Haggis led people to search, but did not find the habitat of the half-murlocs.

Seeing this, Lear did not waste any time and continued on his way.

Passing through this reed area, there is an algae area in front.

The green algae pulls out long ties, and small pure white flowers grow on the top, floating on the water and swaying with the swamp current.

The breeze blows, and the white flowers sway, exuding bursts of fragrance.

Lear felt a little more relaxed when he saw this scenery.

At this moment, the wetland lizard man in front let out a cry of surprise.

He immediately came closer.

In the muddy water, you can see several huge three-toed footprints, several times thicker than a millstone, heading deep into the swamp.

An unknown life passed by here.

Judging from the appearance of the footprints, it is definitely a monster with a terrifying size.

Lear's heart trembled.

Although no dangerous aura was sensed.

But my inner vigilance increased again.

There are countless dangers in the swamp, so we must not be careless.

He glanced at the direction the other party was leaving, and silently noted it down for future exploration.

It seems that because of the remaining power of the flying dragon, except for the half-murloc just now, there are not many swamp monsters around.

The road was smooth and smooth, and after passing through a dense forest, Lear was shocked.

Ahead is an area filled with low haystacks.

Turbid water kept flowing between the haystacks.

These haystacks, which are no bigger than the insteps, are deeply rooted in the swamp, fixing the pieces of soil and forming stepping stones floating on the swamp.

It is also the most common thing in swamps.

When he stepped onto the haystack, Lear felt that the surroundings suddenly became dry.

The air in the swamp was originally as humid as returning to the southern sky, but now the moisture in the air seemed to have been sucked away by something.

Look around.

In the center of this swamp haystack, there is a large cluster of vines about twenty meters wide.

The root of the vine is as thick as a thigh, and the top shoots are about the size of a thumb.

What is striking is that the vines are dotted with stars, twinkling and shining under the sunlight.

It's like the stars are flowing.

Gives people a dreamy feeling.

Starry Sky Vine!

Lear's eyes lit up instantly.

This appearance is exactly like its name: Starry Sky.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is definitely not an ordinary thing.

Stare and look.

The opponent's attribute panel immediately came to mind.

starry sky vine

[Level]: 2 stars

[Characteristics]: 1. Tough. The texture is as tough as a steel rope, difficult to cut, and can grow quickly after breaking.

2. The starry sky can absorb starlight to grow, and can store starlight and turn it into magic power, which can speed up the physical recovery rate of surrounding life.

[Evaluation]: A unique vine in the swamp, but it needs the care of the vine fairy to survive.

Lear was pleasantly surprised.

This is actually a 2-star magic plant! !

Both properties are excellent, not to mention the tough texture. There is also a property that can speed up physical recovery?

This is used to build a house and is absolutely perfect!

However, the evaluation made him a little surprised - what kind of creature is this vine fairy?

While confused, he suddenly saw a strange creature the size of a fist flying through the vines out of the corner of his eye.

The opponent has a pair of green wings woven with vines, and when it flaps, a little green light shines from behind.

She has fair and soft skin, a round and chubby face, and is wearing a small vine skirt.

With a crown of thorns on her head, she looks like a little princess.

After falling on a vine, the strange creature saw a white flesh insect eating the vine, and frowned in distress.

With a wave of his hand, the starry sky vines erupted into spots of light, and the flesh insect seemed to be bounced off by a spring, flying far away and hitting a haystack.

The chubby little cute thing giggled and smiled contentedly.

Then he flapped his little wings and continued to patrol his territory.

Is this fist-sized, fleshy little guy the vine fairy?

It's too cute.

Lear was made cute.

If this thing were on Earth, it would definitely be a top national treasure.

Vine Fairy

[Level]: Level 5

[Potential]: 3 stars

[Racial Talent]: The gift of vines can absorb power from the vines and improve the level.

[Skills]: Grow fast (2 stars) It exudes unique energy and can greatly speed up the growth of vines.

Wonderful Journey (2 stars) can blend into vines, use vines to avoid enemies, and can move freely within vines. When entering the roots, it can control vines.

Sparkle (2 stars) Make yourself glow, giving off the light your vines need to grow.

[Evaluation]: Strange magical lives, they exist like flowers in spring and cicadas in summer.

3 star potential? !

Lear's eyes looked a little hot.

He keenly felt that these little cuties might be more precious treasures than the starry sky vines!

It is rare for the intelligence system to give such a special evaluation.

He didn't expect to have such an unexpected gain.

At this moment, the vine fairy who was traveling among the vines also noticed something strange and suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

The body turned into a point of light and merged directly into the vine.

Looking around, there is only a starry vine left.

This is that skill. A wonderful journey?

It's amazing.

While Lear was thinking, the wetland lizard man who was exploring ahead had already approached the vines.

Hu~ The branches of the starry sky vines suddenly danced like an octopus.

Whoosh~ The vines, which were tougher than steel ropes, hit the air, making a sharp explosion.

The wetland lizardman was immediately startled and retreated quickly.

If he was whipped, even armor could not stop it!

It was obviously not just luck that this bunch of vines could grow and multiply.

Watching the vines waving secretly, Li Er smiled a little.

What he liked most was these immovable lives. The magic power was running, and the mental power was fully opened.

A majestic and majestic pressure surged up.

It instantly enveloped the vines.

The remaining power of the gods!

At this moment, he could clearly sense that there were 16 breaths of life hidden in the vines.

The vine fairies who sensed the power of the gods did not hide unexpectedly, but showed their figures one by one with a little excitement.

They poked their heads out from the vines, nervous and excited, and looked at him with a little disbelief.

"Father God, you are back?!"

"I thought you forgot about us"

"Are you really the Father God?"

"Father God."

The excited and excited voice made Lear, who was ready to overpower others, a little surprised.

Father God?

This title, could it be that the vine fairies were created by the Swamp God?

With a move in his heart, he looked at these little guys lovingly.

"Children, the past is the past."

"I am back again."

"I will take back everything that belongs to us."

"Come home with me and start over."

These words made all the vine fairies excited.

Feeling the breath of the Swamp God that penetrated into their souls, they looked at him with tears in their eyes and flew over with their wings flapping.

"Father God!"

"Father God, you finally came to pick us up"

Lear smoothly imprinted a mark in his soul, looking at these fist-sized 3-star lives with eyes full of attachment and trust.

The emotions in his heart were also quite subtle.

Is this okay? Is it too simple? I am not used to it.

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