Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 73: Damn, a divine weapon?! No, it’s even more powerful than a divine weapon, the Horn of Pl

Chapter 73 Damn, a divine weapon? ! No, it's more powerful than a divine weapon - Horn of Plenty

When Lear first entered the swamp, he didn't dare to look at the level 9 stinking giant.

This is a high-level wild monster that he couldn't afford to offend.

But in just ten days, he didn't need to spend too much time to launch an attack.

He even just needed to watch the battle calmly from the back without any worries.

The only thing to do is, perhaps, once a wetland lizardman warrior is injured, the swamp gift will flow into his body in time.

Swamp wasps don't matter.

These assassins with thin blood, once attacked by the opponent, there is almost no possibility of survival.

The swarm tactics is to overwhelm the enemy with excessive numbers.

Once dispatched, it will be a fight to the death.

There is no need to consider casualties, just look at the results.

Under the crazy attack, the stinking giants fell one by one.

Soon half of them were killed.

Seeing this, Lear also had a strong sense of accomplishment.

It's like playing games before, when you can't beat some high-level bosses, so you practice a wave of levels in the low-level area, and challenge them when you are stronger.

Then you can easily chop off the high-level boss with joy.

The power in your hands is accumulated bit by bit. Now is the time to check the results.


The singing of the swamp banshee is still loud, disturbing the stinking giants all the time.

You will be in a trance if you are not careful.

On the battlefield, a moment of slowness determines life and death!

Killing madness.

Under the powerful force, the stinking giants were quickly harvested

And they have no weapons, so if they want to kill the mud wasps, they can only rely on their hands and feet.

To deal with lives like wetland lizardmen warriors, relying on powerful strength will not be bad.

But to deal with a group of insects, using hands and feet seems pale and powerless.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The number of stinking giants is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end, only the sound of mud wasps flapping their wings is left on the field.

The battle lasted from the beginning to the end, and it didn't even take more than ten minutes. The two squadrons of smelly giant monsters had all fallen.

Looking up, the half-hidden and half-visible ruins were still hidden in the void.

The ground was covered with huge remains of bones, and blood dyed the soil, moss and grass red.

The ferocious wasps were still circling in the sky.

Several scenes were reflected on each other, and this scene was quite visually impactful.

"Gather all the corpses."

After Lear gave the order, he looked at the building hidden in the void.

With a thought, some of the swamp wasps above his head flew directly into it.

It was like passing through a water curtain and disappeared without a trace.

In a blink of an eye, they flew out again.


Lear felt a little relieved and waved his hand to let the two teams of wetland lizardmen warriors around him enter first.

The two teams entered and explored it, and it was still safe.

After the second confirmation, Lear waved his hand and let the two-headed ogre chief and Hags enter again. This time, he stepped into it after confirming that it was safe.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. If you want to live long, it is better to be cautious.

Passing through the void like a water curtain, Lear felt a little obstruction on his body, and then he passed through directly.

His vision suddenly changed.

A unique ruins appeared in front of him.

The sky was gray and the light was dim.

Under his feet was a semicircular open space with a diameter of more than 300 meters, paved with blue stone slabs, with large patches of cracks on it.

Behind him, it was pitch black and nothingness.

The moment he looked over, he immediately felt an unspeakable sense of crisis.

It seemed that as long as he stepped into it, he would be deprived of his life.

A word suddenly emerged in his mind-endless void.

Outside the main plane, there is an endless void, with nothing in it, no magic, no air, only endless nothingness.

Ordinary people who enter it will have their souls eroded by the void in a breath.

Only gods can cross the endless void.

This relic building is hidden in such a dangerous place.

Lear took a deep breath and looked forward.

In front of the wide square is a towering stone building that has collapsed for the most part.

A large number of gray pillars support the house, which is more than 20 meters high.

But at this moment, the roof has collapsed, and the pillars are tilted to all directions.

On several intact pillars, there are carvings of the revival of all things and the scenery full of vitality.

Carefully identify, it can be vaguely seen that this building seems to be used for sacrifice.

After Lear looked at it for a while, the intelligence system suddenly flashed and refreshed the prompt.

[You entered the sacrificial hall of the Mother Earth Goddess hidden in the void, and obtained a piece of information-in the center of the sacrificial hall, in the statue of the Mother Earth Goddess, there is a special treasure hidden-the Horn of Plenty, which needs to be broken to obtain the statue of the Mother Earth Goddess. Note that when breaking the statue, you will be hit by the power of God. ]

Seeing the sudden prompt, Lear's eyes lit up immediately.

Mother Earth Goddess? ! !

Special treasure - Horn of Plenty? !

Wow, here is actually a sacrifice to the Mother Earth!

This is the main god with countless believers in the Nor plane.

Neutral and lawful camp.

Almost all life on the main plane has enough respect for the Mother Earth.

This is the mother of the earth, the source of countless lives.

It is also the god with the most temples and the most believers in the Nor main plane.

I didn't expect this to be the other party's sacrificial hall, and there are special treasures hidden here, but the problem is that you have to break the statue to get it.

As long as it is an intelligent life, it is difficult to do such a thing, and it is also very bold to dare to break the statue of the Mother Goddess.

This is still hanging high in the sky, the kingdom of God is located in the endless void, and it often descends the mighty existence of God.

Who dares to blaspheme God? !

But after Lear took a deep breath, his eyes were full of excitement.

Friends who often act as gods should know that everyone is a god, so there is no blasphemy.

Waving his hand, he took the two heroes into the sacrificial hall that had collapsed for the most part.

After entering, he immediately saw the statue of the Mother Goddess in the center.

Her face was full of kindness, she wore a wreath woven from wheat ears and fruits on her head, and a cloak woven from various foods on her body, and her eyes were gentle.

Just seeing the other party's statue, you can feel the feeling of being bathed in spring breeze.

The surrounding area was cleaned very cleanly.

Those smelly giant monsters obviously dared not show any disrespect to the statue of the Earth Mother.

Calming down, he turned his head and looked at Hagus.

"Go and smash the statue."

Hagus was stunned for a moment, but without any hesitation, he strode forward.

He raised the steel knife in his hand and was about to chop it down.

But the next second, a fierce pressure came.

It was like a mountain thousands of feet high collapsing and countless stars smashing into the earth. That majesty was simply not something that mortals could resist.

It directly shook the soul!

Hagus spurted out a mouthful of blood, his breath weakened, and his eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

At this moment, he seemed to be noticed by the majestic and supreme existence.

Lear narrowed his eyes slightly.

He strode forward and pressed his right hand on the statue.

The swamp godhead in his body glowed with a light blue light, emitting endless pressure.

It directly enveloped the statue.

But at this moment, Lear suddenly felt that a vague and kind face appeared in his mind.

Like the affinity of a sixty- or seventy-year-old grandmother who has done good deeds all her life.

"God of the Swamp. Are you awake?"

"No, that's not right. Are you the successor of the God of the Swamp?"

"The Horn of Plenty has been lost for countless years. I didn't expect you to find it."

"I used this treasure a long time ago. Although it is not high-level, it is quite meaningful to me. The artifact I am using now, called the Crown of Plenty, is because of this treasure."

"I will help you unlock its seal. Young successor, I hope you can carry the power of the God of the Swamp and let the swamp rise again."

"May the earth bless you."

As the voice fell, the kind face disappeared quietly, and the power left on the statue was completely consumed.

At the same time, the statue of the Mother Earth Goddess collapsed directly.

Then countless rays of light flowed out of the statue.

In the air, it condensed into a snow-white jade-like horn that was as long as an arm and curved.

The Horn of Plenty.

Lear held the treasure in his hand, and his eyes became quite subtle.

He never expected that the Earth Mother Goddess would suddenly appear in front of him.

He also didn't expect that she would give him the Horn of Plenty.

There is a reason why this Mother Goddess is respected by everyone.

Her character is just like the earth, which can accommodate everything in the world.

Everything on earth and the source of life all come from the Earth Mother Goddess, and she doesn't seem to need anything to decorate.

As long as the main plane is not destroyed and life lasts forever, whether it is good or bad, the Earth Mother Goddess will exist forever.

This is the confidence of this Mother Goddess who has stood tall in several battles of the gods.

He took a deep breath and looked at the Horn of Plenty in his hand that was unsealed by the Earth Mother Goddess.

How powerful can a treasure used by this great god be?

He looked at the attribute panel in his mind with expectation.

Horn of Plenty

[Level]: Special

[Features]: 1. Plenty, bless the area with good weather and good harvests, shorten the growth cycle of crops by 30%, and increase the yield by 30%.

2. Livestock is prosperous. You can bind 5 kinds of livestock and poultry, shorten their growth cycle by 50%, and increase their weight limit by 30%.

3. No disasters or diseases. The lives in the shelter are no longer attacked by diseases, and it is no longer difficult to produce cubs.

[Evaluation]: This treasure used by the Mother Earth Goddess has endless uses.

After reading the properties of the Horn of Plenty, Lear suddenly felt dry in his mouth and his breathing quickened.

This treasure is amazing! !

This fucking artifact is just like this, right? !

No, this is more powerful than an artifact! !

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