A portal opened, and Rhine and the Grand Master arrived at the dawn of heaven.

This city is vast and stretches as far as the eye can see. Residents living in the center of the city may not even realize that it is a city floating in the sky.

In terms of the exquisiteness of the design and visual perception... this must be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Looking around, everything is splendid. The god-king who loves ostentation uses a lot of precious gold to decorate his kingdom, so that no matter where he looks in Rhine, there is a dazzling golden light.

This is a city of gold.

Every detail of it is so perfect, every house, every brick and tile is extremely beautiful in design, and is in perfect coordination with the entire kingdom of heaven.

The entire kingdom is like a beautiful painting, and every stroke has been carefully designed.

And all of this is ultimately to bring out the absolute protagonist of this magnificent picture——

The golden palace where the God-King lives.

at this time.

The God-King of Dawn was sitting comfortably on the golden throne in the open air, admiring everything he ruled.

In fact, the distance between the Golden Palace and the Rhine is quite far.


The presence of the God King was so strong that Rhine didn't even look at him, but he could still feel his presence... like the scorching sun hanging above his head.

It was a tall and burly male elf who was as tall as a giant bear, wearing a lot of dazzling gold jewelry, and with a naked upper body.

The power of the people in high heaven does not depend on the blood of the goddess.

Therefore, they often have strong men like this.

And beside the King of Dawn, there stood an eye-catching and beautiful being.

She is the most beautiful scenery in the morning light.

The princess of the God King.

She has snow-white hair, golden eyes, a dignified manner, and a restrained temperament. Her slender and graceful jade body is surprisingly plump, like a ripe fruit, full of tolerance, and her mother's grace in the world.

She meekly lowered her head and stayed by her husband's side.

She is "the most beautiful woman in the world" in the eyes of the people of Gaotian, and she is also the most proud treasure of the God King.

According to legend, what is covered under the veil of the God Princess is a stunning face that is comparable to that of the goddess.

The God Princess is not an ordinary elf, but a great being that is more noble than a demigod.

Her identity is that of a star spirit who descends from the sky every thousand years.

And her mission in coming to the mortal world is to dedicate herself and the great weapons from the stars to the strongest male in the mortal world.

And now,

She chose the Morning King and became his wife.

The choice of the Star Elf directly established the King of Dawn's unshakable commanding position among the high elves.

But these...

It has nothing to do with Rhine for now.

Unaffected by the God King's spell to spread his sense of presence, Rhine walked straight into the antique shop opposite him and spent a high price to buy a broken ceramic sword that was gathering dust in the corner.

But just when Rhine and the great mentor were about to leave.

The God King noticed the strong divinity that suddenly descended on his kingdom.

next moment,

A heroic voice echoed over the entire morning sky.

"This kind of powerful pressure...is it Electra Lucia? Hahahahaha! I didn't expect that my kingdom would attract a visit from the Great Master of White Light! What an honor!"


Upon hearing this movement, the Grand Master sighed tiredly.

This is not the first time that the Grand Master has visited Chen Xi.

She knew the Morning King's temper very well.

The Morning God King is full of confidence in his country and is very proud of it.

And the greatest pleasure in his life was to take foreign envoys to visit his country and show off his beautiful princess.

So, of course...

Leta's poor relatives, who were now struggling to survive on earth, visited his gorgeous and perfect country. Naturally, he would not miss any opportunity to show off.

The Grand Master said helplessly: "The last time I visited here, I listened to him talk about the customs and customs of Chenxi for an entire afternoon before he was willing to start talking about the topic... He probably won't let me go this time, so you should go back first. "

Lain nodded: "Thank you for your hard work, and remember to tell the God King that the Moonlight King will visit Chenxi soon after completing the coronation ceremony."

The Grand Master was stunned: "Visiting Chenxi? Alice didn't say this, right?"

But then I thought about it,

never mind......

Anyway, Alice is completely attentive to Rhine's arrangements.

If Rhine wanted to go to Dawn with Alice, Alice would definitely not refuse.

"I understand, then I will take you back to Leta."


Rhine looked at the broken ceramic sword in his hand: "Please send me somewhere else first."


Thanks to Yuxing for the reward, boss!

Chapter 141 The Goddess of Time, Thea Constance

High elves do not believe in goddesses, and their race does not have the concept of demigods.

However, mortal creatures are too weak and always need some external force to awaken their extraordinary combat power.


The high elves began to worship the stars.

Because of this, to these high elves, the God Princess, or the Star Elf, is a great being like compassion and order.

The God Princess who seemed to be a carefree little bird accompanying the God King was actually the person with the highest status among the people in the sky.

This year's God-King is relatively unbeatable, and he actually dares to let the Star Elf stand beside him.

In the past, the king of gods usually spoke to his wife while kneeling.

These star elves from outside the sky will select the strongest males in the world to become their wives and grant them the power from the stars.

However, the Star Elves are not bound to the High Elves.

It's just that high elves who live near the water, live in the sky, and are familiar with the stars can usually predict the arrival of the star elves at the earliest.

Therefore, most of the time, the star elves are directly intercepted by the people of high heaven as soon as they land in the mortal world.

In addition, the civilization in the mortal world is dominated by the demigod system, and the high-end combat powers are all beauties.

Therefore, the star elves basically stayed in the kingdom of heaven obediently and selected the men they recognized to become their god princess.


Only the King of Heaven who marries the Star Elf has the authority of God and can call himself the King of Gods.

But even god-kings must maintain the greatest respect for their wives.

He still needs to pray to the star spirit every day, even if it is his wife.

No rude words are allowed, and she is sworn to protect the safety of the princess, and physical profanity is even more taboo.

The faith of the people in the sky makes it impossible for them to do anything that desecrates the purity of the star elves.

In their tradition, secret affairs between husband and wife are unnecessary for the noble star messengers. Once the god king dares to violate the precepts, he will be punished as blasphemy and will not be tolerated.


No one has thought about what the Star Elf thinks about this matter.

After learning a coordinate from Rhine, the Grand Master immediately activated the teleportation spell.

A deep space rift opened in front of Rhine's eyes.

Although the high elves in heaven look down upon their relatives on earth to some extent, they are all of the same race after all and have similar living habits and aesthetics. Therefore, the trade exchanges between the two sides are very close.

Dawn of Heaven is also a valuable ally to Leta.


The Grand Master could not ignore the invitation from the God King, so he could only stay in Chenxi to deal with the hospitable God King.

But Rhine, he can leave first.

The God King discovered the Great Master before because of the Great Master's too dazzling divinity.

As for Rhine, the God King did not find out.

But in fact, even if the God King discovers Rhine, Rhine does not have to worry about his own safety.

The high elves in heaven are different from the elves in Leta.

The elves of Leta fought bloody battles with the Ya-gods every day in order to protect their homeland and the country. They never forgot the great lack of order and naturally hated the Hein Empire with all their hearts.

If Rhine dared to show his face openly in Leta, he would probably be beaten to death in minutes.

But the high elves in heaven...

They are not threatened by the sub-gods. Thousands of years have passed, and they no longer care about what the order has done. They even have a good impression of the Hein Empire because they occasionally receive support from the demigods of Hein.

But... even if there were no diplomatic obstacles, Rhine did not want to get entangled with the God-King today.

He was very busy. He had to improve the final work of Porcelain Moon within three days, and he also had to find time to write the strategy for King of Thousand Moons. He had to hurry up.

Before leaving, Rhine took one last look at the scenery here.

Dawn in heaven...

This beautiful, celestial-like country is suspended in the sky and isolated from the rest of the world. No matter what kind of disaster occurs inside, it can be quickly extinguished. When the situation gets completely out of control, the entire island can be blown up... ...

think carefully......

Isn't this an excellent experimental field for experimenting with the corruption of Princess Gu Long?


There is also a magical outfit here that you can use.


Rhine silently made a decision in his heart. After he solved the curse problem and settled Alice's coronation, he would come to Chenxi to conduct his social experiment.

After deciding the next map to be harmed.

Rhine happily walked into the space crack opened by the great mentor.


I got the physical object of the final work.

What Rhine has to do next is to find materials to improve the final work.

This material is, theoretically speaking, extremely difficult to obtain.

No, it should be impossible to get at all.

Fortunately, Rhine has a way.

Rhine's body seemed to turn into a stream of light, quickly passing through the slit in space. On the way, Rhine inspected the broken ceramic sword in his hand.

This sword is the last work of Porcelain Moon King, but in fact, it is not a sword.

The sword is just an appearance.

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