Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 128: The city of ferocity, the trembling Naga, you are strong, but I am stronger than you!!

When the Naga God of War was shocked.

The night elf on the giant horned deer in the swamp released the bowstring in his hand.

Staring blankly~ the bowstring snapped.

The arrow was ejected with great force.

The thorn arrow drew a long parabola in the air.


It fell with a sharp whistle.


The dark naga scattered by the cold-blooded cavalry only saw a black shadow flash by.

Before they came to their senses, they felt severe pain from all parts of their body.

Blood was dripping.

More than 20 dark naga in the front were directly pierced through the throat accurately, and blood rushed out of their mouths.

The throat made a hoarse sound, the eyes were wide open, and the four arms covered the arrows, trying to block the wound.

But in a blink of an eye, they fell down with blood in their mouths.

They died directly.

Some dark naga who reacted quickly swung their long swords in their hands.


After many arrows were shot down, they were barely able to catch their breath.

But after one round, the night elves quickly drew their longbows again.

At the same time, the cold-blooded cavalry that had charged past had already turned back.

Seeing this, the Naga God of War was trembling wildly.

At the last moment, he forcibly organized the army and retreated to the entrance of the valley.

Because of the silent black fog, this area has always been in an absolutely safe state, and they are not afraid of outsiders at all.

So there is no fortification.

At this moment, the fog was blown away by the goblin bombs, and after losing their own barrier, they can only use their bodies to bear it.

Only more than a hundred dark nagas were left guarding the entrance.

Remnants of defeated soldiers.

These level 12 lives that were extremely powerful a month ago now gave Li Er a feeling of being weak and vulnerable.

The feeling in his heart was quite strange.

At this time, the battle outside the valley finally alarmed the inside.

The black fog in the deeper part had not yet completely dissipated, and a large number of dark nagas emerged from it.

Looking around, there are no less than a thousand people!

Li Er's eyes fixed.

The strength of these dark Nagas has increased too quickly.

The enemy reinforcements arrived, and the ancient tree guardians also slowly approached. Under the gaze of the dark Naga at the entrance of the valley, the roots suddenly pierced into the ground.

An unbreakable defensive formation was formed outside the valley.

The pupils of the Naga War God shrank, and he felt a little bad.

At the same time, the night elves riding the swamp giant horned deer also formed a formation and stood on one side.

The cold-blooded cavalry has regrouped, and Hags is the spearhead, ready to rush the enemy again.

The air is filled with a murderous atmosphere, and the atmosphere is like a longbow with a full string, suddenly tense.

At this moment, a majestic magic power surged from the valley.

It covered the dark Naga in front, condensing into dark magic shields.

Li Er looked and saw hundreds of Nagas holding staffs in the depths of the valley.

He was wearing a black cape and a crown. He was slightly thin, but the magic around him was surging like a storm.

Naga Mage, Level: 13, Potential: 4 stars.

New enemy!

In the depths of the valley, the faint black mist that had not dispersed was still surging with dark Nagas.

Seeing this, his eyes became cold.

But after the bloody battle with the army of fallen demons, his mentality became more stable.

This scene was not enough to shake his will.

With a thought.

The surrounding space was rippled, and the scarlet scroll spread out.

The surrounding land gradually turned bloody.

Waves of scarlet hit the face, and the blood was pungent.

The scarlet rotten meat land unfolded.

At this moment.

One by one, the translucent graveyard guards emitting faint blue light, holding sharp sickles, swarmed out and flew to the side of the cold-blooded cavalry.

There were as many as 2,000! !

After the promotion of the Tomb, the number of Tomb Guards doubled.

After continuous cultivation these days, the number has reached the upper limit.

And now the Tomb Guards are at the same level as the Tomb. Up to level 14!

Standing in front of the Dark Naga is an army of 2,000 Level 14 ghosts!

The Naga God of War at the forefront suddenly clenched the sword in his hand, and the heavy pressure was like a boulder hitting his heart.

In addition to the lizard cavalry, tree people, night elves, demons, and wasps, the enemy actually has the ghosts of the undead!

Where did the other party come from?

They had just checked the surroundings three months ago. Not only this swamp, but also the surrounding hundreds of kilometers had no decent strength.

How could such a terrifying force suddenly appear in just a few months? !

At this moment, Li Er suddenly saw a tall Naga with a golden crown on his head, a golden scepter in his hand, and scarlet eyes walking out of the black fog behind him.

There were also 4 Level 14 Naga Gods of War following him.

Naga King, Hero Unit, Level: 15

Lear saw this and his eyes fixed.

How many resources did the Grand Duke of the Abyss invest? !

The rules of the main plane have long blocked the way to the bottomless abyss.

Even the evil gods can hardly break it.

They can only find some loopholes in the rules and secretly send some subordinates in.

But the price paid for doing so is extremely high.

The higher the level, the greater the price paid.

Sending so many Abyss Nagas and high-level heroes is not an easy task.

It can be seen from this that the Grand Duke of the Abyss’s plot is definitely not small.

The Heart of God Killing, what is this?

Thinking of the information given by the Cyclops, he couldn't help but fall into thought.

The 15th-level Naga King wearing a golden crown frowned when he saw the situation on the battlefield.

He suddenly raised the golden scepter in his hand.

"Destroy them!!"

A surge of black mist surged from his body and spread directly to cover all the Nagas.

The next moment, a buff appeared on the attribute panel of all dark Nagas -

Dark Silence - All attributes increased by 35%, lasting for 30 minutes.

The attributes of the entire army suddenly soared.

The power of the caster.

Li Er's eyes condensed slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

This Naga King must be killed first.

Never let it go.

His mind moved slightly, and he gave an order directly in his mind.

"All great demons listen to the order and concentrate their efforts to hunt the Naga King after the battle begins."

As he said that, Li Er turned his head and looked at the side of the ancient tree guardian.

"Ladina, go in and execute the Naga mages first, don't give them a chance to cast spells!"

Then he gave orders to the night elves.

"The night elves look for opportunities to provide support to the army. If possible, cooperate with Ladina to deal with those Naga mages."

"Your will is above everything!"

Ishani responded first, with a fighting spirit in her eyes.

Lier nodded and stared at the two-headed ogre chief.

"Et, you take the lead. Break through the defense of the dark Naga and lead away the Naga warrior god beside the Naga King!"

The strength of the dark Naga has increased far beyond his expectations, but how has the growth of the City of Wisdom fallen behind?

You are strong, but I am stronger than you! !

The eyes are filled with a strong fighting spirit. Isn't it for the purpose of accumulating strength to overthrow the enemies that were feared before that farming has been developed for so long?

"All troops. Attack!"

The voice with a strong fighting spirit resounded throughout the battlefield.

The army below, which had been unable to hold back, immediately began to act.

The graveyard guards flew out like arrows, and more than half of them had at least 10 inscriptions on their sickles.

The cold-blooded cavalry also charged at the same time.

The ultimate physical destruction, the soul-harvesting god of death.

Two-way match.

The ghost rushed into the dark naga defense formation one step ahead.

The sickle swung.

Clang~ The sound of metal clashing rang out.

The shields on the dark naga flashed, blocking their sickles.

The offensive stagnated.

At this moment, the staff in the hands of the naga mage in the back suddenly emitted fierce magic.

A series of black mists condensed in the air, covering them instantly, and directly imprisoned dozens of graveyard guards.

Dark prison!

The next moment, the slender sword in the hands of the dark naga in front was attached with a unique evil ability, and it slashed down fiercely.

The sword penetrated the prison and directly cut into the body of the graveyard guard.


The body was broken.

Directly executed!

But at the moment when the graveyard guards died, the graveyards on the scarlet rotten land began to devour the energy of the earth.

In just three or two breaths, ghosts crawled out from the graves full of flowers again and rejoined the battle.

The ability of unlimited resurrection has greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of these undead lives.

An undead army that does not need to worry about casualties.

The first round of collision was only a blink of an eye, and the cold-blooded cavalry had rushed in with an indomitable ferocity.

Like a rolling stone falling from a mountain, it hit the Naga's defense line fiercely.

The solid energy shield was directly smashed by them.

Crack~ The sound of breaking was endless, turning into light and disappearing into the air.

In the collision, only a few tiny cracks appeared on the armor on the body.

But although the shield on the dark naga was broken, it also offset the impact of the cold-blooded cavalry.

After the cold-blooded cavalry rushed in, they immediately fell into stagnation and lost the speed of charging.

The dark naga quickly surrounded them and fought in close combat.

It is a common perception that heavy cavalry that loses speed loses its strongest edge.

The dark naga, who was ready to kill, soon found that there was a huge deviation in his perception.

After these lizard cavalry stopped, their combat effectiveness not only did not decrease, but increased!

Every time the opponent swung their weapons, they could make a violent sound of breaking through the air.

The moment they collided with them, they could feel the terrifying recoil from their hands.

They didn't seem to be fighting with lizardmen, but fighting with a giant.

It was completely beyond imagination.

Many dark naga were caught off guard, and the swords in their hands were directly knocked out of their hands by the huge recoil and violently chopped to death.

At the same time, the surrounding graveyard guards began to increase their attack strength.

They once again showed a super tacit cooperation with the cold-blooded cavalry.

Without the protection of the shield, the dark naga began to face the blade of the army of the city of light.

The terrifying sense of oppression made their breathing heavy.

At this moment.


Magic balls emitting dark light suddenly whizzed out from behind the dark naga.

They drew a long dark tail flame in the sky and fell into the cold-blooded cavalry.

Bang~It exploded directly, and the dark energy hit the armor, leaving large traces of corrosion.

The shock wave of the explosion set off waves of fierce air waves.

Although the cold-blooded cavalry was not substantially damaged under the protection of the armor, the unstoppable momentum was immediately disrupted.

The Naga Mage is still outputing!

Seeing the great effect, these mages holding the scepters immediately prepared to start the second round.

But at this moment, the space behind was distorted.

Hundreds of Naga mages suddenly saw a headless, terrifying figure holding a heavy battle axe rushing out of the void.

They were shocked.

The dark aura on their bodies surged.

Suddenly condensed into sharp black mist spears, flying out like arrows.


Half of the Naga mages took action at the same time, and dozens of black mist spears pierced it into a sieve with lightning speed!

But before they could be happy, they found that the terrifying life without a head seemed to be unhindered.

It was as if the spear that could corrode steel did not exist.

The opponent suddenly fell to the ground with a bang and took a step forward.

The terrifying giant axe whistled down.

The Naga mage who was locked in front of him was dead.

A scream came out of his mouth, and four arms raised the magic wand.

The fierce magic power directly condensed into a shield, trying to resist the attack.

But the opponent's battle axe pressed down like a mountain collapse.


The moment it hit the shield, it broke into dark light spots and flew everywhere.

The remaining power did not diminish.

Swing down.

The dark Naga still wanted to resist.

But suddenly heard a shrill and terrifying scream in his ears, like the roar of millions of tortured souls and evil ghosts.

Suddenly, his body and mind trembled, and he fell into fear and trance.

The next moment, a sharp pain came from the top of his head, and he lost consciousness before he recovered from the panic.

Seeing this scene, the Naga mages around him woke up instantly, and those who were closer, his body suddenly turned into a group of empty black mist.

Floated out.

The Naga mages behind him chanted obscure spells, and the staff condensed magic again.

Seeing this scene, the headless monster seemed a little sarcastic.

There was no head, but everyone saw a pair of mocking eyes in a trance.

A unique power surged from the other party and dissipated in all directions.

At this moment.

Those Naga mages who turned into black mist and wanted to escape were like being bitten by lightning, their bodies trembled, and they suddenly broke away from the black mist state.

His face was extremely terrified.

He raised his staff in his hand and wanted to cast a spell again, but the magic power around him was like a candle extinguished by water, and he couldn't condense it.

At this moment, the Naga mage behind him finally completed the spell.

In his hand, a ball of black mist with strong corrosion came whistling.

In the sky, a thick black mist rose all around, directly forming a prison, and quickly shrank.

Want to imprison him!

The next moment, the black mist ball approached the other party, but the moment it flew into the 10-meter range of his body.

Like an unstable apprentice magic, it exploded directly.

The shrunken prison also broke apart with a crackle when it was close to 10 meters.

It was completely incapable of causing any damage.

High-level passive——Unclean Body, which contained a unique demon-defeating characteristic, was immune to all magic attacks and could disrupt all magic within a radius of 10 meters with itself as the center.

At this moment, the Naga mages understood where the ridicule they felt came from.

The other party could actually destroy their magic!

When they were horrified, they saw that the terrible monster had clenched the battle axe in his hand and rushed forward.

Huh~The faces of the Naga mages who had exited the black fog state showed fear, and they ran back fiercely.

But how could they escape? !


When he turned around, half of his body was cut off alive by the battle axe.

But before he landed, his twisted soul was directly extracted and merged into the flesh-and-blood battle axe.

The body that was broken into two halves seemed to be attracted by a magnet, and the blood and flesh energy gushed out and was directly devoured by the opponent.

When the body parts were scattered on the ground, they seemed to have been dried for hundreds of years. With a click, they turned into dry residue.

Broken all over the ground.


Devour and grow!

The two growth skills made the flesh and blood slaughterer stronger with every battle.

Although the Naga Mage was also level 13, at this moment, facing the flesh and blood slaughterer of the same level, he immediately felt great fear.

This was a complete crushing and restraint!

The Naga Mage wanted to escape, but the next moment, the space around the flesh and blood slaughterer was rippled, and his figure disappeared directly from the original place, and then appeared among them.

Within a radius of 10 meters, the magic power in all dark Nagas dissipated directly and could not be mobilized at all.

Spellcasters who lost their magic power were lambs to be slaughtered.

Let them be slaughtered.

The power of one person directly cut off the output of the Naga Mage Corps.

At the back, the Naga King wearing a golden crown saw this scene, and his blood-red eyes were filled with anger.

They really treated him as nothing!

He waved his hand suddenly.

The four 14th-level Naga warriors around him strode forward, ready to hunt.

But at this moment.

Puff~ The front battlefield of the dark Naga in front was suddenly torn apart.

A man-eating demon with six mechanical limbs and two heads on its back suddenly appeared in sight.

Its mechanical limbs were as soft as the tentacles of an octopus, but once the dark Nagas around were swept by it, they were like hitting a vase and shattered into stumps all over the ground.

The terrifying power was like a landslide.

Wherever it passed, it was like a meat grinder running rampant, leaving only a piece of blood.

The damage caused was even more terrifying than the Flesh Slaughterer that hunted the Naga Mage.

This top hero, transformed by the Goblin God, with a potential of 5 stars and a level of 14, rushed in with an absolutely violent attitude.

The Dark Naga, who was only two levels lower than him, was as immature as a child in front of the Two-Headed Ogre Chieftain.

Dual racial talents, dual hero talents, 5 4-star skills, and 1 special skill.

This terrifying life can fight against the divine life of the Flesh Slaughterer in a head-on battle! !

The pupils of the Naga King wearing a golden crown shrank sharply, and he felt the surging pressure for the first time.

How could this force that suddenly attacked them be so powerful? !

This wilderness is just an area that is not the core of the main plane. How could such a fierce enemy suddenly appear? !

Several Naga warrior gods had no time to pay attention to the Flesh Slaughterer. Looking at the Two-Headed Ogre Chieftain who had already killed him, they roared.

Join forces.

The two-headed ogre chieftain showed a bit of coldness on his face.

He clenched the sword in his hand, supported his body with his mechanical limbs, and charged.

At the moment when the two sides approached, whoosh~ the mechanical limbs suddenly swung out and fiercely stabbed the four Naga warriors in front.

One person alone!

The Naga warriors had seen the terrible scene of ordinary dark Nagas being smashed by them, so how could they dare to be careless.

The four arms swung the sword at the same time, chopping at the front end of the mechanical limb triangle.


Sparks flew everywhere.

The faces and bodies of several Naga warriors paused, like a wild bull running at high speed being held down.

Their faces were a little ugly.

The recoil force from their hands made their tiger's mouth swell slightly.

The opponent was one against four, but he still suppressed them!

It was immediately unbearable to this humiliation.

Roaring and waving the sword to kill, fighting with the two-headed ogre chieftain.

Facing heroes of the same level, the two-headed ogre chieftain truly showed the terror of a 5-star hero.

The flexible mechanical limbs carried the power of a giant, and every swing could bring a fatal threat to the Naga War God.

And once they wanted to attack the two-headed ogre chieftain himself, he also held a long knife and waited for them to attack.

The opponent had six mechanical limbs behind him, plus two hands, which made a total of eight arms.

It was twice as many as them.

In the past, the Naga War God always used the racial characteristics of four arms to give the enemy unexpected attacks.

Now, they tasted the feeling of being crushed by the enemy's arms.

What made them even more angry was that the opponent was still at ease when fighting one against four.

It seemed that he had not exerted his full strength at all!

Just as the Naga War God was fighting with the two-headed ogre chieftain.

The Naga King suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart and turned his head to look.

In the sky, among the scarlet swarm of insects, several demons flapping their dark red flesh wings looked at him coldly.

That look was like a wolf staring at its prey while hunting.

Just as a little anger rose in his heart, he suddenly felt that he was locked by a unique breath.

At this moment, the figures of those demons disappeared directly in the void.

Death Anchor, 4 stars, can directly anchor a target within the sight range, and can instantly penetrate the void to reach its side.

The next moment, the surrounding space rippled like water waves.

The pupils of the Naga King shrank sharply.

He raised the golden scepter in his hand and roared to the sky.

A golden energy surged around him, covering his body with light golden energy armor.

At this moment.

Six terrifying figures appeared around, and their sharp claws swung down directly.

Huh~ The space was distorted.


The moment the armor was attacked, it exploded directly, and the energy residue splashed.

The Naga King's heart trembled wildly, and he roared.

His body suddenly swelled up, and his muscles swelled like a balloon.

He clenched the scepter in his hand and smashed it at the big demon in front of him.

He fought with 6 level 15 demon heroes by himself.

The battle suddenly entered a white-hot stage.

Without the interference of the Naga Mage and the Naga God of War in the back.

The army composed of the Cold-blooded Cavalry and the Grave Guards began to devour the Dark Naga.

At the same time, the Night Elves drove the Swamp Giant Horned Deer and quickly approached the battlefield, launching rounds of attack suppression.

The 2-star arrows were sharp and immediately caused huge casualties to the enemy.

Li Er's mood gradually became high.

This army was forged by him. It already has the power of an elite!

The Naga can only wail and crawl!

At this moment, he suddenly saw the Dark Naga who were trampled under the feet of the Cold-blooded Cavalry and were not dead yet, and suddenly his heart moved.

Looking at the Bubble Beast beside him.

"You control the bubbles, gather those dark Nagas back, and put them into the scarlet rotten land"

This land has been transformed into corrupted Nagas.

Looking at the large number of injured enemies on the battlefield, his interest suddenly became high.

Fighting has never been the goal, the goal is to gain greater benefits.

If all these injured enemies are transformed into rotten Nagas, it will definitely be a huge profit. The more you fight, the stronger you will be, and the more soldiers you will have, it's exciting to think about it.

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