Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

548:The prince’s personal maid, Hestia (12)

Whether it is demigods or gods, there is no time difference in the war between these superior beings who have the ability to jump in space.

On such a huge planet, they can reach any coordinate instantly. In a war, if a friendly party is attacked by a sneak attack, as long as they can send out a distress signal in time,

In that instant, all the combat forces outside can come to support immediately.

The reason why Mercy told Rhine about her attack plan was not only because Mercy didn't want to hide anything from her lover, but also because...it was meaningless.

In order to support the two elven thrones, Rhine divided the existing combat forces into two groups.

In addition to the legion commander who is looking after the house, Rhine Unonia goes to the Kingdom of Heaven together, and Histia joins Prosperity in reinforcing Leta.

When Rhine and Unonia arrived in heaven, they happened to catch up with the invasion of the Agod Army.

Overlooking the sea of ​​clouds at your feet,

Among the rolling clouds, a dark and chaotic light is constantly appearing, which is the space crack that is constantly opening.

Under the sea of ​​clouds, countless sub-gods vibrated and twisted flesh wings, broke through the clouds, flew to the sky, swooped down, and crashed into the heavens.

It’s not that Yashen can’t fly.

It's just that in the contract between compassion and order, the sub-gods are not allowed to take action against the kingdom of heaven.

And now,

All contracts and all constraints have expired.

The goddess of mercy can finally send these lost children to the carefree Silestine.

"Teacher, there are many enemies."

Unonia's perception instantly swept across the sky. Within the range of her perception, hundreds of sub-gods landed in the heaven from different directions...

This is to completely destroy the high elves in heaven in one fell swoop.

Rhine: "How many of them have cores?"

Unonia: "Just one."

Rhine: "That can be fought."

Unonia: "Yes!"

Unonia entered a fighting state, and she pulled out a flaming rapier from her empty half body.

One handed sword 03,

The token of the contract between the Final Knights and the Golden Goddess.

And now, it has a new name.


Unonia, who has transcended the realm of true gods, is certainly more than enough to defeat a core sub-god and other miscellaneous soldiers.

However, the difficulty lies in how to eliminate the sub-gods as quickly as possible before they cause damage to the kingdom of heaven.

Unonia can indeed kill all the sub-gods,

But the elves that were eaten by the sub-god before that could never be saved again.

In this regard,

Rhine's solution was to hold Unonia's hand.

"Remember what I taught you? Unonia."

Rhine began to mobilize the authority of the sequence gods and deliberately slowed down the frequency so that Unonia could feel his intentions.

Rhine said: "Space teleportation is a gift given to all living beings by the original God of Origin. She has given us unimaginable freedom, allowing us to travel through the world and travel around the world."

Unonya kept her mentor's teachings in mind, and the same authority burst out from her body, strongly resonating with her mentor!

Unonia: "But only her true believers can understand the nature of this gift!"

Rhine and Unonia were holding hands, their bodies touching each other, and together they used the authority from the original god——

Split the space!

The blazing sword light passed through thousands of broken spaces and instantly covered the entire sky.

That was the move that Rhine once used to fight against Yuanji in the Kingdom of Heaven. By tearing apart space, he could achieve thousands or even more space teleportations in an instant, transmitting the attack to all parts of the world in an instant, completing a terrifying AoE.

However, in the hands of Unonia, the power of this sword is even more terrifying, and it can even cover the entire territory of heaven with one blow.

The final fire turned into exploding sword light, and all the islands in the sky, large and small, were swept away by a torrential rain of slashes at this moment.

The slightly weaker Yashen died on the spot.

The remaining strong men must deal with it themselves.

Rhine came to the palace where the God Princess was. He didn't have time to reminisce with his beloved concubine after a long separation. Rhine directly pulled out the shining star from the body of the God Princess, and then flew to the group of sub-gods with Unonia.

War breaks out and then ends.

Due to the timely end of the war, the casualties in Heaven were kept to a minimum.

In the Kingdom of Dawn, the high elves lined the streets to celebrate and welcome the return of the new god king.

Rhine and Unonia walked through the crowd together, and at the end of the road, the God Princess, dressed in a rich dress, greeted her with an unnatural blush on her face and a smile.

"My God King..."

The God Princess nestled in Rhine's arms and spoke some official words for the people to listen to.

The God Princess lowered her voice: "Shuoxing... I was used so intensely by you just now."

"I've already..."

The God Princess leaned against Rhine's ear and whispered something softly.

After saying that,

The God Princess was held by Lain's hand and led into the palace.

After the God King and God Princess left, only Unonia remained among the cheering crowd.

The elves in heaven are not disgusted with the Hein Empire, and they have also heard a little bit about the appearance of the first emperor of the Hein Empire, Unonia.

She is Unonya...

Although the two leaders have left, the elves still refuse to disperse.

They looked at Unonia up and down with awe and curiosity.

The body is on the verge of being broken, but the divinity is getting stronger.

The heroic figure of the Goddess of the Sea, who just pierced the super giant humanoid deity with a ray of light, is still imprinted in the minds of the people.


Look at Her Majesty Unonia’s determined gaze, like steel that has not wavered for thousands of years.

That is the noble will that has been upheld since ancient times!

What would the founder of the most powerful empire in the world be thinking at this time?

Unonya looked at the direction in which the teacher and his wife were leaving, and saw that these two people had just arrived in a deserted place...

Unonia, who was crying, had only one wish left in her heart.

She needs to be strong!

She wants to live, live, live, live, live, live! ! !



Leita border,

Prosperity extinguished the sun, Hestia dispersed the crystal spear, and the battle had just ended.

Histia joined forces with Prosperity to repel the Agod army that invaded Leta.

The strength of this Asian God alliance is extremely astonishing. Not only is it led by a core Asian God who is in the True God Realm, but also none of the other Asian Gods accompanying them are parallel imports.

The intensity of this war,

Probably just one or two small soldiers, in the past, might have destroyed the country's strength when Laita was in a weak period...

This is the true strength of the goddess of compassion,

Nowadays, the world structure has changed, and the restraint of order on divine life has weakened. This means that...the goddess of compassion can finally use all her strength to hunt down her children.

But fortunately,

Leta's side not only has the support of the True God, but also has the combat power of the two King of Lights, the Grand Master and Alice.

"These sub-gods can be used as materials for the Law God's mechanism."

The Grand Master picked up a piece of the wreckage of the sub-god and said lightly, they are short of this now.

The Grand Master looked at Prosperity and saluted solemnly in the manner of the Laita Elf: "Thank you very much."

Prosperity and grace bowed: "You are my master's beloved lover. It is my duty to help you and protect you. In addition, please lay out the assembly line of the God of Laws Agency as soon as possible. My master needs your support very much."

The Grand Master nodded.

She had long been accustomed to being called "Lover of the Rhine" and accepted it in her heart.

Grand Master: "Rhine, what have you done recently?"


Grand Master: "The gods in my body suddenly changed their temperament...I clamor to see him every day."

Hestia: "Excuse me..."

At this time, Histia came to the corpse of the core sub-god and took out a shining core from a pile of divine rotten flesh.

Hestia took the core and walked to Prosperity: "Is this thing... the goddess's divine core?"

Prosperity nodded: "That's right."

The divine core is the most important body part of a god.

The body of the goddess can be repaired using magic power.

But only the core is the indispensable essence of the goddess.

In other words.

As long as you have a divine core, a god can be resurrected at any time.

If the elves and gods still have good intentions towards the elves.

Histia: "So if we defeat Mercy, does that mean...we have many more goddess allies?"

Boom: "You guessed it right."

Defeated Mercy and took back the bodies and divine cores of the elven gods,

The Heine Empire will now have double-digit goddess reinforcements! ! !

Hestia held the divine core with shocked eyes.

Is this why Rhine, in this chaotic era, chose to attack the goddess of compassion?


And you can get such an amount in one breath,

At present, the combat power of the few demigods in the Hein Empire is becoming increasingly insufficient...

But if,

If you can obtain such a large-scale true god-level combat power,

The Heine Empire will undoubtedly become the overlord of the mortal world again and gain unshakable authority!

This is the best way to withstand the storm of the apocalypse! !

Not only can it destroy enemies, but it can also create new allies. Even if the war continues, it can make Hein's power stronger little by little!

This ability to turn subtraction into addition... is what Hestia admires most about His Highness Rhine! !

Histia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

As expected of His Highness Rhine! !

Now Hestia only hopes that she can do more things for Her Highness Rhine and share some of her troubles with Her Highness Rhine.

This change in Hestia's mood was also seen silently by Prosperity.

Just right...

There is one thing that Prosperity does need help with.


So taking advantage of this good opportunity, Prosperity sighed and attracted Hestia's attention.

Prosperity first said goodbye to the Grand Master, and then she said to Histia: "Now that the enemy has been dealt with, then, Your Excellency Histia, please return to the camp by yourself."

Hestia naturally wanted to ask: "What about you?"

Prosperity said truthfully: "I may need to leave the master for a while..."

The Mecha maid who regards her master as her everything and is extremely dependent on her master is actually willing to leave her master... This is really rare.

Prosperity explained: "Our goal in this war is not only to defeat Prosperity, but also to use the power of Sequence Four to repair Her Majesty Unonia's body. Therefore...there is still one key player missing in this decisive battle. Come on stage."

That special individual who has a strong connection with Osagapo and also has the strongest army in the world...

Now, she needs someone to take care of her,


If prosperity takes care of her,

Who will take care of her master?

"Ms. Histia..."

Prosperity looked at Hestia sadly:

"I'm... very troubled now. During my absence, I need someone to take care of my master and serve my master.

This person needs to be loyal enough to the master and have the patience to meet any request of the master. Do you have a suitable candidate? "

Loyalty, patience,

My meticulous care for His Royal Highness Rhine...

In the base of the hunting area, the legion commander is too dangerous, and Her Majesty Unonia is too noble.

Besides Hestia, who else is suitable to succeed Prosperity as the maid of His Highness Rhine?

Histia immediately responded: "You can hand over Her Highness Rhine to me, the goddess of prosperity."

Take care of His Highness Rhine?

no problem!

This is exactly the duty of the Heine Imperial Army!

Prosperity asked happily: "Can you promise to obey any orders from His Highness?"


Histia nodded vigorously: "The mission of the Forbidden Army is to obey the emperor's orders. I am His Royal Highness the Rhine's Imperial Guard, and I should be like this."

Prosperity: "Then...His Highness will have trouble sleeping alone at night..."


Histia's eyes were shocked.

Prosperity said helplessly: "You grew up with my master. You should know that my master... is very energetic."

Hestia: "Yes...that's it..."

Histia's eyes were flustered and she nodded slightly.

how to say......

Indulging in excessive sexual desires is a shortcoming in some people.

But for a peerless beauty like His Highness Rhine, if he can be more sentimental, he will play an unimaginable positive role for the country...

But now...in that deserted base in the hunting area, there are only demons, fallen ones and machines...His Royal Highness Rhine has no contact with anyone of the opposite sex at all.

So at this time, in order to ensure that His Royal Highness Rhine can work and live normally,

Someone has to...

Histia's heart was beating wildly and her face was red with embarrassment...

Spring is coming……

Hestia felt as if the singing of birds sounded in her mind.

Oh no,

That was the great being screaming.

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