing out.

They felt that what they were facing was not cavalry, but a collapsed city wall!

Light as a feather and heavy as a mountain - the weight of the armor borne by the wearer is reduced by 60%, and the armor can automatically fit the wearer perfectly, so that his movement is not restricted. When attacking, the inscription can instantly increase the weight of the armor by 3 times, and the wearer is not affected by this effect.

Most of the dark naga of the six squadrons were directly smashed!

Heavy cavalry charging, death or life.

Looking down from the sky, the dark naga seemed to have been chopped by a meat grinder, and there was only a bloody muddy road wherever it passed.

After the cold-blooded cavalry charged, the Naga God of War, who felt powerless to save the situation, roared fiercely.

"Retreat to the valley for defense!!"

But as soon as the voice fell, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the area where the heavy cavalry had just charged, there appeared a group of terrifying tree people more than 20 meters high.

There were dozens of them.

In front of him, a group of night elves were riding on deer with huge horns and approaching quickly.

The longbow in his hand was already fully drawn, and the sharp arrows could make his back cold even at a distance of two or three hundred meters.

While he was still in shock, he seemed to sense something and looked up suddenly. He saw that among the swarm of bees covering the sky, several demons with dark red flesh wings and double horns on their heads suddenly appeared.

The breath they exuded made him smell a strong breath of death.

Great demon, a level 15 great demon!!!

An unspeakable horror surged in his heart.

When did such a powerful army appear in this swamp? !

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