Rhine activated a series of runes and burned them into the broken ceramic sword. As the password was entered correctly, the broken ceramic sword opened from the inside.

A huge space that far exceeded its capacity suddenly appeared in front of Rhine.

This is a huge prison that uses a high-level sealing spell and is hidden in a ceramic sword.

The dark and depressing cell was filled with complex mechanical devices, and in the center of the cell, there were three God of Laws mechanisms as power sources, but now these God of Laws mechanisms have been drained and completely dried up.

And what about the prisoners in the cells?

In the center of the Three Gods of Law, there is a withered female corpse bound by magic.

She was already dead. The fatal wound that killed her was a regular circular wound on her chest - it was caused by being pierced by the crystal spear of Order.

The female corpse has short white hair, which remains supple after hundreds of years and exudes a charming luster.

In her dry eye sockets, Rhine could vaguely see that she once had blue eyes like the sea...

Her hair, her eyes, and the outline of her body...all these physical features reminded Rhine of someone.

Rhine knew what this withered corpse was originally.

She is a time corpse.

It was one of the most powerful divine races in the mortal world, and like the ancient dragons and Titans, it was a servant of the original sequence.

In order to completely end the tragic current situation of the elves,

In her later years, the Porcelain Moon King saw that she could no longer protect Leta, so she took a desperate risk and chose to study a taboo existence that she should never come into contact with.

One of the servants of the original sequence,

Time corpse.


The essence of this dark prison cell and this broken ceramic sword is a God of Law mechanism used to squeeze the corpse of time!

In her later years, the Porcelain Moon King had exhausted her talents and her time, but even so...she could not find a way to redeem the elves.

She is the strongest Moonlight King besides Qi Yue. She is proud and confident, and at the same time, she has a strong sense of responsibility.

If even she can't save the elves, then who else can bring her compatriots out of this never-ending nightmare?

So, in order to fulfill the millennium long-cherished wish of the elves, she began to study the original sequence of taboos.

Being a genius, she immediately made some achievements in research, and spent many years finally designing a plan that could completely end the suffering of the elves.

Time machine.

After that, she began to implement her plan. She captured a time corpse and sealed her into a special God of Law mechanism, hoping to gain the power to control time.

The original sequence is the biggest taboo in the world.

All those who are aware of its existence deeply understand two things

First, the original sequence will destroy the world when it returns.

Secondly, Order hates the original sequence deeply, and she will use any means to kill the original gods and their derivatives.

Contact with the servants of the original sequence, or even using their power, is an act absolutely prohibited by the Order.

By doing this, the Porcelain Moon King is likely to attract the wrath of the Crystal Goddess and ultimately incur her divine punishment.

But Porcelain Moon King did it anyway.

The reason why he insisted on doing this was because King Porcelain Moon firmly believed that the defeat of the elves and gods back then was just an accident.

If the Porcelain Moon King could go back to the past with her legion and join the war between the order and the elven gods, if the gods could get a chance to start over,

The ending will definitely be changed!

However, in the end, the end of the Porcelain Moon King was clearly recorded in later generations.

The royal capital was destroyed in a doomsday catastrophe, and the dynasty that King Ciyue had worked so hard to establish was destroyed. Laita has never recovered from the fall.

After Ci Yue Wang was rescued from the ruins, he eventually died of serious injuries a few days later.

The Porcelain Moon King failed.

She was eventually punished by Order, and a crystal gun destroyed everything about her.

This is perfectly normal.

Order itself can't kill things like time corpses. Now there is an elf who wants to use the power of time corpses to go back to the past and cause trouble?

Naturally, Order will raise the ashes of King Ci Yue in a matter of minutes.

After all, Ci Yue Wang lost the bet. The failure of this new God of Law mechanism with the corpse as its heart was the biggest failure in Ci Yue Wang's life, and it was also the regret that left her unable to rest in peace.

And what makes Ci Yue Wang most desperate is.

In fact, this time machine cannot be used even if it is not used in an orderly manner.

There was no way she could design a real time machine, and she couldn't save the elves and gods.

Many people think that the reason why the Ciyue King is unwilling to communicate with the elves of later generations, or hand over her soul to bind her, to rebuild the glory of the Ciyue Dynasty is because of her arrogance.

But they were wrong.

Although King Porcelain Moon is proud, he is not arrogant.

The reason she refused to communicate was because she was completely heartbroken.


There are some things that Ci Yue Wang actually doesn't understand.

The reason for her failure was that her God of Law mechanism had many unreasonable loopholes and was defective in its design.

The most important thing,

The materials she chose were too low-grade.

Manipulating time, even traveling between the future and the past, this kind of thing... not even the Time Corpse himself can do it.

Time zombies are very powerful, and they are also servants of the original sequence. They are equivalent to ancient dragons and titans.

However, even so, they still cannot grasp the true meaning of time movement.

They can pause time and jump randomly on the timeline, but they can never conduct a controlled time travel.

The only one who can control time with free will,

Only their creator,

Their goddess.

Ancient dragon, titan, time corpse.

They are all servants of the original sequence, and they also swear loyalty to all the original gods.

But...there are still different affiliations among the various servants.

They were created from different original sequences and directly inherited the abilities of their respective creators.

The original sequence that created the ancient dragon is the true king of the ancient dragon.

This is also the reason why the current supreme leader of Gu Long is no more than a "princess".

The situation with Titan is similar.

The same is true for Time Corpse.


Porcelain Moon King, what should really be loaded into the God of Laws Agency is not the Time Corpse.

But that one, the original sequence corresponding to the time corpse...

The goddess of time who created the time corpses, gave them missions, and accepted their allegiance.

The "today self" of the corpses of the time.

And now,

Rhine was going to find her.

Passing through the slit of space, Rhine arrived at his destination.

Hein Imperial Capital, Royal Cathedral.



After walking out of the space rift, Rhine saw Thea Constance who was praying in front of the Statue of Order.

Constance noticed Rhine's visit and said calmly: "Your Highness?"

Rhine didn't talk nonsense and got straight to the point: "Do me a favor and borrow some of your blood."

After all,

Rhine handed Constance a container.

Constance agreed softly, then slit her wrist and let the blood trickle into the container.

The dialogue is carried out so succinctly that it seems abrupt.

But the two of them have become accustomed to it.

After making the request, agreeing to the request, and having the minimum exchange, Constance and Rhine both fell silent.

In the quiet church, only blood flowed little by little, gradually filling the container.

Watch the blood gradually fill the container.

Rhine finally couldn't help it, and he asked: "...Do you really not remember?"

Constance: "What did you say?"

Rhine: "Those things of the past."

Rhine whispered: "I have died in front of you many times, and I have lost you countless times. I once told you that I had a dream, but if, that is not a dream for you and me. if......"

Constance was silent for a long time after hearing this, as if she was trying to remember, but in the end, she just said softly:

"Sorry, Your Highness..."

She remembers nothing.

"It doesn't matter."

Rhine did not feel regretful. This conversation had been repeated too many times, and the same answer did not surprise Rhine.

Blood collection is complete.

Constance returned the container to Rhine. She looked pale and used healing spells to repair her anemic body.

Rhine took the container: "Thank you, send me to Leta."

Constance: "Yeah."

The cracks in space tore open before Rhine's eyes.

After getting the blood of the Goddess of Time, we have the fuel to drive the new God of Law mechanism.


Rhine is about to return to Leita to start improving the final work of the Porcelain Moon King.

Before leaving, Rhine turned back to look at Thea Constance.

Constance was also looking at him quietly, as if she wanted to watch him leave.

It was first learned from Rhine that the constituent element represented by Constance in the original sequence was the beginning of time.

He began to seriously doubt how his so-called "system" managed to send him to the age of nineteen after Rhine's death time and time again.

Deus ex machina is unreasonable and does not require logic. This is the common sense of the story.


Is everything really so natural?

A thousand reincarnations, a thousand times reshaping the world, is this the system's own power, or is it...


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