Swamp Lord: I have an intelligence system

Chapter 75 Huge Harvest Level 11, Cold-Blooded Cavalry

Chapter 75 Huge Harvest - Level 11, Cold-blooded Cavalry

The next day, when the sky was bright and he could barely see his fingers, Li Er had already gotten up to call the army.

At noon on August 17, a group of wandering wetland lizardmen will pass by 20 kilometers from the west. These wetland lizardmen have the forbidden secret recipe for cultivating the unique lizardmen's army - cold-blooded cavalry.

Intelligence value - 2 stars.

Today's intelligence is time-sensitive. If you miss it, you may not be able to find the opponent's trace.

A 20-kilometer journey is not short in the swamp. If you set out in advance, there will be enough preparation space.

After the army gathered, they set out immediately, and the black swamp wasps were in the sky.

The marching speed was very fast. In just two hours, they had walked more than ten kilometers.

The sky was bright, the sun was dim in the sky, and the clouds gradually brightened.

Suddenly, a group of swamp wasps returned from the front, and their wings roared. An emotion surged into my mind - the enemy was found ahead!

These flying creatures have gradually replaced the wetland lizardmen and become the main scouts.

Li Er's eyes condensed, and he immediately gathered the army and went to explore.

After walking forward for hundreds of meters, his pace gradually slowed down. He carefully pushed aside the leaves in front of him, and a group of very strange creatures appeared in his sight.

Tall and strong body, gray skin is very rough, circles of fat on the surface of the body drooped down, forming a pile like a swimming ring on the body.

Small eyes, wide mouth like a square, short and thick limbs.

Mud hippopotamus, level 6, potential 2 stars.

At this moment, these forty mud hippopotamus are gathering together, raising their short and thick hands in the mud and water, shouting something crazy.

Everyone holds a piece of white bones in his hand.

Crazy look.

Woo! Woo!

Woo! Woo!

After a series of shouts, suddenly, the white bones in his hand emit a dark light.

It was like a demon poking its head out of the abyss, and the air was filled with an evil breath that made people's backs cold.

Enveloping everyone.

The next moment.

The evil suddenly poured into the body of the mud hippopotamus, and the breath on his body became crazy.

His eyes suddenly became ferocious, and the breath emanating from his body became dark.

A word suddenly emerged in Lear's mind: evil god sacrifice.

The evil gods who live in the bottomless abyss and unknown dimensional planes, who control the power of evil paths, are always spying on the rich and abundant main plane.

Even the big cities that are strictly controlled by the church will inevitably be infiltrated.

The wilderness without the church's power is even more densely populated by evil god believers.

In the wilderness where the law of the jungle is rampant, you must have enough power to survive.

But unfortunately, most people are just hunted.

The evil gods who are always spying on the main plane can directly give power to their believers, and respond to the believers' prayers in time, which can almost satisfy all the desires of the believers.

Although the price is - corruption and depravity.

But, if there is no hope of living, then isn't depravity a kind of rebirth? !

Lear could faintly feel the evil breath coming from the void, looking at each other from a distance.

That was a look from an unknown place far away from the main plane.

In a moment, the sacrifice of the silt hippopotamus was completed, and a new status bar appeared on their panel.

Depravity progress: 20%.

The evil gaze also disappeared at this moment.

As long as the sacrifice continues, these hippopotamus will soon be completely depraved.

He was a little curious, what would it be like to be completely depraved?

However, if they dare to get involved with the evil god, it is impossible to let them survive.

He raised his right hand and waved it slightly.

"Et. Leave two alive, and the others, life or death."

The two-headed ogre chieftain beside him suddenly clenched the thick mace in his hand and rushed forward with a grin.

The silt hippopotamus was still immersed in the excitement of being watched by the evil god.

Seeing the two-headed ogre chieftain suddenly rushing out of the woods, he was shocked at first, and then furious.

Bastard, dare to interrupt their worship of the true God!

The first seven or eight rushed forward in anger, and when they saw the mace coming, they raised their hands and tried to grab it.

The two-headed ogre chief felt humiliated when he saw this, and the muscles of his arms bulged high, and his strength burst out again.


The mace hit the other party's grasping palm, and it was instantly smashed into pieces, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

The power did not decrease, and it hit the other party's head, and the bones and flesh burst instantly, splashing all over the sky.

Evil god believer?

Even if he is the offspring of the evil god, he must die!

The two-headed ogre chief, who is nearly three meters tall and has a level of 11, is like a god of war!

The four teams of mud hippopotamus are like children facing a rhinoceros rushing forward, and they can't stop it at all.

The mace that made a whirring sound of breaking through the air, if it touched it, it would be dead, and if it touched it, it would be disabled.

In the end, he smashed all the mud hippopotamus of the four teams alive by himself!

Covered in blood and mud, he looked like a demon crawling out of the swamp.

Lear watched the scene silently.

Since he enslaved the other party, he had never properly understood the combat power of this ogre.

Seeing that the situation was settled, he felt relieved.

Unlike the wetland lizardmen who had both skills and strength, the two-headed ogre chief relied more on surging brute force to crush the enemy.

But his height of nearly 3 meters also gave him the confidence.

This is a fierce hero who is suitable for charging forward and tearing the enemy's formation.

After making an accurate evaluation, Li Er waved his hand and asked the wetland lizardmen to go up and clean up the battlefield and collect the remains.

Soon, several silt hippopotamus who could still breathe were brought over.

Plop~ They were thrown directly into the mud and water, in a miserable state.

Li Er looked at these lives that were more than two meters tall and as fat as pigs, and was about to speak.

The eyes of the silt hippopotamus suddenly became misty.

"My God is eternal!"

"Those who blaspheme will be burned by my God and enslaved and trampled for generations!"

The moment the roar fell, the body trembled, and the breath of life suddenly dissipated like a candle that was blown out.

No one survived.

Li Er swallowed the words in his mouth again, frowning slightly.

Is this the believer of the evil god?

He was secretly alert in his heart. If he met them again in the future, he would either destroy them with the power of thunder or use the swamp banshee to fascinate the soul.

It must not be inferred by common sense.

The army continued to search, but unfortunately, no valuable spoils were found. The bones held by the silt hippopotamus during the sacrifice were just ordinary bones.

The final harvest was these sturdy hippopotamus bodies, plus vigilance against the evil god believers.

All in all, it was a small profit.

After the corpses were collected, the bubble beast immediately blew bubbles and put them in.

These are all food to feed the flesh and blood butcher.

Li Er looked at the bubbles floating off the ground and smiled with satisfaction.

These little guys are really useful.

During the battle, they can provide long-range support, during the ambush, they can create traps, and after the battle, they can act as porters and bring a lot of spoils.

Almost perfect.

He is now looking forward to the scene after all the bubble beasts hatch in two months.

Perhaps, if they continue to develop in the future, they can establish a heavy artillery support unit?

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, the scene of hundreds of bubble bombs bombarding every minute is exciting to think about.

At that time, let Donya produce more black-spotted bloodworm powder, and collect it while burning the poisonous fog and load it into the bubble bomb.

Let the bubble have magic damage and poison damage.

After a small battle, the army continued to move forward.

Then they encountered two more gathering places of wild monsters, but they were all in the scale of ten or twenty people, and the level was only four or five.

There was no challenge at all, and they pushed it directly, and harvested dozens of extra corpses.

After rushing at a high speed, when the time came to 11 o'clock, Li Er looked at the flashing point on the magic map and waved to stop the army.

We're here!

His eyes became sharp.

"Hagus, disperse the wetland lizardmen and be on high alert in this area."

"Today, a group of wandering wetland lizardmen will pass by here."

"The City of Weirdo needs to absorb new warriors!"

"In addition, they have the secret method of cold-blooded cavalry."

The wetland lizardman hero's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

The secret method of the cold-blooded cavalry? !

He knew that the Lord's words were never false!

Praise the Lord! !

"As you wish, great Lord!"

Li Er smiled and asked the other party to go down to make arrangements.

Looking at the sparse jungle, everything in the swamp was reflected in his eyes.

He was used to the wetland lizardmen. These warriors who did not know pain and were brave and fearless were all advantages.

The only disadvantage was that there were too few of them.

The six teams that died in the last hunt for half-fishmen still made him feel heartbroken.

I just hope that there will be enough wetland lizardmen this time.

Swamp wasps cannot replace warriors who fight head-on.

These assassins with high attack and thin blood are too prone to large-scale losses. It is better to use them as strategic forces at the bottom of the box.

After the wetland lizardmen dispersed, the swamp wasps also spread out to be on guard.

The exploration efficiency of flying life is obviously more than one level higher than that of land life.

However, it was somewhat unexpected that half an hour later, the first to send the news were the wetland lizardmen.

They heard the sound of the foreign wetland lizardmen warning that the other party was coming in this direction.

Lear took a deep breath, and his heart was in high spirits.

He did not hesitate and immediately summoned the army to go.

Twenty minutes later, they came to a muddy area with low grass and trees and only knee-high.

The mud below was soft, and ordinary people could easily sink directly when they stepped on it.

But the wetland lizardmen stood firmly on it with their open flippers.

Looking around, there were at least three or four hundred wetland lizardmen.

They had thick palm-sized scales on their bodies, thick tails, sharp claws, and a height of 1.7 meters.

The lizard head on the neck was hideous and cruel, and the amber eyes exuded cold murderous intent.

This was a group of ferocious beasts and crazy warriors.

Blocking in front of them were two teams of heavily armored warriors from the City of Weil.

In comparison, the warrior who had been upgraded to level 7 was much better than the other side.

With the equipment on his body, he looked even more majestic.

The two were like a contrast between civilization and barbarism.

The two sides were facing each other not far away, and they were also talking quickly in Lizardman language.

After Lier arrived, the eyes of those foreign wetland lizardmen immediately became alert.

The tone of the two people talking in front also became fierce.

But before they could make any move.

Suddenly, I felt my vision dim.

He looked up subconsciously.

Countless, ferocious black and yellow wasps gathered in the sky, covering the entire sky.

The buzzing sound of wings pierced the eardrums.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

But it wasn't over yet. Behind the human, wetland lizard warriors wearing heavy armor and holding steel knives appeared one after another.

Seeing this scene, the wandering wetland lizard man was in a commotion again, his eyes wary, alert, worried and envious all at the same time.

A bright, standard full set of metal armor.

This is equipment they can only dream about.

Now, everyone has these strange kin, and they also have steel knives!

Dear God of the Lizardmen, were those steel knives forged by dwarves? Why does it look so sharp?

I feel like my saliva is going to flow out.

Why are my own people so luxurious, just because they took refuge in that human being?

Looking at Lear again, his eyes immediately became subtle.

If the other party is willing to use their own kind, is it possible to use them as well?

In the conversation with the other party just now, I could hear the full sense of superiority.

No, that’s not right, they are lizard people, how can they take refuge with humans? But their own kind can do it, why can’t they?

Countless thoughts trembled in my mind.

When the atmosphere became tense, a strong figure approached from the side.


Lear looked at Haggis and said slowly.

"Go and negotiate with the other party to see if you can let them join Weilu City."

Courtesy first, then attack. If the opponent has a strong will to resist, then you can only cripple them first and then talk about other things.

The wetland lizard man hero, who was nearly two meters tall, immediately strode forward.

When he came to the confrontation area, he glanced around and scolded him mercilessly in lizard language.

What surprised Lear was that the wandering swamp lizardmen didn't respond.

Hagus's saliva sprayed all over their faces, but he still endured it.

Just let him be scolded.

This was not the attitude just now.

Then Haggis, still not relieved, rushed directly into the opponent's formation and started shouting reprimands.

Just like a grandpa teaching his grandson.

The scene looked rather strange.

Not long after, Hagus came over with a lizard leader who was shorter than him.

"Lord, I have taken over them, and they are all willing to join Weilu City"


Is this the end?

Lear looked at the wetland lizard man leader behind him who looked aggrieved, and he was still a little uneasy.

Are you a god or am I a god? Why does my little brother kowtow to you when he sees you?

He had prepared so much and concentrated all his strength, preparing to defeat them and then enslave them. In the end, he was scolded by you and was honest?

Seeing Lear's doubts, Hagus said softly.

"Lord, the superiors in our clan have direct jurisdiction over the inferiors."

"There are no heroes among them."

He was also a little proud as he said that his power was also given by the Lord!

So, just because the opponent has no heroes, you just take them over?

Is it so sloppy?

The corner of Lear's mouth twitched, he was used to looking at these lives from a human perspective, and he didn't change his mind for a while.

Later, after Haggis explained it, I understood.

The wetland lizard people have a unique and strict distribution of upper and lower classes. Those with strong strength automatically become the upper class, and those with weak strength are the lower class.

Once you determine your identity class, you will immediately enter this system.

The superior has absolute control over the inferior.

This is a trait engraved in the souls of the wetland lizardfolk.

In this way, once a battle occurs, the strongest force can be gathered instantly, and there will be no situation where there is no one to command.

This is a rule derived from survival.

Lear was amazed when he heard this. This is unimaginable among humans.

All troubles can be solved by status and strength alone. Those great nobles who were murdered by their subordinates and the kings who were killed by nobles would never appear at all.

Looking at the dark heads in front of me, I felt very good.

"Where did you come from and how many of you are there now?"

The leader of the wetland lizardmen beside Hags whispered.

"We have been wandering in the wilderness, looking for habitat. There are now more than 400 people."

Wandering without a place to stay is the daily life of many wilderness races.

When Hagus heard this, his eyes softened. He also lived this kind of life before he took refuge in the Lord.

But now, he has found his faith and pursuit.

"Do you have a secret method for cultivating cold-blooded cavalry?"

The leader of the wetland lizardmen was stunned and said hesitantly.

"The secret method of the cold-blooded cavalry? No. I don't know any secret method."

The cold-blooded cavalry is the trump card among the lizardmen. How can he have such a thing?

No? !

Lear frowned slightly.

Just when he was about to speak, the other party suddenly patted his head.

He took out a tattered and yellowed parchment roll from his arms.

"I got this from the tribe elder before, but I can't understand that this is what you are talking about?"

Lear looked attentively.

The properties panel comes to mind.

The Forbidden Secrets of the Lizardmen

[Level]: Special

[Characteristics]: After the lizard man soaks all the secrets with blood, he can automatically control the secrets, which other races cannot obtain. This secret method can cultivate a level 11 lizardman unit with a potential of 3 stars - cold-blooded cavalry.

[Evaluation]: The secret of the lizardmen.

Li Er's mood instantly became extremely excited!

Cold-blooded cavalry, 3-star potential, level 11!!

Together with the more than 400 wandering wetland lizardmen, he has a total of 500 to 600 in his hands.

If all of them are transformed into cold-blooded cavalry, it will definitely be a fierce force that no one can ignore!

Hahaha. This is going to take off!!

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