Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 74: Making a Huge Profit

Increase food production, shorten planting cycle, reduce livestock growth cycle, increase weight limit, plus immunity to diseases, safe birth of cubs

The three attributes of the Horn of Plenty, any one of them is considered top-notch.

Add the three together. What is the artifact? This is the artifact!

Blood profit, blood profit! !

Lear's breathing was trembling.

This treasure is used to develop the territory, it is absolutely amazing! !

Mother Goddess of the Earth, you are the eternal god!

Suddenly, he couldn't wait to return to the territory.

Now, he just wanted to reclaim the farmland immediately, plant wheat, and then bind the three-tailed pigs and dragon blood red fish to make them grow!

The appearance of this treasure has suddenly increased the foundation of the City of Weirdo!

And the stronger the territory, the greater the role of this treasure, it is simply unlimited potential!

After calming down, let the two-headed ogre chieftain, who is in a better state, continue searching with the wetland lizard warriors.

But unfortunately, no more discoveries were made.

The stinking giant monster seemed to simply regard this place as its base.

However, this time, with the Horn of Plenty in hand, it has already made a lot of money, so what else does it need?

After confirming that there was no gain, Li Er came to the broken statue, put his right hand on his chest and bowed.

Then he left the ruins.

Passing through the water curtain-like space and coming outside, the bubble beast just collected all the corpses.

The fragments of limbs scattered around were swallowed up by the mud wasp, and the blood on the ground was also licked by it, making the field look much cleaner.

The daily food of these ferocious insects is various lives in the swamp.

The swamp is rich in life, not only ferocious wild monsters, but also a large number of insects. They can also maintain a large population by hunting.

However, because of this, the number of their population will always be limited.

Food is a problem that is always difficult to avoid.

Once there are too many members, filling the stomach every day will become a heavy burden.

This may be the biggest difference between hunting and farming.

Gather the army and return directly to the territory.

There was no conversation along the way.

Li Er returned to the city of Wei Lu in excitement, and the moment he stepped onto the territory.

He felt something in his heart, and immediately clenched the Horn of Plenty in his hand, and immersed himself in it.

The next moment, a special feeling came to his mind.

In the future, as long as the Horn of Plenty is placed in the territory, with Wei Lu City as the center - a radius of 50 kilometers, residents can be protected by the Horn of Plenty for development, occupation, farming, and breeding.

Once you leave the territory, you will lose the bonus.

A radius of 50 kilometers, which almost covers the entire silt swamp!

Li Er laughed.

He waved his hand to let Bubble Beast transport the corpse to the swamp treeman area, and he couldn't wait to come to the pig farm 3 kilometers away in the southeast direction.

Looking at the three-tailed pigs humming in the pen and eating wild grass sweetly, his heart was full of expectations.

With a thought, the mind mobilized the Horn of Plenty.

The next moment, the breath of the three-tailed pigs was imprinted in the Horn of Plenty.

Then a new attribute appeared on the panel-

Prosperous animal husbandry, can bind 5 kinds of livestock and poultry, shorten their growth cycle by 50%, and increase their weight limit by 30%. Already bound (three-tailed pig).


It only takes three months for the three-tailed pig to grow to 600 kg.

If the growth cycle is shortened by 50%, it will only take one and a half months to grow to 600 kg.

45 days, 600 kg, an average of 13.3 kg per day?

Li Er smacked his lips, feeling a little outrageous.

Can you eat more than ten kilograms of meat a day? ?

Moreover, with the horn of plenty, the three-tailed pig can be immune to the invasion of diseases, and there will be no problem of dystocia when giving birth to cubs.

You can eat and give birth freely! !

This is too cool, right? !

The pig farming business is about to take off! !


The swamp people and Delsa people who were responsible for taking care of the three-tailed pigs on the side watched their master laugh at the pigs at the door of the pigpen.

Suddenly, everyone was curious.

What did the lord see? He could laugh so happily in front of the pigs?

After he left, several people curiously stood where he stood and tried to laugh.

Li Er, who had not walked far, heard the movement behind him and turned his head to look, and his face was suddenly black.

These top-notch creatures, do you think I am happy to look at the pigs?

Several swamp people felt something was wrong, turned their heads, and were immediately frightened to the point of shaking legs and cold backs, and ran to work.

Li Er, who was in a good mood, twitched his mouth, and was too lazy to pay attention to these guys. After returning to the territory, he immediately came to the fish farm in the north.

Standing on the shore, these colorful, long-bearded 2-star magical creatures were happily eating fishtail grass.

This was in stark contrast to the way he refused to speak even in the past few days.

Even if the strategic value of the dragon blood red fish is not as great as that of the three-tailed pig, it is definitely a treasure.

As long as it can be developed, no one can ignore it in the future.

But the question is, is fish considered livestock or poultry?

With a thought.

He tried to engrave the breath of the dragon blood red fish into the Horn of Plenty.

After a while, the dragon blood red fish quietly appeared in the binding list of the Horn of Plenty.

Lear was overjoyed.

It worked again!

It is indeed a treasure used by the Mother Goddess of the Earth. What a treasure, what a treasure! !

Looking at the dragon blood red fish swimming in the water, he was full of joy.

The problem of the other party opening their mouths to eat has been solved, and the next step is to study how to breed dragon blood red fish.

The reproduction of fish is not like livestock such as three-tailed pigs, which lay thousands or even tens of thousands of eggs at a time.

In the wild, the growth of fry will be threatened by various natural enemies, and there are very few fry that can grow up, so a large number is needed to improve the survival rate.

But it is different when raising them at home, and you can do enough homework to ensure the survival rate.

As long as the dragon blood red fish can lay eggs and reproduce, its number will increase explosively.

And the characteristic of shortening the growth cycle by 50% can make the dragon blood red fish grow faster.

After calming down, Li Er only felt that the sun was shining and the world became bright.

At present, two kinds have been bound, and three kinds of livestock can be found for breeding. Hahaha.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

After this busy time, it was already afternoon, and Li Er did not go out hunting again.

Step to the swamp tree man.

At this time, more than 200 corpses of smelly giant monsters were piled up by bubble beasts on the green grass.

They formed a small hill.

The internal organs, bones, flesh and blood, plus the pungent stench, formed a purgatory scene.

But Lear's eyes were always calm.

The high-intensity battles during this period have already made him grow up.

The bloody corpses can no longer have any impact on him.

He has grown into a qualified pioneer lord who survives and develops in the wilderness.

Steel knives and blood are the eternal theme of this land.

He took a deep breath and turned his head to look at the mosquito queen who was tightly tied by the tree roots.

"Feed them 10 corpses."

The swamp tree man immediately responded.

The tree roots were like the tentacles of an octopus, slowly wriggling, rolling up the corpse, and then inserting the mosquito queen's mouthparts into the corpse.


The mosquito queen instinctively began to suck, and didn't care whether there was blood or not.

The broken corpse was eroded by the digestive juices contained in the mouthparts, gradually turning into blood and flesh, and was swallowed up.

This time, not even the skin was left.

The ten corpses were quickly swallowed up. The mosquito queen's life breath recovered a lot.

But the next moment, the swamp tree man who used roots to penetrate her body sucked up the vitality.

Firmly control its state.

The corpse was swallowed, and the abdomen began to wriggle. Pieces of blood essence fell to the ground.

Ten broken corpses of the stinking giant monster produced 60 pieces of blood essence.

Obviously, the energy contained in the 9th level stinking giant monster is more considerable.

Li Er did not pick up the blood essence, but looked up at the sky.

With a thought, dozens of muddy wasps flew down, grabbed the blood essence with their hairy feet, and took off steadily.

These 60 pieces of blood essence are enough for all muddy wasps to replenish their original energy and restore their lifespan.

After this matter was settled, he looked at the Flesh Slaughterer in the distance.

This divine life that was still transforming was guarded by the Swamp Treeman day and night, but the other party still showed no signs of waking up.

Divinity is the energy born in the body of the gods, which is countless levels higher than ordinary magic.

Once awakened, it will have extremely terrifying power.

Interestingly, the intelligence system prompted that the Dark Naga also had divinity in its hands, and after fusion, it could enhance the strength of the Flesh Slaughterer.

But the intelligence value of 4 stars also destined those Dark Nagas to be extremely difficult to deal with. They can be explored in the early stage, but the real strategy can only be said after the Flesh Slaughterer wakes up.

He was unwilling to consume a lot of manpower to take risks. This world is not a game, and there is no chance to start over.

Accumulating strength, and waiting for enough confidence to flatten the previous powerful enemies, this is the right way to develop.

While thinking, he was not vague and asked the Swamp Treeman to move the remaining corpses to the side of the Flesh Slaughterer.

No matter what the situation, the divine life is the absolute priority.

The next moment, the Flesh Slaughterer emitted a faint blood-red light, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped the corpse.

Crack~ The corpse quickly weathered and shattered.

When the surrounding corpses turned into residues and all the flesh and blood energy was devoured, the Flesh Slaughterer's body suddenly trembled.

A hazy and vague emotion was transmitted.

Hungry. Hungry

Lear was stunned at first, and then very surprised.

After all the crazy feeding during this period, there was finally movement!!

Immediately conveyed a comforting emotion.

But the other party's hazy thoughts continued to come.

Hungry. Food Hungry

Conveyed simple thoughts over and over again.

After a moment, the thoughts were disconnected, and the Flesh Slaughterer returned to its previous state again.

Lear's eyes were slightly condensed.

The previous feeding was not in vain, but it was far from enough.

More flesh and blood feeding is needed.

Once this divine life wakes up, he will have an absolute trump card in his hand!

After waiting for a moment, confirming that the Flesh Slaughterer was no longer moving, Lear also regained his calm.

While thinking, he looked at the swamp tree man.

He raised the bent treasure in his hand.

"This is the Horn of Plenty, a treasure given to me by the Mother Earth."

"You bury it underground and protect it with roots."

"No one can move it without my permission."

The Horn of Plenty must be placed in the territory to take effect.

In the future, I will definitely go to various places in the swamp, and even leave the swamp to explore the wilderness.

This treasure cannot be carried with me all the time.

"Yes, master."

The swamp tree man replied solemnly.

They cannot move, so they are the perfect candidates for guarding.

After arranging this matter, Lear thought of the mutant pitcher plant he obtained yesterday.

Can the horn of plenty shorten the growth cycle of the mutant pitcher plant?

Is this thing also considered a crop?

He came to the south of the city of micro-dew with great interest. There was a vacant land here, and the mutant pitcher plants had been planted.

Each plant was ten meters apart, and these 20 plants occupied a lot of land.

At this moment, the pitcher plant was still a seedling, the size of a palm, with small leaves, and nothing special could be seen.

The roots were buried in the wet mud, and water flowed from both sides.

The roots of the pitcher plant extended out of the soil, swaying in the muddy water, drinking water like a water pipe, and a small string of bubbles emerged.

He could clearly feel that with sufficient water supply, the roots of the pitcher plant were growing rapidly.

Although it doesn't grow as fast as the colorful moss, it's still several times faster than ordinary plants.

The characteristic of the pitcher plant is that it can grow quickly with sufficient water. Combined with the characteristics of the horn of plenty, it becomes quite extraordinary.

At this rate, it may not take long to see the mutant pitcher plant grow and mature.

Thinking of the sweet nectar, Lear's mood improved a bit.

Collecting various plants and livestock to cultivate and raise, and developing the territory bit by bit, this feeling makes him a little addicted.

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