His Royal Highness Rhine's original hobby...is wives?

For a moment, after the God Princess heard the news, instead of being disgusted, she was a little... happy.

The God Princess smiled unconsciously: "Everyone has some unspeakable hobbies, I can understand."

The God Princess shyly added: "And, I can...accept it."

However, Alice shook her head. Her goddess sister did not understand the seriousness of the situation at all.

Alice continued to say seriously: "Sister, Rhine Hein is not a gentleman. He is lawless and reckless in Hein. What I mean is... he has no scruples about the prey he is targeting. Oh."

Alice stared into the eyes of the God Princess: "Sister, have you ever felt that...that Rhine is unusually passionate about you?"

The God Princess blushed a little: "Okay, it seems a little..."

Alice was horrified: "That's terrible, sister, now that lustful maniac is targeting you!"

His Highness Rhine... is he targeting me?


No problem at all.

The God Princess welcomed Rhine's greed.

At this moment, she and the worried Alice had completely different joys and sorrows.

However, the God Princess could not help but be a little curious.

The God Princess blushed and asked shyly: "Alice, when His Highness Rhine is in his country...will he also take action against married women?"

Alice was stunned: "'also'?"


The God Princess coughed crazily in embarrassment.

Alice sighed: "General Lorraine, tell the God Princess what you have seen."


Although Lorraine has never been to Haiyin, as an authentic Laita elf, she has certainly heard dirty things about the Haiyin royal family since she was a child.

A short essay slandering Rhine, here goes:

"Your Highness, you must see clearly this scumbag. As a prince of a country, Rhine Hein has been ignorant since he was a child. He has been addicted to wine and sex in his youth and has a morbid desire for female sex! Although he often lusts after the maids and women in the palace, Some aristocratic daughters maintain relationships, but his favorite...is still a married woman."

"With his power and appearance, this bastard often succeeds and gains a lot, so he has become a public enemy of the noble men of Heine very early!"

Lorraine talked about the various news she had heard from her elders and best friends, and the expression on her face became more and more angry:

"And the most abominable thing is that Her Highness the God Princess! That scumbag! She actually likes elf women especially! As far as I know, many elf merchants who go to Haiyin for business have wives who have had relationships with Lain Haiyin. .....Almost no one with a bit of beauty is spared!!"

So what His Highness Rhine likes most are elves and human wives?

The God Princess touched her pointed ears, her heart beating fast.

"Therefore, Your Highness, Princess God, I would like to suggest to you from a personal standpoint that before that scumbag can't help but use his dirty tricks to taint you, please be sure to sever ties with him immediately!"

Lorraine Defoni, as a Leita elf, naturally has no good impression of Rhine Hein.

Therefore, when speaking, he is less eloquent.

In fact, the higher she climbed, the more Lorraine discovered that the Hein Empire did not pose a real threat to Leta.

Compared to Kia God, the Haiyin people can be said to be completely harmless to humans and animals.

However, the hatred for thousands of years cannot be eliminated, and the White Tower incident has deepened the hatred of the Leta elves towards the Hein people.



Unless this group of Haiyin people can perform a feat such as exterminating the Yashen, it will be impossible to resolve the hatred between the two countries.

Lorraine looked at the God Princess and found that the God Princess was blushing with shame, her eyes were blurred, and she was completely out of state.


What a gaffe.

Lorraine looked embarrassed and said too much unsavory information. This innocent and pure God Princess was obviously a little hard to accept.

But now, this divine princess should be able to fully understand the ugly face of Rhein Hein.

But actually, yes.

The God Princess has indeed fully understood Rhine Hein's despicable nature.

She fantasizes about the scene where her beloved Prince Rhine tears away the disguise of a gentleman and uses dirty tricks to taint her...

The God Princess is just...

At once......! !

Until this time,

The Divine Princess finally realized a problem that she had never thought about before.

Rhine is also a man,

He also has...that kind of need.

Rhine is not a heavenly person, so he has no extra respect for the God Princess, which the God Princess likes very much.

Of course she doesn't want her lover to enshrine her as a god at home.


If Rhine did not regard the God Princess as a "goddess\

,"Then, he will only regard the God Princess as a "woman"...


Naturally, Rhein Hein would look at the God Princess the same way he looked at the opposite sex.

In fact, I'm afraid that even when the God Princess didn't know anything about it, she had already been licked by Rhine's greedy eyes countless times...

So for a husband who wants nothing but wants...

Should the God Princess also fulfill her duties as Rhine's future wife and current lover?

Thinking of this, there was a raging flame in the body of the God Princess, which made her restless and confused.

Am I finally... going to become a real wife?

The God Princess coyly said with a shy face: "Thank you for the reminder... General Difenni, I will take your suggestions into consideration..."

Then, Alice took the hand of the God Princess again, and continued to enlighten the God Princess with serious words:

"Sister God Princess, do you know?"

"That Rhein Hein once wanted to take away a wife he was interested in. He took advantage of the conflict between her and her husband and kept trying to be courteous. In the end, he successfully deceived this married woman into his hands."

"Then a few months later, when the scumbag had enough fun, he immediately broke up with the poor married woman."

"Actually...that lady is lucky, because she is just a mortal, and she will get tired of it one day. However, sister, you are...a goddess, right?"

Alice stretched out her hand worriedly and caressed the face of the God Princess.

Due to her gender, the Divine Princess's Shuo Xing did not react. She only felt Alice's delicate jade hands gently caressing her face.


"You have peerless beauty. Mortals can't resist your temptation instinctively. In other words... Rhine will never get tired of looking at your face."

"If you can't get rid of the relationship with him, that man will continue to pursue you, and once he succeeds, you will be shrouded in his shadow for the rest of your life, becoming a caged bird raised by him, and reduced to a plaything in his palm. His love for you Love will never diminish, you will be crazily occupied by him all your life..."

"Sister Divine Concubine, you definitely don't want to end up like this, right?"


At this time, the God Princess was too embarrassed to speak.

Alice and General Defoni told her the abominations of Rhine Hein in a heartfelt and emotional manner.

However, for some reason, after hearing these terrible dark histories, the God Princess longed for Rhine even more.

Because from the words of Alice and General Difenni, in addition to knowing about Rhine's bad style, she also deeply understood something...

That is, his body is completely in Rhine's strike zone!

At this moment, Rhine Hein's desire for this female known as the "God Princess" may far exceed the God Princess's own imagination! !

When I think of this, as the divine princess who is in love with Rhine,

She couldn't help it, bursts of ecstasy!

And in response to Rhine's desire for himself.

She doesn't mind...trying something new either.

Ah...I'm sorry, sister Alice...

I am really a shameless and terrible woman...

The God Princess was so ashamed that she lowered her head in shame and left Alice's residence.

"Alice, I, I'll take my leave first..."

"Huh? Sister, you look very bad. Do you need me to send you off?"

"No, it's not necessary... I have other urgent matters, so I won't bother you..."

"Well, sister, walk slowly!"

After seeing off the God Princess, Alice and Lorraine scolded Dog Rhine for a while, and then they went about their own business.

Alice bid farewell to Lorraine for a moment and returned alone to the living room where she had just received the God Princess.

She wiped her fingertips on the chair, then twirled her fingers, showing an ambiguous smile.

"Sister God Princess...you have to work hard."


5k words.

I didn’t have much inspiration yesterday, so in the end, I didn’t write the second update at night, and I didn’t finish it until I woke up the next day.

I'm quite ashamed... I promised to write it every day, but it didn't turn out that day. I reflected on it and found that this book has never asked for votes or rewards. The main reason is that I don't want to have any burden when writing, which will affect the article. Quality, so I will not make any more promises like the day before yesterday.

The amount of updates I make every day depends on my mood, with quality and fun as my first goals. When I am inspired, I write more, and when I am not inspired, I write less.

This was updated yesterday and there will be another update tonight.

Oh, by the way, yesterday I saw a picture of the Roman Imperial Guard's sable, the laughing mouse bird, on Weibo. I posted it and shared it so everyone can refresh and view it. Yuanbo @Wabbajack69

Chapter 201 God Princess: I will marry him, but

Although she has the title of tutor, it is impossible for the God Princess to stay by Rhine's side every day.

After having lunch with Lain, the God Princess reluctantly left Lain's residence.

Rhine heard that her next trip was to visit Alice.

However, I don’t know what happened to the God Princess with Alice. After that, Rhine saw the God Princess again at the banquet that night.

The way the God Princess looked at Lain seemed to be a little different.

Her eyes became passionate and fiery, and even her outfit that day became a lot more enchanting.

Always felt......

In certain aspects......

She seems more confident.

Lain asked her what happened, but she just smiled softly and refused to say anything.

When the banquet started, the God Princess also sat opposite Rhine just like last time. Her restless black silk feet gently rubbed off her high heels and boldly stuffed them into Rhine's hanging hand, letting her play with them.

This elf princess from the starry sky poured wine for her husband tenderly and echoed her husband's bragging while maintaining eye contact with Rhine, using her passionate eyes to tease Rhine's heartstrings.

At the banquet that day, the God Princess also drank some wine.

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