The mithril statue suddenly exploded from the middle, broke into two pieces, and fell into the mithril lake.

The liquid mithril lake at Alice's feet also disappeared rapidly and disappeared.

The attempt failed again...

At this time, Alice remembered the voices of the two former kings in her mind.

Porcelain Moon King: "Well done, keep trying."

King Poyue sneered: "Lucia's Silver Lake is difficult to understand and complicated to use. If you want newcomers to practice using the brand, they should start with the fusion of my Difeni brand!"

Porcelain Moon King: "Shut up, using divine mithril to shape an entity and using a brand to strengthen oneself are two sets of techniques,"

Po Yue King: "Summoning an entity is just a side idea. Calling a subordinate to help out, how can it be as satisfying as going up and killing people yourself?"

Porcelain Moon King: "Brand fusion is the real heresy! How many of the many families in the royal court use this technology?"

The two former kings had conflicts in their educational concepts, and they quarreled in Alice's mind.

Alice's head hurt from the noise, and she suddenly understood why there couldn't be too many soul bindings...

"Um...your majesties?"

Alice expressed her thoughts: "I wonder if your majesties know the Philemon family's method of applying the brand?"

She was very curious and wanted to learn how her family's Moonlight King used the brand of the late king.

However, Alice's request was flatly rejected by the two former kings.

Porcelain Moon King: "The Philemon family is not good, the Philemon family is the real deal."

King Po-Yue: “You don’t even need the Philemon family’s imprinting style dogs!”

Porcelain Moon King: "One thing to say, one thing to say, it's true!"

Alice: "..."

After reaching a wonderful consensus, the two former kings happily continued to teach Alice how to use the brand.

After meeting the Queen Regent and her daughter from Rhine and returning to the Moonlight King's study, at Rhine's request, Alice came to the White Light Courtyard and began to practice the Moonlight King's exclusive skill - the brand of the late king.

The Moonlight King is not an ordinary demigod, but a superior being who has been sublimated for the second time among demigods. His normal strength is enough to crush all the demigods. If he is the best among the Moonlight King, he can even compete with Histia. This is a super demigod battle.

One of the reasons why Moonlight King is so powerful is

It's the mark on Moonlight King.

With the blessings from the ancient kings, combined with the divine mithril with the "shaping" property, you can summon the ancient Moonlight Kings to fight together, bursting out with unimaginable power.

And now,

Alice is practicing using this power.

Not far away, the magic projections of the instructors were leisurely watching.

There was no fighting on the defense line today, and they were quite free, so they decided to come over and watch Moonlight King practice.

Not only the three mentors, but also Alebella, and even the Grand Mentor was working in the tower next door, and would cast a glance at her from time to time.

The instructors ate snacks, watched Alice practice, and discussed:

"There are a total of seven people on the list for the Holy Examination. Now Her Majesty Alice has defeated four previous kings, and only the last three people are missing..."

"Although the King of Thousand Moons and the King of Junyue are powerful, their military power is not as good as that of Poyue King, and their talents are not as good as that of Porcelain Moon King. It should not be difficult for Her Majesty Alice."

"The only problem is that His Majesty Qiyue..."

As the first and strongest Moonlight King in Leta, the mortal incarnation of the Goddess of Compassion, that boss is really something people don’t know how to deal with.

"But it doesn't matter. His Highness Rhine must have already planned a strategy for His Majesty Alice."

"Yes, after all, that is His Highness Rhine! I wonder if His Highness Rhine has anyone to accompany you tonight... Ah, I really want to see His Highness..."

The instructors all showed ambiguous smiles.

"Speaking of which... when do you think Her Majesty Alice will learn to use the brand?"

"According to historical records, an ordinary Moonlight King will master the basic use of the brand within three days, and at least it is guaranteed to be able to summon a mithril entity that can be used normally."

"What if it's an extraordinary Moonlight King?"

"About a few hours, right? I remember it was recorded in the history books that His Majesty Ciyue understood the key to shaping the mithril entity in less than an hour."

"Then how long will it take your Majesty Alice..."

"I'm going?! Look! Alice has been summoned!!"


"Wait, how long has it been since then?!"

"Only half an hour?!"

"Are you kidding..."

Under the shocked gazes of the instructors,

In the mithril lake at Alice's feet, a graceful figure emerged from the lake. Her outline was stable, her structure was complete, and the details of her whole body were fine and lifelike, like an unpainted model.

This is one of the former kings who blessed Alice.

King of the Flame Moon.

The instructors were completely stunned...Did Alice's speed break the historical record? !

Alice didn't have any superfluous reaction to her feat. After completing the preliminary physical summons, she followed the ancestors in her mind and continued to practice advanced techniques.

The mentors were moved again. They looked at Alice with tears and kept sighing that Leta was finally saved.

But after sighing.

The instructors slightly moved their gazes to the side.

Ailebella lay listlessly on the table, absent-minded, and occasionally uttered a lament.

What's up with her?

The mentors are concerned about their juniors:

"Ellerbella, why don't you look unhappy?"

"Obviously he was quite lively a few days ago."

"Are you in any trouble?"

"Oh, right......"

At this time, the instructors suddenly remembered something, and they all showed meaningful smiles: "You are feeling depressed because you have no reason to work with His Highness Rhine anymore, right?"

"Well...I, I..."

Ailebella was too shy to admit it, but she was also completely unable to refute it.

Yesterday, Alebella and Rhine completed the improvement work on the final work of the Porcelain Moon King.

For Ellerbella, these few days of working with Lain made her feel extremely happy.

Yet at the same time...

When the moment of parting came, she felt extremely lost and sad in her heart.

As a new demigod, Ellerbella needs to learn and exercise in the white light courtyard every day. She lives in seclusion and has very few opportunities to interact with His Highness Rhine.

In addition to her, Laita's other demigods can see Rhine from time to time and interact with Rhine naturally.

Only Ailebella, unlike the three mentors, has a working relationship with Rhine, and unlike the Grand Mentor and Alice, with her powerful strength and stunning beauty comparable to that of a goddess, she can naturally Attract His Highness Rhine's attention.

Among all the demigods in Leta, she is like an unknown ugly duckling. Probably except for this time when she accidentally came in handy for Rhine, she will never receive Rhine's attention again.

However, the mentors have already seen through Ellerbella's thoughts.

The instructors asked with smiles: "Ailebella, have you fallen in love with His Highness Rhine?"

"Oh?! I, I..."

Such a straightforward and abrupt question made Alebella at a loss, but after shyly wailing a few times, she softly admitted:

"I... do like His Highness Rhine a little bit."

The instructors looked at each other and smiled, and then encouraged: "Since you like His Highness Rhine, go and confess your love to His Highness. It doesn't matter. Be bold, His Highness will not reject you."


These words immediately frightened Ellerbella.

What are these people talking about? !

His Highness Rhine already has a wife, isn't he already in love with His Majesty Alice? !

Facing Her Majesty Alice's lover, the man who will marry the Moonlight King in the future... How dare she have the slightest idea? !

Ellerbella shook her head desperately: "No, no, I heard that His Highness Rhine is His Majesty Alice's lover! Having an affair with His Highness Rhine is a naked betrayal of His Majesty - well, what are you doing? What look?"

At this time, the three instructors were looking at Ellerbella with confused expressions.

They were deeply confused about Ellerbella's speech, and racked their brains but couldn't figure it out.

"By the way...what is an affair?"

"...What is betrayal?"

"...What is Alice's?"

Ellerbella: "............"

The Aileberians were stupid.

These three people... did they suffer from any illness today?

Ellerbella: "I mean... Your Highness Rhine, aren't you and Your Majesty Alice lovers?"

The instructors nodded: "Probably."

Ellerbella: "Then what did I say..."

Mentors: "But we are all lovers of His Highness Rhine."

Ellebella: "!!!"

Ellerbella was shocked.

While she was immersed in studying, what happened in the White Light Courtyard? !

Ellerbella looked at the three seniors dumbfounded:

"All of you?! All...all...?!"

The three instructors had peach blossom smiles on their faces: "Yes."

Mentors: "Not only us, but also the Grand Mentor has a relationship with His Highness Rhine."

Ellerbella: "You mean the teacher?!"

Ellerbella looked at the Grand Instructor working on the tower in horror.

With the great mentor's perception, she naturally heard the conversation between the demigods.

He felt helpless that the mentors were leading the newcomers into bad ways, but recalling all the tenderness he had with his lover, the great mentor could only nod in recognition.

Nowadays, in the entire Leita White Light Courtyard, only Ellerbella is the only demigod left, and she has not yet visited His Highness Rhine's study.

And between sisters.

Of course, it must be... neat and tidy.

The tutors continued to seduce Elebella:

"What's there to be shy about, Elebella? It's extremely difficult for us demigods to find someone we love in our lives. Now we finally have the opportunity to fall in love happily. Isn't it a good thing?"

"Bella, after you have someone you love in your heart, don't you feel lonely and sleepless when there is no one around late at night?"

The instructors' faces were full of charming smiles, and their voices were full of temptation: "Believe us, Ailebella: compared to one-on-one pure love, it actually feels better to become a plaything to get what you want..."

"You, your ideas are too weird...!"

Ellerbella kept letting out shy moans, her face flushed and her heart beating at the teasing of her mentors.

But even so...

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