Therefore, it is better to set up a system that can naturally allow the three races to coexist harmoniously.

There were a few more guests at the Cowper City morgue last night, but now the corpses have been used by werewolves to stew potatoes.

You can't kill two for Rhine, right?

However, this is entirely due to Aiqi Bode being overly worried...

Rhine really needs corpses to summon blood knights,

But he didn't say it had to be a human corpse.

Anyway, all you need to summon the blood knight is a body.

Rhine thought it would be okay to give him half a pig...

"Using the carcass of an animal to summon the Gospel Blood Rider?"

Although all demons long to descend into the mortal world,

But these demons still have some pursuits, not to mention the blood knights who are recognized as the most elite among the demons.

Aiqibode smiled incredulously:

"I have never heard of such a thing. Will the Blood Rider really come?"

Rhine smiled: "It will come."

At the same time, on the skull land, a certain queen showed a doting smile.

After going to the butcher's shop, Rhine collected the sacrifices needed to summon the devil. Then, Rhine and Echibald found an open space far away from the city and started the summoning.

There is no need to set up an altar, or draw a magic circle. Rhine only needs to move his mind, and the blood of the goddess in his body begins to boil, and the authority of the Chosen One takes effect immediately.

The billions of wills fighting endlessly in the Nether Realm all feel the call from the mortal world at this moment.

Although the sacrifice was a bit lacking, the demons still had mixed emotions and rushed to respond.

Soon, along with the dazzling bloody light, a corrupt aura that could drive mortals insane began to spread.

The sacrifice began to distort, and pieces of fresh meat twitched on the ground. Suddenly, the sacrifice exploded into a cloud of blood mist. In the blood mist, pale and thick limbs gradually took shape, and then blood gushed out and accumulated on the limbs. Into scarlet blood armor.

The neighing of the war horses came from the thick blood mist.

The sacrifices were dismantled into the foundation stones for the demons to establish themselves in the mortal world, and then reshaped.

And when the blood mist in front of Rhine dissipated,

A group of warriors wearing blood-colored armor stood quietly.

More than a dozen cavalrymen rode beheaded demon horses and held heavy bows made of blood.

Three times the number of infantrymen were also tightly wrapped in blood-colored armor. Only the beast's head with thick horns and scars was exposed, with ferocious eyes.



The blood knights quietly looked at the Chosen One who summoned them.

Then, in perfect order, they all knelt down and saluted Rhine.

Full of awe!

The blood knights recognize Rhine Hein.

Rhine may not care about some small things.

But in fact, the name Rhine Hein has long been famous in the land of skulls, like thunder.

This was the one who once caused the Blood Queen and Ancient Dragon Princess to fight until the earth fell apart while shouting his name! !

He is a veritable evildoer who brings disaster to the country and the people!

Legend has it that this hero was the next emperor of the Haine Empire.

He killed the ancient dragon, single-handedly trained the most powerful Moonlight King in history, repelled the goddess's projection, pulled out the Sword of Stars, and even completely annihilated the demon star outside the sky...

Such a strong man is certainly worthy of awe!

And, not only that,

On the skull land where the blood knights live, the existence of Rhine Hein has become the most mysterious legend, and the reason for this is...

Her Majesty the Queen's attitude towards this mortal prince.

The supreme Queen of the Netherland, she symbolizes endless killing and war, and is the most cruel and ruthless goddess.

And she also implemented the arrogance and cold-bloodedness of a goddess towards her subordinates.

The blood knights and believers who worship and are loyal to her are just consumables that she can squander at will in her pursuit of blood and war.

She always watched indifferently as tens of thousands and millions of demons died miserably in front of her eyes, without blinking an eye or showing a smile.

It's just almost cruel and boring.

Only when you reach the apostle level can you get a little attention from Her Majesty the Queen.

As for the Chosen Ones, because these existences shoulder the important task of opening up territories for the Queen in the mortal world, Her Majesty the Queen is somewhat interested in them.

However, even for these most elite mortal believers, who are like her children and have her blood flowing through them,

It is difficult for Her Majesty the Queen to express how deeply she feels towards them.

Her Majesty the Queen was always expressionless and uninterested in Wei Lin, the former guardian of the underworld who was humble and kind, unwilling to cause a war, and would even spare the life of her opponent.

For Difenni, the former Moonlight King who was reincarnated with the blessing of the Queen, Her Majesty the Queen somewhat appreciated her. Whenever Difenni offered a grand blood sacrifice to her, the aloof Her Majesty the Queen, Most of the time, he would cast his gaze, and a smile would appear on his lips.

Among all the mortal believers, the one who favors Her Majesty the Queen the most is naturally the leader of the Chosen Ones, the great "Legion Commander".

She is the most powerful blood god derivative in the world.

Whether it is military strategy or personal martial arts, he is invincible.

She was the war king who once led a large army to occupy half of the territory of the Haine Empire.

After that war, Her Majesty the Queen was pleased and gave her the highest blessing.

eternal life.

She is well-deserved, the blood god incarnate in the mortal world.

Whenever Her Majesty the Queen mentions her, a look of admiration will appear on her face unconsciously. Her Majesty the Queen is full of trust and expectation for the Legion Commander.

Her Majesty the Queen even specifically allowed the legion commander to open a permanent door to the netherworld in her eyes, so that she could see the Queen at any time.

This is the supreme blessing that the legion commander spent a hundred years to obtain.

Originally, the demons thought that Her Majesty the Queen's highest level of love for her subordinates was limited to this...

However, the existence of Rhine Hein refreshed the knowledge of the demons.

What is the attitude of the cold and arrogant Queen of the Netherland towards the newly promoted Divine Chosen One?

Is it indifference? Appreciation?

Or at most, like a legion commander, making the Queen feel trusted?

However, it is neither.

According to some eyewitnesses,

When Her Majesty the Queen speaks of Rheinhein...

Your Majesty, she...



The Blood Queen acts like a fucking pussy,

Blushed! ! !

Her Majesty the Queen not only praised this ordinary believer who was not the Chosen One at that time, but every time she mentioned Rhine, a silly smile mixed with shyness and yearning would appear on Her Majesty's face from time to time.

In the subsequent battles between the blood knights and the succubus, the queen and princess who exchanged pleasantries on the battlefield almost never left the name Rhine.

If the demons weren't very aware of Her Majesty's bloodthirsty and cruel nature, everyone would even think that Her Majesty is in love! !

Ha ha ha ha,

The Queen of the Netherland is in love?

What a fucking bullshit!


In short,

Rhine Hein is an incredible person.

Ever since this mortal believer, who was longed for by Her Majesty the Queen, finally accepted Her Majesty’s blood and became a Chosen One.

The blood knights have been waiting for this day.

Feeling the call of Rhine Hein, they pinched their noses and rushed to respond to Rhine's call.

in order,

Just to meet this legendary man who can make Her Majesty the Queen blush.


After meeting Rhine,

The expressions of these silent blood knights couldn't help but twitch.

They are so disappointed...

Although theoretically speaking, the blood knights will unconditionally obey the orders of the Chosen One and accept the command of the Chosen One without any doubts.

But this image of Rhine is too abstract.

Look at this man, he is thin, has little magic power, and has no trace of the spirit of a warrior.

Those calm and calm eyes with a hint of sullenness are more like followers of an evil dragon or some other god of conspiracy...

Is this person worthy of being called a righteous believer? !

The two women standing behind Rhine were two extremely powerful people, at least at the level of demigods.

At this time, they were involuntarily staring at Rhine with affectionate eyes. In their eyes, there was a deep love that even these straight male blood knights could understand.

The blood knights were almost suffocated...

This Rhine-Hein...

He actually has a girlfriend!

And there are two more! !

Blood God is above! How can a righteous believer who is single become a serious righteous believer? !

The blood knights couldn't bear it;

They couldn't stand this blasphemous evil dragon thing commanding them.

The blood knights have heard before that there are rumors that Rhine Hein has the evil dragon's eyes in his eyes. He is actually Olivia's beauty trick in order to corrupt their great Queen!

The blood knights didn’t believe it before.

Now I have and believe it.

But...even though they had such strong opinions about Rhine Hein, they dared not say anything.

Because Her Majesty the Queen has already greeted the blood knights in advance.

All blood knights summoned by Rhine Hein must completely obey Rhine Hein's command and cannot slack off in the slightest.


If you anger the Queen, it won't be as simple as being thrown into the Blood River and Forged Abyss...

The blood knights were as silent as a cicada, not saying a word.

Do your job well today,

When I get back to the Netherland, I can complain to my brothers about today’s fucking work experience.

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