
Rhine stared at her, smiled and said:

"I love you."


For a moment, Sia Constance's body seemed to tremble due to excessive excitement.

Then, she lowered her head and agreed softly:


Rhine smiled, turned around and walked into the crack in space.

Constance was left alone, staring at the gradually dissipating space cracks, and his heart was filled with a good mood.

Rhine, I love you too...

I love you the most……


Thanks to Novel Fish for the reward, the boss is so generous! !

Chapter 142 Ellerbella: Your Highness...

After obtaining Constance's blood, Rhine returned to Leta, and then began the work of recasting the broken ceramic sword in full swing.

Recasting this final piece is a rather complex process.

This is a very sophisticated instrument, more complex than the ordinary God of Laws mechanism, and even requires a complete industrial system of the Ciyue Dynasty to even start manufacturing it.

But fortunately, Rhine doesn't need it to really make this thing have the ability to travel through time.

As long as it is combined with Shia's blood and some improvements, the final work of the Porcelain Moon King can be barely activated, and then the Porcelain Moon King can see hope, lift his autism, and hand over his soul binding. .

After careful design, Rhine finally came up with a plan that could use various magics to escape classes and make the final work barely move without involving the industrial system.


Let's get to work.

Rhine brought the ceramic broken sword to Laita's most high-end magic laboratory.

The tutor's workshop in the White Light Courtyard.

This is a laboratory specially used by demigods, which contains the highest level and most complete magic and alchemy equipment in Laita.

For Rhine, it was barely enough.

But after all, they are devices for demigods. As a mortal, it is impossible for Rhine to drive them.

So you must find a demigod assistant for yourself.

Now Alice is busy with work, the Grand Master is still in the dawn of heaven, and the bodies of the three mentors cannot reach the capital, so it seems like this.

There was only one helper left that Rhine could find.

"Would you like me to be His Highness's assistant? Ah, of course! If Your Highness doesn't mind... I would be honored!"

After learning about Rhine's request, Ellerbella nodded excitedly.

After Rhine blew up the path between the Crystal Ark and the mortal world, the threat of Black Era no longer existed, and Ellerbella naturally had the opportunity to return to Leta and continue her studies.

Like all Leita elves, Ellebela also hates humans and the Sea Empire.

Except Rhine.

Ellerbella's feelings for Rhine were full of admiration and respect.

Because Rhine is simply the most knowledgeable and intelligent person she has ever seen in her life!

Although saying this seems disrespectful to her teacher, Ellerbella truly felt that even her teacher Electra was not as knowledgeable as Rhine.

It was an honor for Ellerbella to be Rhine's assistant. She would only worry about whether she was qualified to assist her respected Highness Rhine.

Next, Rhine briefly explained the work content to her.

And this made Ailebella even more frightened.

Ellerbella asked weakly: "Although I really want to help Your Highness, but repairing the final work of the Porcelain Moon King... is such a great project, do I really have no problem?"

"Of course it's no problem."

Rhine's answer was a heartwarming smile:

"Miss Ailebella has a smart mind and is extremely talented. Whether it is working with you or imparting knowledge to you, it is a pleasure for me, so don't worry, this great mission may be destined to be For Miss Ellebella."

"Your Highness!!"

Ellerbella was deeply moved, and she was deeply encouraged by Rhine's words, especially when she heard "Rhine was a pleasure to work with her."

Now Ellerbella no longer doubted herself. With full fighting spirit, she smiled at Rhine:

"I'm ready, Your Highness!"

Next, under Rhine's step-by-step command, Ellerbella used the equipment in the workshop to start a series of high-intensity and high-precision casting work.

A few hours later.

"Okay, that's it for today."

The shining and rotating heart of the magic furnace gradually extinguished, and the colorful spells lingering in the magic workshop gradually dissipated in an orderly manner under the control of Ellerbella.

Until the last spell is closed.

Ellerbella finally got a chance to breathe.

"Finally, it's finally over..."

The magic power in Ellerbella's body was drained, and she was almost exhausted at this moment: "Your Highness... how much progress have we completed?"

Rhine smiled: "Nearly one-third, today's target has been achieved. Thank you for your hard work, Ailebella."

Recasting the final game is certainly not an easy task.

The high-intensity work made both Rhine and Ellerbella quite exhausted.


Ellerbella was very happy and extremely satisfied.

This time she cooperated with His Highness Rhine, and she learned a lot of new knowledge. Many obscure theories that she might not have been able to understand in a few months during her usual studies, but now she suddenly understood them with just a few words from Rhine. .

And today's cooperation has once again strengthened an idea in Ellerbella's mind...

His Highness Rhine is indeed a perfect person! !

He is an extraordinary talker, gentle and full of patience and care for Ellerbella. At the same time, he also has extremely strong skills in the professional field.

Alebella's admiration for Rhine soared again. In Elebella's heart, Rhine's image was almost equal to that of a god!

Wiping the sweat from her forehead, Ellerbella looked at Rhine with a smile: "Your Highness, what are your plans next?"

Rhine also felt a little tired, but he was just mentally tired and his body was still in good condition.

Rhine answered truthfully: "Actually, I still have a date."

"Yes, yes..."

For some reason, Ailebella felt a burst of complicated emotions in her heart when she heard the word "date".

Seems like disappointment, seems like envy...

But Rhine didn't think much about it.

For him, contact with the two sisters of the regent was nothing more than work.

Today, he still needs to go out for a date with the two daughters of the Regent's family, or maybe do something else in order to enhance their relationship.

Those two daughters are pawns used by Rhine to put pressure on the regent. Until the goal is achieved, Rhine will maintain a good relationship with the two elf sisters.

Saying goodbye to Ellerbella, Rhine immediately activated his disguise and left the White Light Courtyard.

And the other side.

Ellerbella looked at Lain's leaving figure. This young demigod couldn't calm down in her heart for a long time.

"His Royal Highness Rhine, His Highness Rhine, His Highness Rhine... Wow."

Ellerbella softly called Rhine's name, her voice filled with a kind of... coquettishness that she had never seen before.

In fact, those three mentors are not the only ones who have been corrupted by the Nether Realm in Laita now.

During the invasion of the Nether Realm, as the intensity of the battle continued to increase, Ellerbella also joined the battle in the later stages, and also obtained some extra things from the dead demons...

Ellebella didn't know what it was.

She didn't even know what was going on with the feelings in her heart...

Ellerbella was extremely distressed.


As soon as I see His Highness Rhine...

my lower body,

It just keeps getting hot...

Chapter 143: Elf Wife’s

Regent's Residence.

At dinner time, Hamilton sat with his daughters and wives. He looked listlessly at the sumptuous dinner in front of the table.

The Prince Regent is a busy man.

He has to deal with a lot of government affairs all day long and has very little time at home.

And every day, the only time he could see his wife and daughter face to face was during dinner time.

Today, however, the Prince Regent has been at home all day.

He knew that he was in extreme danger. He didn't want to stay at home and wait for death, but he also wanted to try his best to save himself.


We are at the end of our rope.

The killer Wei Lin could no longer be contacted, and the interest groups surrounding him miraculously collapsed in three days.

Looking around, there were only pairs of disgusted and unfamiliar eyes in the entire Leita Royal Court.

Sit on the sidelines.

What else could he do?

At this time, the regent noticed the second daughter who was hesitant to speak.

His daughters had just come back from playing outside all afternoon today.

The younger sister watched the regent remain silent for a long time. She had something to say, but she didn't dare to speak.

Prince Regent: "Gwendolen, what's wrong?"

"Father, I have a question."

The second daughter plucked up the courage and asked him curiously:

"What will happen to us after the Moonlight King is crowned?"


This stupid question immediately made the regent's veins bulge!

What will happen after Moonlight King is crowned?

He didn't understand why he would raise such stupid offspring.

As long as they divert their attention from eating, drinking and having fun, they should know what their father did to the previous regent in order to consolidate power and strengthen his rule after he came to power.

He killed their entire family.

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