The already beautiful Elf Goddess became even more enchanting and charming now.

On the pretext of toasting to Rhine, she sat directly next to Rhine, pressed against Rhine's ear, and kept saying the most sincere and outrageous love words in a state of confusion with a confused and seductive voice.

"I know you're waiting for me to break into your bedroom, right?"

"I will marry him, but will I sleep with you?"

"It is human nature to desire an elf wife. I know you have been restraining your love for me?"

"I really want you to do it to me quickly!"

Rhine was a little emotional, but he didn't dare to be emotional.

He hunched over, put his hands on the dining table, propped up his chin, and looked seriously at the scenery in the distance.

Good sister, please stop saying a few words...

Your husband is watching...


Time passes day by day.

At the end of the three-day celebration banquet, the God-King sat on his throne again and began to govern the country.

Everything is back on track.

Rhine continued to rest at home and recuperate, and occasionally served as the God King's guest, helping the God King or giving some advice.

In fact, Rhine's work has not been smooth sailing.

As he stayed in the Kingdom of Heaven for longer and longer, his interference in the Kingdom of Heaven became more and more profound, and he became more and more trusted by the God King...

Now Rhine felt more and more the hostility hidden in the dark.

Recently, Rhine often hears various rumors about him.

Now when Rhine was walking on the street, some of the people in Heaven looked at him and there was something wrong.

this day,

The God-King summoned Rhine.

When Rhine arrived at the palace, he found that the atmosphere was unprecedentedly serious.

"Brother Rhine..."

The God King's tone revealed disappointment in Rhine.

"Have you been a little too aggressive in your recent affairs?"

The God King took out a Heine military flag and placed it in front of Lein: "How can you send troops into friendly territory? You must at least discuss it with me, right?"

Rhine was stunned for a moment.

He was very sure that Hein's army had not entered the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven. After all, those mortal armies were not included in Rein's battle plan at all.


Someone is framing Rhine.

Behind Rhine, there were several figures hiding among the officials, sneering and watching the show triumphantly.


Finally, after a lot of talking, Rhine finally managed to get this matter over with.

The God King laughed loudly: "I see, I knew there must be a misunderstanding here. Okay, let's not mention those nonsense. Remember to come to the palace for a drink tonight. Think of it as an apology to Brother Rhine!"

Rhine sighed tiredly.

Although the misunderstanding was successfully resolved, Rhine knew that the situation had gotten worse.

This kind of trap can happen once, and of course it can happen a second time or a third time.

Those in power hiding in the darkness, as long as they are willing, it is too easy for them to concoct an outsider like Rhine.

One or two such things will not cause any damage to Rhine.

But if there are too many things going on, cracks will naturally appear in the relationship between Rhine and the God-King.

Then as the suspicion continues to accumulate, Rhine's situation will become more and more dangerous, until... Rhine becomes a street rat in the Kingdom of Heaven, and breaks out with the God King, completely losing his foothold in the Kingdom of Heaven.

This day will come sooner or later.

Rhine would be cut to death with blunt knives.

At the end of the meeting, Rhine and the ministers left the conference hall.

At this time, a minister stopped Rhine.

This was a highly respected veteran, and he politely asked Rhine aside.

The old minister sighed sadly and showed sympathy for Rhine:

"Your Highness Rhine, what happened today is really a pity. We all know that Rhine's army cannot silently ascend to heaven from the ground, but even for such a simple truth, the God King does not understand it and still believes it to be true. Alas, obviously His Highness did nothing, but was framed..."

The veteran's tone was extremely sincere, and suddenly, he laughed.

The old minister kept laughing and said leisurely:

"Please rest assured, Your Highness Rhine, this kind of thing will happen more and more in the future."

The old minister had a kind smile, which seemed to outsiders to be comforting Rhine. Then he whispered in a voice that only Rhine could hear:

"The Hein Empire is so big, isn't it enough for you? We are a remote and remote country in the Kingdom of Heaven, and there is no room for His Royal Highness. So, Rhein Hein, listen to the advice of your elders - get out of here!"

Rhine: "..."


In fact,

The erosion of the Kingdom of Heaven by Yuanji has far exceeded the imagination of all high elves.

Shortly after the God King summoned Rhine, he was located in a suburban villa in the morning light.

A group of high-level officials from the country who have been corrupted by Yuanji are gathering.

They all accepted the deal from the Demon Star, obtained eternal life from the Demon Star, and swore to dedicate their souls. After that, they had only one mission.

Disintegrate the Celestial Alliance.

For this kingdom of heaven with withered talents, where the king is half a stupid king and half his own living anchor, it is really not difficult to implement this plan.

During these more than ten years, they secretly controlled the situation in the Kingdom of Heaven and subtly influenced the God King.

Everything seemed to be going well.

The great day when the Holy Star will bring the gospel to the world seems to be just around the corner.

Until...that man appeared.

Rhine Hein.

The believers of Yuanji felt a huge threat from this man, and they simply gnashed their teeth in hatred towards this man!

Just a few days ago, Heavenly Nar and Heavenly Jade suffered a devastating blow almost at the same time.

The living anchor point was annihilated, and all the Holy Spirits who landed in the mortal world were burned to ashes along with the bodies they occupied.

It was a tragic failure.

It was estimated that there were only twenty-one anchor points, but now one-tenth was lost in an instant. This price was not unbearable.

This group of demigod forbidden troops from Haiyin showed their usual efficiency. The two corrupt heavenly kingdoms that were expected to start a head-on war with the heavenly kingdom were actually completely suppressed within a few minutes, or even shorter! !

The followers of Yuanji must take measures.

Over the past ten years, countless young talents have been born in the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as heroes from the mortal world.

But now these outstanding figures are all missing.

This is largely due to the followers of Yuanji.

Now, the believers plan to use their usual methods.

Divorce plan.

However, after their plan was carried out, they became even more desperate and realized...the horror of this Rhein Hein.

The God King is arrogant and arrogant. Although he still has a firm determination to fight against Yuanji, he is easy to be exploited because of his simple mind.

Generally speaking, Yuanji believers are the confidants around the God King. By touting the God King, they cater to the God King's interests without any limit, satisfy his self-esteem, and can easily gain the God King's trust.

Then with the trust of the God King, they can do whatever they want in the Kingdom of Heaven, persecute their political opponents arbitrarily, and let this great elven alliance in the past sink forever without any possibility of revival.



The followers of Yuanji cursed with tears and anger:

"This bitch Rhine Hein is actually better at flattering the God King than we are!!!"

The collapsed Yuanji believers talked to each other about their respective cheating experiences in the past few days.

Previously, Rhine Hein sent demigods without the permission of the God King to destroy Nar and Emerald, which really frightened the believers.

Immediately, the believers began to attack Rhine from various angles, and kept preaching the threat of Rhine in front of the God King.

They believe that no ruler with any sense of reason will allow a powerful messenger to do whatever he wants in his own country and abuse violence.

However, the God King waved his hand: "You idiots who are as timid as mice, the Heine Empire scares you? Do you know what Prince Heine came to our Chenxi for? Although he didn't say it clearly, but We all know that he is here to worship!! The Haiyin people only have infinite worship for our heaven, how can they pose a threat to the heaven!"

After listening to these magical remarks,

The Yuanji believers were stupid at that time.

No, Your Majesty, what on earth is going on in your head? !

As the strongest thousand-year empire in the world, Hein has seven demigods alone, as well as two oath angels, and Hestia! With such terrifying combat power, why should they envy a mere heaven? !

This is clearly a lie used by Prince Hein to paralyze the God King! !

And the God King really believed it! !

However, after the Yuanji believers and the God King were moved by emotion and reason, they explained the threat of the Haine Empire and the weakness of the Kingdom of Heaven in detail.

They were dragged down and whipped by the angry God King...

But that doesn't matter.

Politically unable to shake Rhine, the believers are far away, and there is a more sinister move.

Blow the pillow wind! !

Among Yuanji's believers, many are the concubines of the God King. The God King loves women and dotes on the concubines in his harem.

These concubines have become the most powerful tools for believers to control the god king.

However this time...

Even if they used those concubines, the Yuanji believers still could not shake the God King's trust in Rhine.

In the end, they could only come up with a trick.

A concubine who was corrupted by Yuanji, she tore her clothes, added a few bruises to her body, and then cried and complained to the God King, saying that Rhine Hein had defiled her last night!

The god king was angry.

This time, he was completely angry!

What made him angry was that this concubine dared to deceive him! !

"You bitch! You talk nonsense in broad daylight!"

The God King said angrily: "You said that my brother Rhine defiled you last night, but my brother spent last night with the God Princess!!!"

When he is with the Godly Princess, how can he have time to taint you? !

What a mess! !

This concubine made everyone stupid at the time.


Your wife has been hanging out with this guy all night, shouldn't you be even more angry? !

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