Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

546. Unonia’s desire, the essence of the flower spirit (12)

It is true that the chief chosen by the Goddess of Justice, this legion commander is a dangerous person who may go on a rampage and kill people at any time and almost destroy the Hein Empire.

But... no one present really felt that she was a threat to Rhine.

Of course there is no need to talk about Rhine himself.

He had long known the true identity of the legion commander.

The tyranny of the Blood Queen's Chosen is balanced by the gentleness of the flower elves.

This ferocious beast wrapped in bloody armor... can be called a good girl who is harmless to humans and animals.

The Goddess of Prosperity and Unonia, these two true god-level combat powers, can naturally penetrate the shielding barrier set up by Euphemia.

These two goddesses who are resident in the Hein Imperial Capital have already seen what Euphemia did to the poor legion commander...

So at this moment, no matter how arrogant the legion commander was, the two of them just watched in silence with a tacit understanding.

But at this time the scene...

One person showed an uneasy expression.

It was Hestia.

Histia couldn't see through Euphemia's shielding barrier, and she wasn't there when Euphemia was the leader of the Education Corps.


Seeing that in order to express his sincerity for cooperation, His Highness even risked his life and chose to go with the legion commander.

Of course Histia stood up immediately.

"Your Highness, let me accompany you and the legion commander."

Not to mention whether Histia can defeat the legion commander head-on...

But if you want to protect Rhine and escape, it's still no problem.

Since the leader of the Justice Legion offered to let Rhine take someone...

That's just right,

Histia was not at ease leaving His Highness Rhine to this bloodthirsty degenerate.

After all, there is competition among the chosen ones to win the favor of the goddess.

If His Highness Rhine and the legion commander are both mortals favored by the goddess, then... it is not impossible that the legion commander is jealous of Rhine.

Look at the vicious tone of the legion commander...

Always felt,

What danger will your Highness face...

Rhine took Hestia's hand and said, "Then I will rely on you to protect me along the way, sister."

Hestia did not expect that Rhine would mention this childhood title. She nodded solemnly:

"Next, I will stay close to His Highness."

The legion commander on the other side breathed a sigh of relief... Very good, now someone is taking care of the prince, and the legion commander doesn't need to worry about him along the way.

Then the fact that her body has become obedient to Rhine and unable to refuse Rhine's orders... should not be exposed for the time being.


So, it's time to go.

Rhine named a coordinate, and Hestia immediately tore apart the space and used teleportation magic to connect to the deepest part of the hunting area.

"He's gone..."

Prosperity quietly watched her master go away. After a while, she sniffed the residual smell of her master on her body with lingering interest: "We're only halfway there..."

Unonia: "...?"

Do it...half way?

This goddess with ever-changing eyes turned her back, with a twisted expression on her face.

People's joys and sorrows...never connect! !

When the prosperity and emotion and the lovers reminiscing about the past are not enough...

There is a poor, miserable girl who has never been touched since the founding of the Heine Empire until now! !

It’s been three thousand years! !

Although Hestia is difficult to defeat, the teacher will definitely not let her and the goddess of order in her go.

And the legion commander has been carefully educated by Euphemia, and her fall is only a matter of time...

Everyone can enjoy the teacher’s favor,

There is only one person, who has obviously confirmed the relationship with the teacher, and whose appearance has soared by two stages to the level of a goddess who can make all mortals crazy and forget themselves.

But due to physical reasons, I can only get one mom and two sweet words from the teacher every day...! !

Even the teacher’s kisses from now on will smell like other women’s perfume! !

Damn, I’m so envious!

I really want to post with the teacher! !

At this moment... a fire seemed to be ignited in Unonia's heart again.

In the past, Unonya had worked hard for three thousand years to see her teacher, but just seeing her teacher... was not enough.

Unonia made up her mind...

Before being gentle with the teacher!

Can't die! !

At this time, Prosperity looked sideways at Unonia. For some reason, the broken body that was gradually disappearing into nothingness,

It seems...becoming a lot more real.

A wave of faith is rising in Unonia's heart...

At this time, Rhine, who was about to step into the space crack, suddenly turned back,

As if he heard Prosperity's lament, he came to Prosperity and comforted Prosperity.

Rhine: "Be patient for a while longer and wait for me to come back, okay?"

Prosperity showed a knowing smile:

"It's the master who needs to be patient."

The time between prosperity and the Rhine, from the subjective perspective of prosperity, is only a moment...

Those who really crave prosperity now...

It was Rhine who had been separated from her maid for three years.

Rhine caressed the maid's face and reluctantly kissed Prosperity goodbye.

Unonya: "!!!"

Unonya quickly came forward and looked at the teacher eagerly.

Of course, Rhine did not forget Unoniya. He touched Unoniya's head lovingly, then turned and left.

This time, Rhine is really gone.

The space cracks gradually closed,

And prosperity looks to Unonia again...

Treat prosperity with kisses and hugs, treat yourself with just a pat on the head...! ! !

Could this be the ending that Unonia had been waiting for for three thousand years?


no! !

To be honest... In the past three thousand years, Unonya has endured more than once by imagining how she would use this goddess-level body ■■ Teacher and letting her teacher do to her ■■■■, ■■■■ It’s been a long time! ! !

but now,

Although Oona Youyong met the teacher, Unonya herself... became a ruined flower.

If I can't sleep with my teacher, then what's the point of my three thousand years of persistence! !

Now, Unonia can only awaken Osagapo with her teacher and repair her damage by trading with Osagapo.

Looking at that obstructive half of the body...

At this time, the goddess of sea clenched her fists, her face was sullen, and her expression was indescribably serious.

And her gaze,

It has become as firm as steel!



Flower elves are the prototype of gods.

They will emerge out of thin air in a natural environment rich in life, and then spend thousands of years growing into true gods.

As we all know, every natural god has a corresponding godhead.

Moonlight, life, rebirth, storm...all the concepts that exist in the mortal world have the potential to create a true god.

Some nature gods are born with their own godhead.

Some natural gods need to be found the day after tomorrow.

They must use the most pious mentality to understand the world and lock in the meaning of existence. They will spare no effort and use everything to pursue the godhead she identifies.

This kind of selfless attitude stems from the instinct of the flower elves, and they are dedicated to pursuing whatever they can...

Sometimes... I get paid for some weird stuff by mistake.

The flower elves don't know what they can find their godhead from.

They also don't quite know how to control their instinct to sacrifice themselves unreservedly in order to sense the godhead...

This is the origin of the slave race flower elves...

When ancient mortal beings discovered that flower elves would not only forget themselves in perceiving nature, but would also occasionally seek inspiration from living creatures in order to perceive the godhead...

If the flower elf accidentally fixed the learning object of the godhead on a certain person...

The flower elf will yearn for him extremely persistently and worship him throughout his life.

Listen to his orders and understand the meaning of every detail in his words and deeds,


Completely submit to this.

No more...

disobey any of his orders...

Deep in the hunting area.

Due to the picky and single diet of the sub-gods, these natural disaster beasts, which alone may destroy the elven empire, have no interest in all living creatures except elves.

Therefore, mortal beings who are not elves can build bases next to them, hunt down demi-gods, pick up some demi-god derivatives, and use these semi-god-level materials to make huge profits.


Rhine also planned to bring someone to find out.

Histia: "Your Highness, are you okay? If you feel any discomfort, please tell me."

On the way to hunt for the sub-god in the hunting area, Histia accompanied Rhine, constantly greeting him and caring about him.

After all, the hunting area is too dangerous for mortals.

The so-called hunting area is the divine domain of the Goddess of Compassion in the mortal world. There is a powerful divine power here that is enough to destroy the souls of mortals.

Therefore, Hestia carefully protected her Highness along the way.

At the same time, the monster that was walking with them was also on the dike.

Legion Commander: "..."

It’s me who should be wary of you! !

The legion commander had never carried out such a thrilling mission. In order to prevent the flower elf's instinct from doing something terrible, the legion commander carefully and fearfully kept a distance from Rhine along the way, for fear that he would reveal the truth.

But at the same time, the legion commander is also trying to comfort himself...

Maybe everything is not that bad. Even if the legion commander wants to anchor his godhood, he has already anchored it on the Blood Queen...

The Queen of Blood is a true god, the most powerful true god in the Nether Realm. Didn’t the legion commander long ago transform into the shape of Her Majesty the Queen out of the instinct of the flower elf?

The legion commander's affection for Rhine should be just Euphemia's cunning trick, and definitely not the fact that his body has claimed its master...


As long as my perseverance is strong enough, I can completely overcome Euphemia's brainwashing.

I don't make sense,

Weaker than that angel! !

Rhine: "Legion Commander, there are too many demigod-level units here, and there are shielding barriers everywhere. Can you let your blood dragon go to the sky to investigate the situation?"

Legion Commander: "Oh, yes."

Rhine: "Thank you. I feel at ease having you by my side."

Legion Commander: "You, you deserve the award!!"

Was praised by Rhine...

The legion commander was so happy that his body was numb, and his whole body was filled with joy. He even jumped up without holding back...

However, after feeling satisfied, the legion commander mentally scolded himself for his misbehavior, and was depressed for another whole day...until he was praised by Rhine the next time.

In this way, Rhine and his team continued to hunt the sub-gods, and then threw the corpses back to the camp to accumulate materials for summoning the blood knights.

However, gradually the legion commander and Hestia noticed that,

Rhine seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the dense forest.

But actually...

He seemed to be searching for something.

On the third day deep into the hunting area, Rhine found a long-dead sub-god.

The withered bones covered with leaves, soil and roots were completely beyond the distortion of any mortal life.

Yet among these twisted bones...

Rhine and the two super demigods saw... the outline of a human skeleton.


That's not a human skeleton,

But from the elves!

Rhine smiled, stretched out his hand, and touched the elf skeleton...

And the next moment...

In the dense forest, bursts of movement suddenly came.

Giant trees fell to the ground in the distance, as if something huge was gathering from all directions.

The legion commander and Histia drew their weapons one after another - their senses actually saw countless powerful sub-gods rushing towards them at full speed!

"Your Highness, be careful!"

Histia quickly picked up Rhine and flew into the sky.

The next moment, the land they were standing on was crowded with dozens of sub-gods. The sub-gods gathered together, their bodies gradually dissolved, and their flesh and blood was poured onto the rotten bones.

Under the pouring of flesh and blood, the dead bones regained life and came back to life...


That's not resurrection,

But it's just the unique sleeping method of high-level sub-gods.

After obtaining the bodies of dozens of sub-gods,

Dry Bones shook off the debris on his body and looked at the three of them with an organ similar to his eyes.

Looking at the Rhine...



From among the twisted carrion, a gentle and heavenly voice came...

Fusion Yashen: "I finally...see you again."

Rhine also smiled: "Long time no see, Moonlight..."

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