Alice can understand this.

But she still felt a little uneasy in her heart:

"But... Your Highness, I still have no confidence in myself. With Your Highness's strategy, can I really convince the big shots in the royal court to support me?"

Alice really knows nothing about politics.

Growing up, the only knowledge Alice learned from her elders was how to please men.

Perhaps she still has a lot of room for improvement and can grow into an excellent politician in the future.

But... at this stage, it may be a bit too much to let a newcomer like Alice go up against the veterans in the royal court who have been struggling in the officialdom for decades.

Of course Rhine knew this.

Although Rhine prepared as detailed a strategy as possible for Alice, after all, he couldn't let Alice back up in advance and plan the confrontation down to every word, every move, and every attack like he did against the Moonlight King.

Even if Alice can memorize these personnel lists, it does not mean that she can perfectly defeat this group of evil-minded bosses and capture them.


Rhine didn't think it was a big problem.

"Dealing with these powerful people is not like dealing with the Moonlight King. Even if you make a mistake, it won't be fatal. The worst thing you can do is kill a few more loyal ministers and kill a few less traitors. Just treat it as a training exercise."

Perhaps in the future, Alice will pay a lot for her wrong judgment in these critical days.


At this point, time is tight and there is no way to pursue perfection.

Rhine: "After all, in addition to these powerful people, you also need to be careful with the demigods in the White Light Courtyard."

After saying that, Rhine pulled out a stack of papers from the documents.

What is written on it is the information of the four demigods in the White Light Courtyard.

Rhine: "Alice, in addition to the great mentor, you also need to be careful with other mentors. The mentors are undoubtedly on your side, but that's because they don't know... your man is Heine The prince."

The elves have an unforgettable hatred for the Hein Empire, and Leta's four demigod mentors are no exception.

The mentors support Alice because Alice is the Moonlight King, and the Moonlight King is the empress of Leta's destiny.


Rhine: "If you, the queen, have an affair with someone from Hein, or even marry the emperor of Hein in the future... what will these mentors think?"

Alice tilted her head and said uncertainly: "I should be very envious?"

Rhine: "...Huh?"

Rhine received an unexpected answer.

And Alice recalled the subtle behavior of the mentors when Rhine used the communication magic device to communicate with the White Light Courtyard.

Alice: "I think everyone... seems to like His Highness quite a bit."

Rhine: "You like me? Why?"

Alice smiled: "I don't know either, but I can tell that everyone has a good impression of His Highness Rhine, and it's the kind of... that makes the body become obscene."

Listen to these ambiguous responses.

For a moment.

Rhine suddenly thought of something.

Rhine's eyes focused on the gate of the netherworld in his eyes: "Your Highness Olivia?"

"Qiang Qiang~~"

Olivia came online instantly and said proudly:

"Rhine, you're not surprised, this is another surprise for you!"

Rhine: "???"

Olivia: "Do you still remember those spell projection residues thrown away by your sister when you went to the frozen soil?

In fact, those remnants were later restored by Leta's elven demigods, and I have already charmed all three elven demigods for you through the gate of the netherworld on the magic projection! Now, as soon as they hear your name, they will immediately fall in love! "

Good guy...

It turned out that with Olivia's assistance, Leta's demigod mentors had already fallen before Rhine himself could take action.

In this case...

Then Rhine doesn't need to let Alice deal with those demigod mentors.

After a moment of thinking, Rhine secretly made a decision in his heart.

——Maybe it’s time for me to go out for a walk.


Rhine stood up and patted the batch of documents in his right hand:

"Just treat these things as extracurricular reading, there is no need to memorize them."

Rhine said:

"Those dignitaries and mentors - I'll take care of it for you."


I didn’t manage my time well today, so the updates are a bit sparse. I’ll provide you with more tomorrow. Good night!

Chapter 136: Collapse, ■■, ■■Transformation, Evil Dragon’s Great Victory

White light courtyard, in the meeting hall.

Three elven demigod mentors used magic projection to descend on the capital of Leta. They are preparing for the upcoming coronation ceremony with the Grand Mentor.

The coronation of the Moonlight King is different from the ordinary sublimation of demigods. This is the only grand ceremony in the entire history of Laita that can directly summon the gods.

This ritual is too complex and too important, and the White Light Courtyard still needs to devote a lot of energy to it.

And today,

They just finalized a few details.

"Your Majesty Alice, both in terms of bloodline and results in the Holy Exam, are excellent. It seems that this ceremony will not be in vain."

"It's just that the quality of the crown's material is too poor. The bones have been squeezed by the God of Law for hundreds of years, and their divinity has been seriously lost. It must take a lot of effort when casting."

"I wonder if I can find a better holy relic? The current materials are simply not worthy of Your Majesty Alice."

"Perhaps His Highness Rhine will have an idea?"

"Ah...Your Highness Rhine."

Mentioning this name, the bodies of the three elf mentors reacted instantly.

An uncontrollable desire arose in their hearts, and they couldn't help but let out a few... delicate gasps from their throats.

The scene suddenly became a little awkward. The instructors were blushing and quickly changed the topic in order to cover up their gaffe.

"Speaking of which, teacher, there will be a Mother's Day dance in two days. Will the teacher also attend?"

"Huh? Me?"

Today's Grand Master looks listless due to overwork.

However, when it comes to the Holy Mother's Day, the Grand Master seems to have thought of something.

That tired face became a little brighter.

She smiled, her voice gentle.

"You don't have to worry about me. Just have fun on the festival day...but you must also pay attention to the situation on the main body."

The demigods nodded respectfully: "We understand, teacher."

"I'm a little tired today. I'm going to rest first. If you need anything, call me."

After talking about business with his colleagues, the Grand Instructor did not stay any longer and turned around to leave.

Yesterday she did too much unnecessary strenuous exercise on the Rhine side. She was already weak and needed more rest now.

Then the Grand Master left a mithril familiar on duty, and then she dragged her tired body back to her room.

As for the remaining three elf mentors, they looked at the teacher's leaving figure.

I have many thoughts.....

An elf mentor asked the sisters softly: "Tell me, teacher, where will she go on Mother's Day?"


There was one thing, although they didn't say it out loud, they all understood it tacitly.

There was ambiguity and envy in the eyes of the elf mentors.

no doubt.....

In that festival that celebrates new life.

Teacher... she will definitely go to His Highness Rhine again.


There are currently six demigods held by Leta.

Among them, the three demigods, Grand Master Electra, Elebella who is still in the apprenticeship stage, and the future Moonlight King Alice, sit in the capital of Leta.

In addition, there are three other demigod mentors who can take charge of their own business. They are stationed on the border defense line all year round.

Life on the border is gloomy and depressing. Although there are many troops stationed on the border, when facing a large-scale war, almost 90% of the pressure on the battlefield will fall on the shoulders of the demigod mentors.

But over time, they gradually became accustomed to it.

As mortal "gods", this is their inevitable fate.


In recent times, there have been slight changes in the lives of the three demigods, or in other words, their mental conditions.

I didn't encounter any problems at work.

But they seem to love.

Since that day, in that border town, they curiously picked up the projection residue left behind by the Forbidden Army Etalion, and restored it...

Their fate changed at that moment.

Rhine Hein's charming eyes were imprinted in their minds and they could not get rid of them ever since.

They desperately discovered that as elves, they fell in love with someone they shouldn't love.

From then on, the pain of lovesickness made them suffer. On the one hand, they could not help but think of the human prince they had never met in their lives, but on the other hand, they painfully understood that this feeling , there will never be any results.

The reason is too simple.

Rhine Hein is the prince of the Hein Empire, and he is Leta’s enemy!

Even though the mentors knew very well that Haine was a rational and restrained country for most of its history, but... that deep-seated hatred for order still made the elves, especially those on the ground, The elves are full of malice towards Hein.

Rhine Hein is a person that demigod mentors must never fall in love with.

And the same,

As a Heinian, it is impossible for him to have any unnecessary affection for the elves.

Normally, in the lifetime of Emperor Hein, he would never have the opportunity to have any contact with Leta's demigod mentors.

Forget it...

Constantly persuading themselves like this, the demigods tried hard to control their emotions and continue to live a peaceful life.

However... I don't know if it's a trick of fate, or there is some powerful idea controlling everything secretly.

The demigod mentors' longing for Rhine not only did not disappear, but became stronger and more difficult to contain!

At first, it was because of the Netherworld invasion in Leta.

The evil god who invaded Leta is the evil dragon Olivia.

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