Alice: "Your Highness, what are you looking at?"

Walking out of the bedroom, Rhine was in front of the desk, reviewing the strategy he had written in the middle of last night.

Alice sat in Rhine's arms and looked at the information in front of Rhine.

Alice tilted her head: "Is this...a design?"


Rhine nodded slightly: "This is the only way to defeat the Porcelain Moon King."

Rhine knew that in the Moonlight King's blessing system, there was a high-level blessing called soul binding.

This kind of blessing is the Moonlight King's greatest recognition of the new king. It means that the Moonlight King is willing to devote all his strength to accompany the new king through his second life.

This highest level of blessing allows the former king to lend her lifelong wisdom to the new king.

On the other hand, the imprint after the soul is bound can also summon a more powerful complete entity. If it is a top Moonlight King like the Breaking Moon King, after their soul is bound, they can use divine mithril to create A complete entity that may even be stronger than the current Moonlight King himself.


When the new king takes the holy test, how to select the previous king who has a similar personality and is most likely to be recognized and obtain soul binding? The former Temple Council will pay great attention to this when compiling the holy test list for the new king. .

However, in the past hundred years, due to the deterioration of the Moonlight King's bloodline, the Moonlight King has become increasingly weak...

It is already an extravagant hope to find the former king whose souls are compatible.

They had to work hard just to pass the Holy Exam.


Naturally, Alice cannot be compared with those trash.

She is the final salvation given to Leta by fate. At the end of this sixth era, she is the last and one of the top Moonlight Kings.

A genius like her should naturally be equipped with the most luxurious configuration.

Among the current configurations, the most critical one, the purified Compassion Skull, is still being arranged.

Now, Alice needs to collect an excellent set of Holy Trial Brands first.

As King Poyue told Alice,

When it comes to soul binding, more is not always better.

There are limitations to summoning a complete entity.

In a battle, even the most talented Moonlight King can only summon two complete entities, and Krypton Life can summon three. This is the limit.

If there are too many souls bound, it will occupy the position of the ordinary brand and reduce the overall combat power.

Therefore, three soul bindings are completely enough.

For Alice, one of her three soul-binding seats is occupied by King Po Yue, and the other will definitely be reserved for King Qi Yue if possible, and the first choice for the last position is naturally King Porcelain Moon.

Although the Moonlight King has a very poor reputation in history, her combat power is the best. Coupled with her superior compatibility with the Blood Queen, this Moonlight King has great potential.

Needless to say, King Qi Yue, the strongest Moonlight King, would definitely make a lot of money as long as he could get her soul bound.

The Porcelain Moon King can not only serve as Alice's best think tank, but is also incredibly powerful in combat.

The Po Yue King with the most powerful force, the Porcelain Moon King with prosperous technology, and the strongest Qi Yue King, this should be the most powerful complete set that the Moonlight King can get.

And this set of configuration, looking at the entire history of Leta, no one can even get any of it...

Now that Po Yue King has been captured, Qi Yue doesn't need to think about it for the time being.

As for,

How to conquer the Porcelain Moon King...

First of all, if Rhine gives Alice a set of strategies to defeat the Porcelain Moon King, it is feasible. Even the Moonlight King, who ranks second in Leta's history, still has flaws that can be found after he deteriorates into a dead soul.

If you want to break through the porcelain moon king's defense, let her willingly hand over her soul mark.

There was only one way Rhine could think of.

Rhine looked at the half-finished drawing on the table.

"This is her unfinished last work, and it is also the ultimate realm that she wants to reach even if she wants to destroy everything she has built."

Rhine said:

"I want to finish this thing for her. No... to be precise, I want to give her hope that it can be completed."

But before construction begins.

Rhine first needs to find the physical object of this final work.

Alice asked: "What do you need me to do for you, Your Highness?"

Rhine: "The strategy for King of Porcelain Moon has nothing to do with you. You only need to be responsible for taking the equipment I gave you in three days and showing it off in front of King of Porcelain Moon."

Alice felt happy when she heard that she had nothing to do.


Alice's eyes were as charming as silk: "Since Alice has nothing to do... then let me entertain His Highness for a while?"

"Well, I appreciate your kindness, but don't think that because it's your business to recast the relics of the Porcelain Moon King, you can just take advantage of it... Come on."

Rhine took out a pile of information.

"Strategy for the King of Thousand Moons, please."




The Grand Master finally woke up.

Dragging her exhausted body, she walked out of the bedroom and saw Rhine who was compiling a strategy.

Grand Tutor: "Where's Alice?"

Rhine: "She is gone. There have been many social occasions that require her to attend these days."

Grand Master: "Yes... After all, no one doubts that she is the next Moonlight King. Now everyone should be working hard to please her."

The great mentor spoke, but then, she seemed to notice something.

Grand Master: "Do you need me to do anything for you?"


Rhine smiled and expressed his thoughts to the increasingly considerate great mentor.

"I want Alice to get the soul binding of the Porcelain Moon King, but it's not easy to impress the Porcelain Moon King."

The Grand Master reminded: "To be precise, no one has ever done it...but you must have found a way."


Rhine took out the design drawing again. At this time, the design drawing was completed. A piece of standard-sized paper magic conductor was filled with dense text, and the number of characters may be tens of thousands.

A few of them are common languages ​​of the mortal world, and a large number of unknown texts.

The Grand Master frowned and looked at it for a long time.

Ashamed to say it.

She didn't understand it at all.

However, after a rough reading, the sub-gods in the Great Master's body have already seen the clues...

All the information made them whisper the great name in shock.

[Original sequence...]

Original sequence?

When the Grand Master heard this, he immediately became vigilant: "Rhine, do you really want to complete it?"

"No, it's just a show."

Rhine smiled: "Porcelain Moon King is a well-deserved pride of heaven. Her life has been moving from one victory to another, and the only regret in her life is this last work... I believe she must be obsessed with this."

Improve her final work for Porcelain Moon King.

This is the only plan that Rhine is confident can impress the King of Porcelain Moon and make the King of Porcelain Moon hand over his soul binding.

"But let's not mention the craftsmanship and materials needed to improve this thing... We must first retrieve the Porcelain Moon King's legacy, right?"


However, most of the Porcelain Moon King's relics are no longer in Laita.

The end of the extremely glorious Ciyue Dynasty was extremely abrupt.

On that ordinary afternoon,

The old Porcelain Moon King was conducting her research in her palace as always.

And then...without warning.

A horrific explosion destroyed the entire capital of Leta!

A capital city was directly razed to the ground.

That disaster directly led to the destruction of the scientific and technological civilization that King Ci Yue had worked so hard to build. It also led to the annihilation of the noble blood group of Wang Ting who was in the royal capital at that time. From then on, the purity of Wang Ting's bloodline plummeted.

At this point, the Leta Empire plummeted from its peak and began a slow death that lasted for hundreds of years.

The death of King Ci Yue and the destruction of Ci Yue Dynasty are still unsolved mysteries to this day.

However, the people of Leta were generally willing to blame the tragedy on the conspiracy of Order and the Hein people.

And in fact... the survivors of that disaster did indeed see the crystal spear falling from the sky on the day of the end.

But they may not have thought about it.

That crystal gun was never meant to hit them...

In short, the final result of that disaster was that the technological civilization created by the King of Porcelain Moon was almost completely destroyed, and a large number of works left by the King of Porcelain Moon were either destroyed or lost...

And that last piece that made Porcelain Moon King miss him so much,

The same is true.

The Grand Instructor didn't know what exactly Rhine wanted to do, but her body had already been trained to be unable to resist Rhine.

So, there is nothing more to say.

The great master held a teleportation spell in his hand and asked: "Anyway, where is the thing you want now? I will take you there."

Rhine replied: "This thing is now in the hands of the high elf."

Grand Master: "In heaven? Be specific."

Rhine smile:

"Highest Heaven, Dawn."


High Elf.

That is, the elves above the sky.

In the distant past, Order killed the elven gods and tore them into pieces and turned them into sub-gods. Faced with this group of terrifying enemies, the elves at that time made two choices.

Some elves choose to rise to the sky to avoid disaster.

Some elves defended the earth and fought bloody battles with the sub-gods for thousands of years.

In that safe sky, without the threat of sub-gods, the elves gave full play to their wisdom and artistic talents and built perfect heavens.

And in these heavens.

The morning light is the most dazzling gem embedded in the high elf territory.

It is one of the most prosperous heavens, and the high elves living in this heaven are extremely lucky.

Because they have the bravest emperors in the world,

With the most beautiful princess.

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