Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

547. A confession of compassion, the elven kingdom in danger (12)

In the hunting area,

The ground shook violently and trees continued to collapse.

A giant sub-god that had never been seen before rose up from the broken earth.

Like all Asian gods,

Under the transformation of the power of the Nether Realm, the fragments of these once magnificent gods have been completely distorted into the most ugly and abominable appearances.

But the twisted giant flesh and blood in front of him was slightly different.

It vaguely presents the outline of a graceful female body, and at the same time exudes a strong divinity that far exceeds that of its kind.

On its chest, there was a spot of light, burning brightly.

Strong divine reactions are constantly overflowing from it.

With divine blessing,

Rhine couldn't help but start to feel that...this flesh and blood giant looked quite handsome if he looked closely.

This is a divine core.

The dead elves and gods not only had a lot of flesh and blood left, they were made into sub-gods out of compassion.

Of course, their divine cores have also become excellent materials for the goddess of compassion.

Except for some of the elven goddesses who were killed by the goddess of order in the early stages of the battle and collected the divine cores,

As for all the remaining elves and gods,

They were all assimilated by compassion into endless sub-gods, large and small, and their divine cores were also made into main-level units among the sub-gods.

Just like this one before me,

Having the body of a goddess and the core of a god...

These core sub-gods with divine cores are undoubtedly the most powerful and dangerous units among all sub-gods.

Not only that, these core deities, their thoughts are directly connected to the goddess of compassion, and it can be seen that they are the true form of the goddess of compassion.

Now, beneath the dark abyss in the heart of the hunting area,

With the resurgence of the core sub-god, his compassionate eyes were cast on Lain and others.

This is a reunion after a long separation of three thousand years...

"I finally see you, Rhein Hein."

Through the core sub-god, the voice of compassion reached Rhine's ears.

"Over the years, I have missed you so much. When I ascended, I tried hard to keep all my memories of you here...I am very afraid of forgetting you."

The compassionate voice was gentle and tactful, and it was incompatible with the ugly body of the sub-god.

But Rhine didn't care about this.

Histia and the legion commander each controlled the blood dragon and crystal spear, fully armed and carefully protecting Rhine.

And Rhine reached out to the core Asian god.

"Moonlight, I want to talk to you."

Rhine smiled and said: "Now is no longer the era when the goddess of order covers the sky with one hand. You no longer need to abide by the agreement with her."

Rhine: "Let us cooperate. We can join hands. We can protect the elves and your children."


He smiled compassionately and lovingly: "Rhine, my lover, I have always been protecting these children."

Compassion did not kill any elves.

Yashen is only responsible for destroying the civilization of the elves, and then uses his belly as a container to transport the elves to the deepest part of the hunting area.

Here, Compassion will use the power of Osagabo to transform the souls of the elves, allowing them to become fallen ones, enjoy illusory prosperity, and enjoy Compassion's meticulous care.

Non-elven races will be frightened into madness by that strange and terrifying hell of flesh and blood...

But there... is the paradise of all elves.

Compassion said softly: "I can see my children, fearing me, hating me, Rhine... I can see, I can see clearly."

Compassion: "My children have settled in the new world. They have accepted their new identities, but...my children are still tortured by pain and despair."

Compassion: "They dare not look up to the sky, they are fighting among themselves, they are starving, they are bleeding, they are crying, they feel that this is their fate, they cannot imagine that they... were this world The greatest and happiest race in the world.”

"Rhine...you know, I didn't approve of life."

Compassion still said gently:

"But three thousand years ago, in this forest, I heard their prayers... They didn't want to die, they didn't want to admit defeat. They were the most powerful and prosperous race in the world!"

"Life is right, for these children. If they cannot continue Philemon's prosperity, then they... would rather die,"

They are the proud Philemon elves,

They disdain to live an ignoble existence.

Moonlight wants to compromise and beg for mercy, using the prosperity of the elves to exchange a glimmer of life for the enemy and continue the so-called population... This is the most cowardly, selfish and cruel behavior.

So, after becoming the goddess of compassion and being completely occupied by compassion and love,

Moonlight decides,

Use the best way she can think of to fulfill the children's wishes.

She won't let these children suffer any more,

This world is cruel,

But now, she is strong enough to protect her children... forever and ever.

"So, I made up my mind. I want to give them a sweet dream, a dream that they will never wake up from. In the dream, the elves are still the greatest and noblest species, and everything is still beautiful. There is no war and no destruction. There is no order..."

"I will bring all the children into this dream, and they will be happy..."

Compassion softly begged, "Don't stop me, darling."

Rhine: "..."

So far, Rhine has basically understood the idea of ​​compassion.

Just like the previous reincarnation,

She is still her...

Rhine still wanted to make one last attempt. He stared at the compassion with his charming dragon eyes: "But... Moonlight, I don't want to lose you. I am very sad because you have become like this and I can no longer hug you." In my arms..."

After hearing Rhine's words, Compassion also fell silent.

Compassion still remembers Rhine and loves Rhine deeply. In the past three thousand years, she has never missed that decadent, crazy, but happy time...

But in the end, she said bitterly:

"I'm sorry, Rhine... I love you, I will love you forever, I know that the time you spent with me is very short, I know that I am just one of your countless lovers, and I also know that you Really want to try to love me..."

In the world of gods, there is no concept of morality and chastity;

These immortal superiors are just blindly pursuing things that can move them...

And love, the most precious, rare, sweet and tortured emotion...

It only takes a moment to remember these immortals until the end of the world...

"Rhine, I love you."

Compassionately smiled and said: "However, if it is between my child and you, I will only make one choice."

Smiling pitifully and sadly, the core sub-god entered an attack state:

"Leave, my love. The next time you set foot in this forest, it will be the day of our decisive battle..."

Rhine could only nod helplessly.

All right......

It seems,

There is absolutely nothing to talk about...

Rhine and the two demigods had been killing people in the hunting area for three days.

Although Yagod has no desire to attack non-elves, his compassion is not without a bottom line.

Most of the time, she really doesn't pay attention to the hunting of sub-gods by mortals, but if the hunting is too crazy, then revenge is inevitable.

Now Rhine only contacted Compassion when he was stuck at the upper limit of hunting.

He just hopes to try his luck one last time and see if he can convince Compassion...

The former goddess of compassion was an existence that Rhineland could not communicate with at all.

But now, Rhine originally thought that with the time of love three thousand years ago, he would have a chance of improvement...

Originally, Rhine came here just to give it a try.

This person has a physical relationship with Rhine, and they are in love with each other, which has become the lover's compassion.


can change,

but none,

Absolutely not......

Compassion loves Rhine deeply, and she remembers the beautiful love that Rhine brought to her in that short period of one year.

But she also loved her children equally,

These children enshrined her and worshiped her, from the beginning of the world to the end of destruction,

She could always hear how much her children loved her and how much they needed her.

Under such circumstances...

No matter how twisted her love is, from her perspective, she will never let go of her beloved child.


The eviction order has been issued.

The will of the goddess of compassion began to manifest itself in the sub-gods,

Endless sub-gods are surrounding them from all directions,


There are also several true god-level auras like the core sub-gods in front of you, also hidden in them.

But they didn't attack,

Just looking at Rhine silently,

Watching Histia open the space rift and take Rhine away from their divine domain.

The sub-gods stopped and looked at each other, unwilling to leave for a long time...

Just like lovers, tearful farewell...

Before leaving, Rhine asked Mercy:

"If your children come to you, even if they know the truth and want to continue their current life, they are still unwilling to accept the dream you gave them... What will you do?"

Compassion: "I have never met such a child..."

He said with a compassionate smile: "But you are right, my dear, the elves are facing a disaster..."

The world is changing, and the peaceful world dominated by order is quickly disappearing.

Destruction is coming.

And when the end comes, one of the few safe places in the world will be...


Compassion: "Because of this, I have to speed up to destroy their city and bring them to a safe place. And as you said, dear, I no longer need to abide by the contract with the goddess of order... ....I can finally give it my all.”

Rhine's eyes trembled...

He raised his head and looked around the forest. The number of scattered core sub-gods was obviously not right! !

The truth became clear instantly——

In order to welcome the end of the world, she has sent out core sub-gods or other armies that can destroy the elven civilization to invade the only two remaining elven countries! !

We haven't received the distress signal from Heaven and Leta yet, so the war probably hasn't started yet.

But the Yashen army must not be far from these two countries! !

Rhine: "It seems that before the decisive battle, we have to fight somewhere else."

The compassionate voice was full of sadness: "Why is it so... dear..."

Rhine's eyes were serious and he quickly walked into the space crack.

Can't waste any more time...

Return to defense immediately!



After returning to the base, Rhine took Unonia, Prosperity and Histia, opened a portal and left immediately.

The legion commander was left to look after the family.

The black people are still working hard to build the factory, and someone must stay to protect the factory and the corpses of the gods and other war materials.

Watching Rhine leading people into the space crack,

The legion commander was completely relieved...

Very good......

Although the job of housekeeper and security guard is not suitable for the Legion Commander of the Blood Queen,

But the legion commander was happy to keep his distance from Rhine.

Mercy decided to launch a sneak attack on the two elven kingdoms, and Rhine had to go home with his men to put out the fire.

And the legion commander was finally saved...

Finally got rid of him...

During the three days he spent with Rhine, the legion commander had been trying his best to suppress his instincts and did not give Rhine any good looks.

She remained alert and hostile throughout the whole process. Even if her heart was filled with joy from the praise of Rhine, she made sure to keep her face full of criticism and not give any positive feedback to Rhine.

She had to let Rhine know.

She, the legion commander of the Blood Goddess, the princess candidate appointed by the Blood Queen, was definitely not a woman that he, a merciless scumbag, could reach for!

And now it seems,

The legion commander succeeded.

During these three days of hunting, Hestia was always intimate with Rhine.

The commander of the legion can completely stay out of the matter.

Rhine had shown her kindness many times, but after repeatedly hitting the wall, he had no choice but to give up.

Even for the reinforcements needed to defend the Elf Kingdom this time, Rhine urgently summoned a group of black enemies, and did not even mention borrowing blood demons from the legion commander.

very good! !

Rhine had gradually lost interest in himself and recognized the true nature of the legion commander.

In this way, the chastity left by the Legion Commander to Her Majesty the Queen will be preserved! !

However, just when the legion commander was proud of his self-control and his loyalty to the Blood Queen...

Just at this time,

The legion commander heard a serious voice coming from her mind.

"Legion Commander."

The Queen of Blood sounded a little unhappy:

"I have to talk to you."



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