Haggs, who witnessed all this, trembled in his heart.

Such a powerful swamp tree man surrendered under the majesty of the master!

There is no need to fight at all.

This is his master!

A powerful and fierce master.

Bain was also very excited.

The rolling divine power not only frightened the swamp tree man, but also made all the mud people tremble.

Lear ignored the thoughts of the crowd and looked at the carriage.

"Send all the goods here."

"The territory will be built with this as the center."

"Bain, you go to explore the surroundings, determine the terrain, and plan the future territory construction."

This mud hero can only be useful at this moment.

Bain nodded excitedly, but in a moment he seemed to think of something and hesitated.

"My lord, what is the name of our territory?"

Lear said meaningfully.

"The City of Weak Dew!"

The City of Weak Dew?

Bain was stunned at first, and then his eyes became extremely excited.

The City of Weak Dew

But soon, the first war of the gods broke out, the god of the swamp fell, and the construction of the city of Wei Lu was far away.

The successor god of the swamp never built the holy city of the swamp again.

From then on, the name of Wei Lu City could only be heard in legends.

This name is meaningful.

They want to reproduce the glorious past of the swamp people!

Reforge the broken sword!

"We will follow you wherever you look!"

Lear nodded slightly, without saying much.

Let them go down to work, and he came to the front of the swamp tree man again.

The roots of these big trees have been buried in the ground again, and there is only a mess on the grass.

It takes time to nurture it again.

"Is there any enemy around here that can threaten our existence?"

The swamp tree man in the front said in a muffled voice.

"Master.↑ There is a group of wandering smelly giants in the north, the number is unknown, → There are dozens of two-headed ogres in the east."

Smelly giants, two-headed ogres?

Lear raised his eyebrows.

"How strong are they?"

"The stinking giant monsters are around level 9 and often come to this area to hunt."

"The two-headed ogre arrived three months ago, and the average level is 10."

His eyes narrowed slightly.

There are no weaklings who can survive in the swamp.

These are two threats that cannot be ignored, and the specific situation must be investigated!

After asking for a while, the swamp tree man failed to provide more information.

Although these level 9 tree men are not weak, their inability to move is too fatal, and they can only passively wait for others to approach.

The hunting range of the stinking giant monsters and the two-headed ogre is relatively wide, so they can know the approximate location of the other party.

For the others, he can only rely on him to explore.

With the level 9 swamp tree men as the power to guard the home, plus two hundred level 6 wetland lizard warriors wearing thick armor, there is no need to be too nervous.

The majestic horses pulled the supplies to the center.

Started to unload the goods.

Tents were set up one by one, and all the supplies were moved inside.

Looking at the busy crowd, Li Er felt inexplicably touched.

He will start from scratch on this open space and build his own territory.

That feeling is quite wonderful.

It's like playing a real-life farming game, but this feeling is incomparable to the game.

Take a deep breath, reopen the intelligence system, and look at the 3 unfinished intelligence.

[3. After arriving at the center of the mud swamp, walk 10 kilometers southeast, there is a star vine, these vines are tougher than steel ropes, and the texture is light, which is very suitable for building houses in the swamp. (2 stars)]

[4. 30 kilometers north of the central area, there lives a group of rotten centaurs, with an average level of 8, the highest level of 10, and a number of more than 500. (3 stars)]

[5. Under the territory occupied by the rotten centaurs, there grows a 1-star magic plant-blue heart mud fruit. (3 stars)]

In addition to the stinking giant monsters and two-headed ogres mentioned by the swamp tree people, the rotten centaurs 30 kilometers north of ↑ also need to be vigilant.

This is a high-level wild monster base. We have to wait until the potential and level of the wetland lizardmen are improved before we can try to explore and attack.

While thinking, his eyes were on the third piece of information-southeast, 10 kilometers away, starry sky vines.

While thinking, Lear called Bain again.

"Do you know starry sky vines?"

The swamp hero thought for a moment and whispered.

"My lord, it is said that starry sky vines are as hard as steel and are very suitable for swamp growth. The most powerful swamp city, the Swamp City, used starry sky vines to build houses."

He hesitated again.

"But after the Swamp City was destroyed, it is rare to see it, and even the legend is rare."

Lier smiled.

"If we can get the starry sky vines, can you use them?"

When Bain heard this, his eyes lit up.

My Lord, is that true?

He patted his chest and promised.

"Of course I can!"

That's the Starry Sky Vine!

The construction foundation of the legendary city of the Swamp Tribe - the City of Swamp.

Lear nodded and looked at Haggs on the side.

"Leave five teams and the Swamp Tree People to guard the supplies. Everyone else, follow me."

"Yes, Lord!"

Haggs immediately went to mobilize people. 15 teams gathered. Lear didn't stay for long and turned to the southeast.

With the swamp tree people guarding the territory, this greatly liberated the power in his hands.

Without the burden of the caravan, the marching speed was very fast.

Walking in the wet swamp, Lear felt a strong sense of intimacy and comfort.

His perception was expanded to the greatest extent.

He could also sense danger even in places beyond his sight.

The range reached 300 meters!

When powerful creatures like flying dragons appeared, this range would be increased several times.

The swamp was his home ground.

After marching about two kilometers, Lear suddenly waved his hand to stop the army.

He looked at the reeds that were half a person's height and fluttering in the breeze a hundred meters ahead.

"All troops, be on guard, there are enemies ambushing in the reeds"

The amber eyes of the wetland lizardman immediately revealed murderous intent.

Gathered at his side.

Sensing their actions, curses came from the reeds, rustling and shaking.

A group of ugly creatures, 1.5 meters tall, emerged from the cave, looking at them fiercely.

The head had an ugly fish face, and the dead white eyes were extremely creepy.

The body was covered with slippery and sticky mucus, with a pungent stench, which made people feel sick.

Standing on two feet, holding a bone spear in his hand.


[Level]: 5

[Potential]: 1 star

[Racial Talent]: Slippery mucus, the mucus on the body has extra resistance to magic, and the magic damage received is reduced by 20%.

[Skills]: Mucus harpoon (1 star) Mucus is attached to the weapon, which can cause adhesion and deceleration when attacking the enemy.

Wetland life (1 star) Move in the wetland and gain an additional 30% movement speed.

[Evaluation]: Common life in the swamp.

In a moment, the number of half-merlocs exceeded 4 squadrons.

Li Er looked a little unkind.

1 star potential, level 5 wild monster.

What cats and dogs dare to ambush?


A cold snort.

Haggs took the lead and rushed forward.

With an absolutely violent attitude, he tore the seven or eight half-fishmen in front of him and killed into the crowd.

The blood dyed his body red, making this wetland lizardman hero more and more crazy.

Brutal - When he is hurt or attacks, he will become extremely brutal, all attributes will increase by 30%, fearless of pain, and fight the enemy to death.

Crazy blood - after tasting the taste of blood, the body size will increase by 20% and the strength will increase by 40%.

All skills are born for killing.

Ordinary wetland lizardmen are not so fierce in combat, but they are also killing half-fishmen.

A wetland lizardman swung a steel knife to chop, and the half-fishman fighting with him was very flexible and ducked to avoid it.

The spear in his hand pierced his abdomen fiercely.

But click~ The bone spear broke directly.

Only a white mark was left on his armor.

The wetland lizardman grinned and swung his arm violently.

The sharp claws were like knives, piercing through the chest directly, and a bloody claw appeared on the back of the murloc.

With a strong swing, the body was torn apart and thrown aside like garbage.

The efficiency of slaughtering was not much slower than that of the level 3 Keld Ratman.

The ordinary wetland lizardmen were stronger than these murlocs individually.

With the crushing of equipment, they immediately showed their brutal side!

Although the murlocs were equally fierce, the weapons in their hands could not even pierce the armor of the wetland lizardmen.


One after another, the murlocs were slaughtered, and the number of the 4 squadrons decreased at an exaggerated rate.

Soon, there were less than 3 teams left on the field.

These swamp monsters finally collapsed.

The fear in their eyes could no longer be concealed, and they threw down their weapons with trembling hands and turned to flee.

But in order to prevent the other party from running away, Li Er had already mobilized several teams to block the bushes in advance.

The grinning wetland lizardmen began the final finishing work.

The steel knives swung together.

Puff~ Puff~

The sound of the long knives entering the flesh and tearing the flesh and bones resounded through the sky.

The haystacks were stained with blood.

All the 5th and 5th level fishmen from the 4 squadrons were slaughtered!

The price paid was. More than 30 people were injured, and all of them were lightly injured. About 30 people, and all of them were lightly injured.

Lier originally wanted to find a few survivors, but by the end, there was no one left who could breathe.

Obviously, they killed too many people.

He didn't hesitate, looking at the corpses all over the ground, his eyes were no longer strange, and his tone was a little happy.

"Gather all together."

These corpses are rich spoils of war.

The wetland lizardmen had experienced the Keld ratmen, and they immediately became excited.

They moved the corpses over quickly and piled them into a pile, and then stood on one side with expectation.

Lier smiled, and didn't waste words. The magic power on his body surged, and the light blue light enveloped the surroundings.

Scarlet life energy floated up from the broken bodies of the murlocs and poured into the bodies of the surrounding wetland lizardmen.

When these corpses turned into residue, the evolution degree on the panel increased directly from 50% to 70%.

It was a big step forward from breaking the limit and evolving into a 2-star potential.

This made Li Er very happy.

The level 5 murlocs provided more life energy than the level 3 ratmen.

Obviously, the higher the level, the richer the life essence.

The future battles and hunting have also become a good thing.

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