Succubi are not a group that is good at frontal combat. In this war, the elves have the advantage.


What's scary about demons is not just their intuitive destructive power.

And...their corruption of mortal creatures.

Although the elves and demigods defeated the invasions of the succubi again and again, as they fought and fought with the succubi, their souls were inevitably affected by the corruption of the netherworld in the process.

The deep malice from the evil dragon Olivia is being exercised wantonly in this corrupted land dominated by her.

Under the control of the evil god.

The demigod mentors are gradually assimilating with the succubus...

The body becomes more and more sensitive, and the mind becomes more and more astringent.

Even their temperament and even their bodies gradually showed the charm of ecstasy.

The former demigod mentors were synonymous with wisdom and holiness. They followed the example of their teacher Electra, rejecting any material enjoyment and shifting their energy to fighting and the pursuit of knowledge.

This makes their image conservative and restrained, and at the same time sacred.

But now... they discovered that many male soldiers were no longer able to look directly at them.

However, it's not just that.

That evil dragon in the netherworld is indeed the most despicable in the world! evil! Shameless existence!

As the demigods gradually assimilate with the succubus, their strength is also gradually increasing!

The more succubi you kill, the more your body will be corrupted, but at the same time... your combat effectiveness will also increase.

As time went by, the succubi's offensive became more and more fierce.

And this gift from the enemy seems to have become more and more important to the elf mentors...

In the end...the mentors reluctantly decided not to rush to eliminate the corruption before completely solving this Netherworld invasion.

That's why.

In just one month,

The desire of the elves and demigods for Rhine Hein has reached the point where just hearing the name will gradually make them wet...

But even so,

The elves and demigods can still maintain restraint.

They are the demigods who protect Leta, and they shoulder great responsibilities.

Because they are the only reason why the people of Leta have not been hunted and devoured by the sub-gods so far.


They should not be delayed by their children's personal affairs.

Unlike Heine, the elven demigods of Leta do not have a tradition of chastity, so the demigod mentors can theoretically fall in love freely.

But even so, facing the non-stop high-intensity war and being accompanied by mountains of corpses and seas of blood for years, the vitality in their souls has almost dried up.

Mentors in history have almost no records of love.


The elves and demigods can also restrain their desire for love.

When Rhine Hein used the communication magic device to contact the White Light Courtyard, they tried to remain as reserved as possible.


Today's elf mentors really can't hold on anymore.

Because just a few days ago, a horrific incident happened around them that was enough to make their faith collapse!

The purity of the teacher,

Taken away by a man!

It was a lively night. Alice defeated the Moon Breaking King. The elves celebrated the victory of the new king, and the mentors' magic projections were also discussing whether they should celebrate tonight.

And at this time.

The teacher who has been missing all day is back.

The returning teacher looked very tired, as if he had experienced a fierce battle and his body was completely exhausted.

The elf mentors are naturally worried about their teachers.

Normally, the teacher is cautious and meticulous in everything he does, but the teacher who was exhausted both physically and mentally that night was full of flaws.

So much so that the demigod mentors only activated a little bit of their perception,

It was on her body that an amazing secret was discovered...

simply put,

That night's great mentor made them think of cream puffs inexplicably.

It is a classic dessert that is exquisite, beautiful and tastes wonderful, and inside the golden and soft exterior, it is filled with cream from top to bottom.

And based on some clues, the instructors quickly deduced that the man who possessed the teacher was none other than Rhein Hein! !

At that moment, the elf mentors collapsed.


Teacher her! ! He actually met Rhein Hein in advance——! !

And their teacher has never even fought with a succubus or been corrupted by an evil god! !

Since then,

The high walls in the hearts of the demigod mentors suddenly collapsed.

I couldn't hold it any longer.

Now, after the great mentor left, the three good sisters lowered their heads and looked collapsed.

"Actually...I found out that Her Majesty Alice seems to have a very close relationship with Her Majesty Rhine..."

"Yes, haven't you noticed that every time Her Majesty Alice goes to Her Majesty Rhine for lectures - it's always at night?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuah, how could Leta become like this..."

The two most powerful and noble elves on the earth have supported Laita's old and new pillars, and unexpectedly, they have become the exclusive puffs of the Rhine Prince!

But now, not only the Grand Master and the Moonlight King, but also the three demigod mentors, because of the corruption in the netherworld, their bodies couldn't help but become obscene again just thinking of Rhine Hein.

At this time, a demigod mentor suggested:

" that the Netherworld invasion is over, shouldn't we also cleanse ourselves of the corruption?"

"Well, yes..."

Although the power brought by corruption is very tempting, the demigod mentors must also reject this gift from the evil god.

After all, at the moment when the Grand Master and Alice are falling for the human prince,

Except for the newcomer Ailebella,

They are already the last sane demigods in Leta!

They must never fall again!

"Okay, then let's prepare for the purification ceremony as soon as possible..."


At this moment, the White Light Courtyard welcomed a guest.

This visitor did not visit the academy area, but went straight to the tower where the demigod mentors lived. Then, there was a knock on the door under the tower.

The elves and demigods naturally locked onto the visitor with their perception right away.

That was not a powerful person who came to flatter the Moonlight King.

But a human being.

Rhine Hein! !

This man who appeared in the dreams of the demigod mentors almost every night finally came to them!

"His Royal Highness Rhine!? He, he...isn't he under house arrest in the palace?"

"What, what should I do? Do you want to open the door for him?"

The demigod mentors were flustered and at a loss.

They looked at each other in panic, but neither of them knew what to do.

at last.....

The door of the tower slowly opened, and Rhine was invited into the tower.

Then, a few minutes later.

Rhine climbed up the tower and followed the guidance to the meeting hall.

This man who had fascinated the elves and demigods finally officially appeared in front of them.

"Hello fellow instructors, I'm here unexpectedly. I hope I don't disturb you."

Rhine behaved very politely. As the future emperor of Rhine, his humility was extremely rare.

And on the other side,

Seeing the real person of Rhine Hein for the first time, the demigod mentors trembled in their hearts!

The human prince in front of him was obviously not of the same race as the mentors, but his handsome appearance still killed the demigod mentors in an instant.

The real Rhine is at least ten times more charming than the one in the magic projection!

for a time,

The elves and demigods looked at Rhine dreamily, not even knowing what to say.

But soon...

They regained some sense.


Be calm!

They represent the last line of defense of the Laita elves. They can no longer irresponsibly fall into the arms of the human prince like the Grand Master and His Majesty the Moonlight King did! !

With great difficulty, the elves and demigods suppressed the ecstasy and other unhealthy emotions in their hearts.

The elf mentors tried to make their voices as serious as possible:

"Your Highness Rhine, do you have any business coming to the White Light Courtyard?"


Rhine nodded, his expression became serious, and he said seriously:

"Currently, there are still a large number of opponents of Her Majesty Alice among the senior leaders of Leta. In order to assist Her Majesty Alice in stabilizing the regime, I hope to get help from all my mentors after getting Her Majesty Alice's permission."

"I see……"

An impeccably legitimate request, the demigod mentors had no reason to reject Rhine.


There was a problem that the instructors didn't understand.

"If His Highness wants to find someone for help, wouldn't it be better to ask our teacher for help? His Highness should get closer to the teacher..."

"Having said that..."

Rhine showed a sincere smile: "But for the future of both countries, I also sincerely hope to get closer to my mentors."

! ! !

For a moment, the elves and demigods became excited.

His Highness Rhine's this a confession?

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