What about Her Majesty Alice?

Can Her Majesty Alice allow her lover to fall in love with her mentors? !

At this time, Alice's voice sounded softly behind Ellerbella.


At some point, Alice heard the instructors' conversation, paused her exercise, and quietly walked behind Ellerbella.

Alice said with a smile: "I don't mind if Ailebella and His Highness Rhine become lovers."

Ellerbella was shocked. She got the Moonlight King's permission. She was a little happy, but also very surprised: "But Your Majesty... isn't Rhine the person you like? If he is possessed by another woman, ..."

"Of course I like Rhine. I love him to death. I am willing to give everything for him."

Alice's body gradually got closer to Ellerbella, and her voice became more and more charming:

"Of course I would be a little dissatisfied if I saw him taken away by other women... But His Highness told me that he wants all the demigods in Leta to have a good relationship with him."

Alice asked softly:

"But Her Royal Highness the Rhine's status is too special. Alebella, tell me honestly. Under normal circumstances, would Alebella trust an emperor of the Rhine Empire?"

Ellerbella shook her head slightly: "Logically speaking... Hein is Leta's enemy... I shouldn't trust him."

"That's right."

Alice continued to ask gently: "Then what if, before this person is Emperor Hein, he is your lover first?"


Ellerbella trembled inwardly.

At this time, there is no need to answer, the answer is self-evident.

All the preparations are over.

Next, Alice made the suggestion that caught Alebella off guard, but also made her uncontrollably look forward to it.

Alice stuck behind Ellerbella and asked softly: "Tonight...shall I take you to see His Highness Rhine?"

Chapter 149 The Elf Queen’s Self-Regulation

Saying goodbye to the wife and daughter of the regent's family, Rhine returned to the Moonlight King's study and sent Alice away to let her practice using the brand of the previous king.

Ordinarily, in Moonlight King's traditional training tutorial, there is no need to rush in learning imprints.


The situation is different now, because before Alice can be crowned Moonlight King, there will be a tough battle waiting for her in the foreseeable future.

Sebastian, is about to be resurrected.

Now that the regent has taken away the fragments of the statue of compassion, he will use their family's ancestral secret method to pray to the earth and recall Sebastian who is lost in the earth's veins.

The Adonis family to which the regent belongs has a special mission. They have always been the priests responsible for caring for and managing the elemental spiritual veins.

The relationship between the Adonis family and the elemental spiritual veins is rooted in blood.

As the creators of elemental spiritual veins, the blood flowing in their bodies is the key to unlocking the backend of elemental spiritual vein management.

As an excellent spiritual vein priest, Xibastin integrated himself into the forbidden spell of the earth. In essence, it was an alternative kind of control of spiritual veins.

And if you want to extract Xibastine from his spiritual veins, you must have another highly skilled spiritual vein priest to do it.

Even Rhine, even if he completely understood the magic system of spiritual sacrifice, but without the blood of the Adonis family, he could not complete the ritual and pull Sebastian out of the ground.

And look at the entire Leita Royal Court now.

The only one left who can accomplish this is the Prince Regent.

fragments of the goddess statue,

A nobleman with the noble blood of the Moon God,

Coupled with various miscellaneous items that are tedious but can be put together in a short time, the Regent already has all the conditions to summon Sebastian.

Probably not long after,

It's time for Sebastian to return to the mortal world.

Then Rhine's plan should enter the next stage.


Rhine used the communication magic device to contact the Grand Master.

At this time, the Grand Instructor was at work. As the leader of the White Light Courtyard, while the three Instructors were fighting the enemy at the border defense line, she also had to fight all kinds of exhausting things in the capital.


The Grand Master said that he was very busy today, so let’s make a long story short.

But if Rhine needs it...she should still be able to make time at night.

Rhine smiled, and after making an appointment with the Grand Master for the next meeting, he then asked about the business:

"Electra, is the spine you picked up at the northern border still in the White Light Courtyard?"

The Grand Master asked: "Usually that thing should be given to the Royal Court for safekeeping, but this time we can't leave it in the Royal Court, otherwise things will be very passive for us - what's wrong?"

"I need that now."

Rhine expressed his thoughts: "I need the bones, but in addition to the bones, I also need a piece of primitive mithril and a set of alchemical materials needed for the coronation ceremony. Prepare them all for me."

The bones of the sub-god are an indispensable material in the coronation ceremony of the Moonlight King.

However, this so-called skeleton of a sub-god is not just a random piece of bone from a sub-god.

Those must be "purified" bones.

Purified bones, raw mithril, plus the materials needed for a coronation.

This list immediately made the Grand Master realize what Rhine wanted to do.

Grand Master: "You want these materials...are you planning to use the bones now?"

Rhine replied calmly: "Yes."

The Grand Master was silent for a moment and reminded:

"Rhine, let me explain to you, although the quality of this bone is very poor, it may be the last pure skeleton in the world. Now the only white tower that can make skeletons has been demolished by your Haiyin Imperial Army. , and later the royal court wasted all the skeleton inventory...So, I hope you understand the pros and cons."

The remaining pure bones are precious,

Of course Rhine knew.

And this thing is not only precious, but also less useful.

Because Leta can no longer create new pure bones.

To get a purified skeleton, you need a total of two important things.

One is a living, complete sub-god.

The skeleton seemed to be only a short length, but in fact, it condensed the power of an entire sub-god. And this is the basis of the power of the mithril demigod to sublime himself into the Moonlight King.

Before that, processing the sub-god into pure bones obviously requires a processing equipment.

That is the White Tower.

That was the landmark building of the White Light Courtyard back then. However, following the White Tower Incident ten years ago, the Heine Forbidden Army entered the capital of Leta. After unsuccessfully hunting Eve Bastine, due to the oracle of the Goddess of Order, although they The capital of Leta could not be destroyed as revenge, but it also left an unforgettable memory for Leta.

They blew up the White Tower directly.

That white tower is an ancient building from the Qiyue King period. Even the order crystal gun from that time did not destroy it.

But in order to retaliate against Leta for cursing their queen, the previous generation of Heine Imperial Army used a series of forbidden spell bombings to completely annihilate the White Tower.

The White Tower Incident got its name from this.

With Laita's increasingly weakened combat power in recent times, it has become as difficult as climbing to the sky to capture a sub-god. Without the White Tower, purifying the bones of the sub-god has become even more of a luxury.

That’s why the Grand Master emphasized it seriously.

Pure bones are precious and should not be wasted!

But Rhine smiled:

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."


The Grand Instructor was a little helpless. She trusted Lain's ability. Since Lain had spoken, then...just be obedient.

"I understand, let me prepare. This thing is under the surveillance of the royal court. Take it out, I need some time."


Rhine ended his communication with the Grand Master.

In fact,

The Grand Master's worries are unnecessary.

Rhine had already planned the most gorgeous coronation ceremony for Alice.

In the previous 999 reincarnations, Alice, the King of Emerald Moon, relied on her powerful talent to rapidly grow into a perfect queen with top strength two years after being brought back to the White Light Courtyard from the frontier.

The legendary kings of Laita's past generations were killed at will, and they were branded with divine clothing. Her combat power was as fierce as that of the Grand Master.

If you compare the King of Green Moon among the previous kings of Laita.

Then it is very simple for her to rank in the top five.


Even though he is such an invincible King of Emerald Moon, he also has a huge shortcoming that cannot be fixed no matter what.

That is her crown.

The crown of the Moonlight King was cast from the pure bones of the sub-god. Since the White Tower was destroyed and the inventory was wasted by the royal court, Alice could not find any high-quality pieces in the most barren era of Laita. Bones, used to cast crowns.

but now.

Rhine will make up for this shortcoming for Alice.

Rhine's goal is to train Alice to become the most powerful and perfect Moonlight King.

This is necessary.

Although the world is still peaceful now, as future battles continue to advance, Rhine will face more and more brutal wars.

As the enemy becomes stronger and stronger, the intensity of the war becomes higher and higher. By then, even the demigods are just soldiers.

Therefore, to reach the level of super combat power of Hestia and Etalion, the more the better.

Of course, it is impossible for those third-rate bones that are about to be drained dry by the God of Laws mechanism to be made into a crown.

However, Rhine has a way to let it use its remaining heat.


It's getting late.

As night gradually enveloped Laita, Rhine used magic to light up the lights in the study. After dinner, he continued to sit at the desk and was busy outputting strategies on the magic conductor.

The night is silent,

Rhine looked at the hustle and bustle outside the window, and he actually felt a little lonely...

And at this time,

Behind Rhine, a space crack suddenly opened.

Since occupying the astrological platform, the demigods using space teleportation in Laita will no longer be monitored, and they can visit every corner of Laita unscrupulously.

Now there is a demigod visiting this study.

The one who came back at this time should be...Alice?

However, before Rhine could turn his head, he looked at the demigod tearing apart the space.

A pair of delicate little hands first covered Rhine's eyes.

Rhine: "...?"

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