However, how could Rhine not know what these blood knights were thinking.

He knew the tempers of these demons all too well.

As the future Chosen One of Justice, Rhine more or less still has to safeguard his reputation among the Gospel Blood Riders.

In Blood Rider's worldview, cruelty, cold-bloodedness, violence, viciousness, and even despicability can barely be called virtues.

But only the weak,

It is an unforgivable felony.

Rhine's eyes calmly swept across the group of blood knights:

"When we meet for the first time, everyone should be surprised that even a mortal like me can become the Chosen One, right?"

How could the Blood Riders dare to be dissatisfied? They were shocked by the Queen's majesty. Even though their hearts were full of disappointment for Rhine Hein, at this moment, they all bowed their heads in surrender and said nothing.

And Rhine continued: "The person I am talking about raises his hand."

No one moved.

Rhine's voice became serious: "This is an order."

Upon hearing this, the upright blood knights immediately raised their hands.

Rhine smiled kindly:

"I don't have the sword in my hand. In terms of combat power, I am indeed not as good as other chosen ones. However, I have some attainments in magic... Do you want to take a look?"


The silent blood knights showed a little curiosity in their eyes.

In fact,

The blood knights have long heard rumors about Rhine Hein's personal combat prowess.

Rumor has it that when the Kingdom of Heaven was fighting against the Demon Star Yuanji, this prince once used the Shining Star Sword to tear apart the space, cutting out dense space cracks like a storm, and one person dominated hundreds of battlefields scattered across the sky.

But unfortunately, the Kingdom of Heaven at that time was still under Olivia's rule.

The blood knights only heard these rumors from the succubus.

But to be honest, the news about the succubus is really not trustworthy. It is exaggerated and overly exaggerated.

Those stupid succubi actually said that the queen and princess were jealous because they had a crush on Rhine Hein, and they fought to win Rhine Hein's favor, even at the risk of destroying the world.

That's so fucking outrageous,

Therefore, the blood knights also chose to ignore other information about Rhine Hein that came from the succubus' mouth.


What if?

If Rhine can really pull out the Shining Star Sword, then he indeed has the strength of a demigod.

In addition, his skills are better, and combined with his status, he is not incapable of being qualified for the position of God's Chosen One.


Is his technique really good?

What qualifications does this mortal prince have to control the magic of a demigod? Even more proficient than most demigods?

The answer... may be revealed soon.

Under the gaze of the blood knights,

Rhine smiled and cast a little magic,

"My magical attainments are not high, that's all."

I saw a small whirlwind condensed in Rhine's hand.

"This is Wind Blade Technique."

Use the wind element to condense a flying knife, and then eject it to cut the enemy. This is the most low-end spell among the wind element magic.

When the demons saw this, they all became numb.

Wind Blade Technique...

They stared stupidly at the green blade spinning in Rhine's hand...

This damn... is it really just a wind blade technique? !

Is this person serious?

The so-called Chosen One who defeated the Goddess of Justice,

Is that the only extent?

That's it? !


I don’t know which blood knight laughed out loud.

However, Rhine seemed calm and calm.

His magic has not been finished yet.

Immediately afterwards, another bright light burst out from Rhine's hand,

"Now let's fine-tune this magic a little bit..."

I saw the small wind blade quickly dissipating and returning to nothingness. Only a blade that remained in the concept was still lingering around Rhine's fingertips.

This is a trick that does not rely on any divine authority, but only relies on the understanding of the world, and uses the tiniest magic power to mobilize a spell that is enough to distort the laws of the world.


Under the gaze of all the blood knights, Rhine's fingertips lightly cut through the air, leaving a... crack in the space that reflected the deep darkness! !

Rhine used his wind blade technique,

Will space!

Tear! ! !

Rhine: "Look, just make a slight adjustment and use the wind blade to tear open the space. In this way, the wind blade technique becomes a teleportation spell."

Rhine looked at the blood knights with a smile.

The blood knights stared blankly at the crack in space. The poor demons, the world view they had built since childhood, was shattered at this moment.

This slowly opening space crack completely detonated the scene.

Not only the blood knights, but also Prosperity and Aiqibode looked at the space crack with shock on their faces.

The blood knights couldn't believe it, let alone understand it with their shallow knowledge and experience.

A mortal actually tore apart space? Launched a teleportation spell? !



The blood knights rejected their ridiculous assumptions in their hearts.

There is only one answer.

Rhine Hein,

He is no mortal,

He is the Chosen One who can make Her Majesty the Queen blush with heartbeat, and pull out the Era Sword and the evil dragon to snatch people for him! The second legion commander appointed by Her Majesty the Queen! ! !

However, before the demons could say anything, Rhine took the lead and spoke loudly.

Rhine: "Everyone! We are believers of the goddess of war! We are the embodiment of justice of the far-reaching gospel! We need war, more and more wars! We must cut off enough heads and collect enough blood to please our queen, Although I am weak, there is at least one thing I can do for you!"

"I can provide you with a battlefield! I can give you countless powerful enemies that cannot be killed!"

"I will take you to the most dangerous battlefield, and then let you spread death and blood in this fragile world!"

Inspired by Rhine's words,

The blood knights are boiling, they are becoming crazy!


So what if the chosen one is weak?

There must be a reason why Her Majesty the Queen chose Rhine as her Divine Chosen One. Why should the blood knights consider the deep meaning of this?

As for the blood knights, they don’t need to think about whether the Chosen One is powerful. They just need more, more and more——

Kill! Blood! Head! war! !

not to mention! !

This Chosen One is not f*cking weak at all!

Using mortal-level magic to open a space crack is nothing short of a miracle! It’s an unprecedented feat! !

do not forget,

The only mortal among the Chosen Ones, Ms. Vaelin, who is famous for her extraordinary fighting skills.

She usually has to walk on her legs when she's on the road! !

At this moment, there was no longer a trace of doubt in the eyes of the blood knights, and they all responded to Rhine hoarsely: "Take the order! Master of the Legion——!"

Rhine smiled lightly and said, "It's too late. I haven't passed the test and I don't have the authority to mobilize the entire Gospel Blood Cavalry."

Rhine pointed to the space crack aside: "The battlefield is over there, warriors, let's go!"

"Follow me!!!"

The fighting spirit of the blood knights was fully mobilized, and they roared and rushed into the space rift,

Start killing!

Let the war begin!

Started to crazily plunder blood and heads from the mortal world to please the supreme god——

The Queen of Blood!


ten minutes later.

Underground in the long night, Blood Furnace No. 0.

The elite werewolf defenders, who were well-equipped and experienced in many battles, looked at the demon corpses on the ground and spat.

"What a damn bad luck."

A sneak attack from the Netherland broke out and was quickly put down.

The werewolves were puzzled.

These dozens of demons appeared out of nowhere,

How dare you sneak attack the most critical power facility in Changye without fear of death?

What a joke,

This is where the blood coffin of the First True Ancestor is imprisoned.

How tight the defense force is,

Dozens of demons rush in. Even the most elite Gospel Blood Riders are of no use when facing a werewolf army that is a hundred times their size.

Soon they left corpses all over the ground and left happily.

And by the way, a lot of corruption in the netherworld was left behind.

Before dying, these demons shouted things like, "This battlefield is really dangerous!" "Legion Commander is reliable!" "Blood and death have come!" "Your Majesty the Queen, Legion Commander, our mission has been... ..." and other weird words.

A bunch of idiots.

The werewolves stared at the mess left by the blood knight and fell into silence.

However, difficult problems arise.

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