This is no longer something that Alice can master by dictation. Rhine-driven magic quickly imprints the reference answers in her mind on pieces of paper magic conductors.

Although Olivia's infinite energy does not include magic power, it is only mortal-level magic. Using various tricks to avoid magic power expenditure is not a big problem for Rhine.

Before I knew it, it was getting late,

Rhine glanced at the clock.

It's almost early morning.

However, after waiting for a long time, Rhine still did not see Alice visiting.

what happened?

Rhine opened the drawer, took out the sound transmission magic device prepared by the Grand Master, and asked the Grand Master to call Alice.

And heard Rhine's request.

After being woken up, the Grand Master was very happy when she saw the communication from Lain, but after hearing Lain's request, her body trembled.

Late at night, the lover sent a message, not as a greeting of love, nor to express lovesickness, but to let her send other women into his home...

This absurd order seemed to be a mockery of her, and it also seemed like another ruthless test of her bottom line by this sadistic lover...

This pain and humiliation gave the Grand Master's voice a faintly emotional vibrato.

It seemed that he had entered the role, and even the great mentor's tone became respectful.

"I understand, I will bring her to you...please wait."

In a sense.

She is happier now.


After a while,

Alice opened the door of Rhine's room furtively.

As soon as the Moonlight King entered the room, she looked around with wide eyes. After she didn't find anything she wanted to see, she looked a little confused.

Rhine asked: "What happened today?"

Alice smiled shyly: "No... I thought something would happen to His Highness Rhine."

After a moment of silence, Rhine figured out the cause and effect.

"You don't mean to say..."

Rhine: "Have you met Wei Lin?"

Alice smiled: "I heard that she is coming to serve His Highness, so... wouldn't it be embarrassing if I showed up at this time?"

Alice is not the kind of woman who is ignorant.

Not to mention,

She couldn't beat Wei Lin yet.

Therefore, the reason why Alice was absent today was because she had anticipated that something would happen between Weilin and Rhine tonight, so she took the initiative to avoid it to make space for the two of them.

Rhine smiled speechlessly:

"You guys... are quite generous."

When Alice heard this, the smile on her face disappeared immediately. The girl hugged her body pitifully and said in a charming voice:

"I'm not that kind of stingy woman. As long as His Highness likes it and His Highness is happy, I will be happy too."

The Elf Queen stepped forward,

A soft smile appeared on his face:

"Then...such a sensible Alice will surely please His Highness, right?"

With that said, Alice walked over.


"Wait a moment."

Rhine stopped Alice, who was already extremely thirsty:

"Don't do anything else today, just concentrate on your studies."

Alice licked her lips and said with spring in her eyes: "No...if Your Highness can cooperate with some strong methods to educate me, your queen lover may learn faster?"

"I can't teach you to memorize papers while being distracted by other things."

Rhine shook his head helplessly, and after saying that, he took out two piles of files like bricks from under the desk.


Rhine calmly announced: "Before the third holy trial, memorize them all."

Alice: "..."

Looking at the information, which was probably hundreds of pages long, Alice's fiery body seemed to have calmed down a lot.

The corners of Alice's mouth twitched.

Only now does she understand...

She should have come earlier.

Unlike the King of the Broken Moon and the King of the Upper Moon,

Alice's next opponent is a mage king who is proficient in magic.

King of the Flame Moon.

True to her title, the late king understood the true meaning of the phenomenon of burning and derived her entire spell system from it.

She is proficient in the transformation of energy and the reconstruction of spells. Through a set of self-created burning formulas, the King of Flame Moon can ignite any spell and make it undergo a qualitative change.

in other words,

This Moonlight King can throw any spell as an explosion.

Sounds pretty awesome.

Yet she still has huge weaknesses.

Although the Moonlight King has ferocious firepower, there are too many new things in her original formula. Without the trial, error and improvement of predecessors, the reliability of this new system is very low, and many unexpected low-level mistakes have been made.

Her power comes from her burning formula, but if you want to defeat her, you must start with the burning formula.

The information on Rhine's left hand side is a complete analysis of the Flame Moon King's burning formula and the supporting techniques to decipher it.

Rhine: "You must memorize these contents verbatim, and you must be able to use them as skillfully as possible. You have three days."

Alice nodded with difficulty, and then pointed to a very thick piece of information on Rhine's right hand side.

Alice: "What are these?"

Rhine: "This is another strategy for conquering the Moonlight Palace, Alice, you know."

Alice: "?"

Rhine: "The dance is about to begin."

Three days later, except for the Holy Test of the King of Flame Moon. ,

Another big event will happen in Leta Royal Court that night.

Rhine: "The Mother Saint's Day dinner dance is about to begin. By then, all the nobles of the Moonlight Court will appear. These strategies will come in handy."

Feast of Our Lady.

Thousands of years ago, elves held a grand ceremony every year in order to sacrifice their main god [Life]. Although Life later died, her sacrifice was preserved in a festive way.

This is one of the most important festivals of the year for the Laita elves.

On the night of the festival, elves across the country will take to the streets to participate in the grand celebration, and the royal court of Leta will also hold a banquet on the same day, inviting all the nobles in the royal court to attend the celebration.

In fact,

As early as when Alice arrived in the capital of Leta two months ago, the nobles' preparations for the Holy Mother's Day had already begun.

But after coming from Rhine.

Alice also began to look forward to this festival.

This is because……

The Holy Mother's Day inherits the theme of sacrificial rituals thousands of years ago. It is a festival that praises life and longs for life.

Thinking of this, Alice rubbed her belly gently and cast an earnest look at Rhine.


On the festival day, men and women love each other.

The probability of creating life...will be greatly increased.

................................................................. .......

Chapter 135: When I think of His Highness, everyone’s body...

Although the tradition of Mary's Day makes Alice very excited.

But obviously.

This shouldn't be what Rhine wants to tell her now.

Rhine: "Alice, listen carefully. So far, the powerful people you have come into contact with are just small fish and shrimps who follow the trend. They are easy to deal with. After all, you are the most orthodox master of Leta. As long as you treat them Without hostility, they will naturally unite under your command.”

However, some powerful people would not take the initiative to curry favor with the Moonlight King and show their kindness to Alice.

Arrived at the Mary's Day dance.

Alice will face her real opponent.

"Now the real controllers of Leta do not want the Moonlight King to return and the regent will share the country with them, but the authority of the Moonlight King cannot be shaken. So Alice, in addition to the Holy Trial, you have another problem."

That is,

How to deal with the regent and the interest groups bound to him.

For now.

This group of powerful people is still united under the command of the Regent, and even when the Regent falls, a large number of them will not be willing to succumb to the Moonlight King, and will pose a great hidden danger to the development of the country. .

At the Mother Saint's Day dance, all royal nobles and bigwigs from all walks of life will be present, and that will be the first round of the game between Alice and these powerful people.

The document that Rhine placed on his right hand was the group of people under the regent's command, along with detailed information on all noteworthy high-level officials in Leita.

It summarizes the preferences, personalities, interpersonal relationships of these powerful people, as well as their weaknesses, and various levers that can be exploited.

As long as Alice can use this strategy skillfully, she can press the insects in the royal court to the ground and rub them.

The replacement of the old and the new, the change of dynasties, and the proper handling of the old groups can directly determine the national destiny of the country in the next era.

For these remnants of the old era, whether to eradicate or fight for them, and if so, how to fight for them... This is a science.

"You have to pay attention to this issue, Alice. Being a good Moonlight King requires more than just superior force."

Rhine said seriously:

"If the problem of the royal court can be handled well, Leta can take off directly under your leadership, but if it is not handled well, these people will hold Leta down for at least ten years."


Alice actually has a simpler way of dealing with it.

That is to kill all political opponents, completely eliminate the power of the regent, and create a new order.

But Alice didn't like this approach.

Among this group of powerful people who are secretly competing with Alice.

The only thing Alice can't forgive is the regent who killed her parents.

As for the remaining interest groups, as long as they are handled properly, they are all good tools.

Although killing everyone is a simple, crude and effective strategy, doing so when you have the standard answer seems too wasteful.

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