Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

549. Angry goddess of justice, unfaithful flower elf (12)

Edge of hunting area.

Not long after leaving the Rhine with the two goddesses,

The legion commander heard the divine inspiration from her great queen ringing in her mind.

The legion commander's eyes were filled with blood. In the scarlet, she saw the pale land of skulls and the cold and beautiful empress sitting on the throne.

Her expression was serious and cold, and her eyes no longer had the fondness in her eyes that she usually had when meeting the legion commander.

Her Majesty the Queen, I have something to say to the Legion Commander...

It has been some time since the goddess of justice assigned the commander of the army to Rhine.

For the most powerful chosen one in the world under her command, the legion commander has never let her down...

But now...

The goddess of justice is very dissatisfied with the performance of the legion commander these days.

The legion commander was uneasy. She could feel that the goddess was in a very bad mood today.

The legion commander asked carefully: "Your Majesty the Queen?"

Lady Justice: "My legion commander..."

Lady Justice: "I admit that you are the best warrior under my command, but now...you make me extremely disappointed in you."

Legion Commander: "!!!"

When the words "utterly disappointed" came out of Her Majesty the Queen's mouth,

The legion commander's heart stopped beating at this moment.

Her whole body froze, and a suffocating panic and regret spread in her heart.

Over the years since the Legion Commander became the Chief Legion Commander of the Blood Queen...

This is the first time Her Majesty the Queen has denied her like this! !

Her Majesty...is angry.

Just like Olivia can instantly monitor the real world situation through Rhine's eyes,

As the most favored chosen one by the Goddess of Justice, every move of the legion commander is also under the watchful eye of the Goddess of Justice.

She watched the legion commander miss the opportunity to establish the divine domain, and watched the legion commander invade Olivia's divine domain, only to be stopped by Rhine...

Then she looked at how the legion commander put on a bad face and treated Rhine who was traveling with her harshly...

None of this was entirely the legion commander's fault.

Due to Olivia's interference, Lady Justice missed a good opportunity at the beginning of this competition.

Olivia had known about Rhine's decision for a long time, so her chosen ones took the lead in occupying the mortal gathering areas around the hunting area and established an extension of the divine domain in the mortal world.

With the extension of the divine realm, there are endless demon legions,

Demons are derivatives of the goddesses of the Nether Realm, and are infinite renewable resources that will not be exhausted...

It is far more cost-effective to use the demon army to fight against the sub-god than to let Rhine consume his mortal elite.

Rhine needs demons, and now, the supplier who controls a large number of demon soldiers...is Olivia.

Without mortals and fallen ones, Lady Justice would not be able to expand her divine domain around her hunting area.

In the short term, the Goddess of Justice will not be able to create enough blood demon legions to support Rhine. In the early stages of the war, Rhine must rely on those dirty and cowardly succubi under Olivia's command... Rhine's In this way, all the favor and favor were placed on Olivia's head.

And not only that...

If in the final decisive battle, the Goddess of Justice still cannot establish a divine domain with a high enough level of corruption,

Then not only would she not be able to release her true body to join the battle, I'm afraid she wouldn't even be able to create a decent projection...

She will completely lose the right to dominate this war and the qualification to divide the results.

This is a...

A key battle related to the fate of the Netherland.

In fact, with the birth of Harmony, the entire Netherland has fallen into a dark age of despair.

For the Netherland, Harmony is not the overlord, but the butcher.

She, who is already perfect, disdains ruling and controlling a group of miserable fragments...

At this time, the goddess of compassion became the light of hope that could illuminate the Netherland. For the entire mortal world and even the Netherland, it was a key switch that could instantly open a new era.

"We have never lost to that black dragon, but this time, in this crucial battle...she had the upper hand."

Lady Justice is in a depressed mood:

"The abyss occupied by my legion commander, the Goddess of Compassion, directly connects the mortal world and the netherworld. After thousands of years of reinforcement, a permanent natural passage has been formed...even enough to allow the gods themselves to pass through!"

When the Moonlight Goddess returned to the mortal world from the Nether Realm, the door to the Nether Realm she tore open has not been closed yet.

She was entrenched on that crack, turning into the only bright star in the sky of the Netherland.

Before that, because compassion had been squatting on this hole, the door to the netherworld seemed to be open, but in fact it was closed. Everything was okay,

But once compassion is eliminated, this hole that permanently connects the Nether Realm and the mortal world, and is enough to allow behemoths like the goddess of the Nether Realm to pass through, will become the most critical thing for the gods of the Nether Realm in the following chaotic era. strategic location!

Justice wants to gain control of this gate to the netherworld...

But now...

However, the legion commander fell behind one after another to Olivia's Chosen Ones, allowing those weak and lustful wastes to establish the only demon legion around the hunting area.


This is not entirely the responsibility of the Legion Commander.

The failure of the legion commander was not her fault alone. She was very good, but she was unable to forcibly open up the divine realm despite constraints everywhere.

The competition has just begun, and the outcome is not yet known... The Lady of Justice has not yet lacked so much confidence in her legion commander.

So I won’t mention these minor things.

What really makes the goddess of justice angry, dissatisfied, and even disappointed with the legion commander is...

The most important thing is...

Legion commander, can't you be gentler? !

The Queen of Blood asked coldly: "Do you hate Rhine Hein?"

The legion commander frowned, not knowing how to answer: "I..."

Lady Justice: "He is your colleague and the one I recognize as the chosen one. He should have been your most reliable comrade... However, you have given him chills time and time again."

Lady Justice asked seriously: "Why are you so merciless to your comrades?"

I have always been merciless to my comrades!

The legion commander argued in his mind.

However, she did not dare to say it...

The legion commander admitted that her attitude towards Rhine was very bad, and her dislike and distance from Rhine could be seen everywhere...

Especially when compared with Hestia, who is considerate, loyal and reliable,

When Rhine took the legion commander and Hestia on an adventure deep in the hunting area...

When Hestia repelled the sub-god who attacked Rhine, treated Rhine's wounds carefully, and greeted Rhine.

The legion commander is killing indiscriminately without emotion,

Hestia and Rhine had dinner, sitting in front of the bonfire, talking and laughing, and Hestia was once again impressed by Rhine's erudition. Her eyes were full of admiration and admiration, and she worked hard to hold notes for Rhine who was talking. when......

The legion commander is tug-of-war with her blood dragon.

When Hestia was accidentally injured by Rhine's Charming Dragon Eye, she made a bad excuse, fled from Rhine with a blushing heart, hid behind a tree, pressed her chest, and panted shyly to calm herself down...

The legion commander also made a bad excuse and scolded Rhine for no reason.

The goddess of justice was rendered speechless by her own chosen one.

She originally wanted to arrange a good housekeeper for Rhine.

But he didn't expect to find a father for Lain.

During the entire hunt for the sub-god, the legion commander's only role seemed to be to act as a shining light bulb, leaving no chance for any further relationship between Rhine and Histia.

In disguise, he saved Order's life.

But what good does saving order do to justice? Even if that broken machine kneels down and kowtows to the goddess of justice afterwards... what's the point? !

The various scumbag operations of the legion commander this time really dissatisfied Justice.

But judging from the fact that she was able to talk to the legion commander calmly,

Her mood was not so bad that she lost control...

after all,

Justice really needs the Legion Commander.

Wei Lin's xp is too weird... She's addicted to hiding in the shadows and peeping, and doesn't want to come out.

And most of the other Chosen Ones under Justice are a group of miserable-looking, unromantic, mad dogs who bite everyone they see...

A mad dog that bites everyone on sight is certainly a good one.

But compared to the evil dragon Olivia, those mad dogs will bite people when they see them...

In terms of charm...it's still a little lacking.

Among the men of justice, the most suitable person to be chosen by God who can be used to seduce Rhine and provide humanistic care for Rhine is the legion commander.

Although the legion commander herself is the craziest dog in the justice camp...but her true form is, after all, a flower elf.

Wasn't this race once very popular among mortals?

The current legion commander has high hopes from the Goddess of Justice.

My best and most beautiful legion commander will definitely be more charming than any of Olivia’s chosen ones, be more favorable by Rhine, and satisfy Rhine even more!

However, the goddess of justice does not understand why the legion commander hates Rhine so much...

But in fact, she can only synchronize vision and cannot sense justice. What she doesn't know is...

In fact, the legion commander doesn't feel bad about Rhine.

The legion commander, like her goddess, likes brave, powerful men who can dominate the war, dominate the war and enjoy the war.

And Rhine can pick up the Star Destroyer to challenge the Star Destroyer God alone, and put down the Star Destroyer to lead an army to defeat Mercy. Although he is only a mortal and weak,

But it can be predicted that this man will one day lead the largest and bloodiest war in the world, and ignite the entire planet with his will!

The combination of his wisdom, strength, and power makes his war potential extremely terrifying and unpredictable...

Even the legion commander is ashamed of himself...

The legion commander admired this guy very much.

Not to mention, Rhine also saved the legion commander's life... when the legion commander was most helpless, destitute and desperate.

The mortal young man who extended a helping hand to her when she was so weak that she couldn't even stand up...the legion commander will never forget it.

But good feelings are good feelings,

How could the legion commander betray his feelings for Her Majesty the Queen for the sake of Rhine? !

The flower elf under the bloody armor was extremely tangled: "But...my goddess, I must draw a clear line with Rhine Hein with a resolute attitude, otherwise...I'm afraid that I will fall in love Fuck him."

Lady Justice blinked: "Isn't this great?"

Very, very good? !

The candidate bride of the Goddess of Justice couldn't stand it anymore: "But Your Majesty... I think that as your chosen one, I shouldn't have anyone else in my heart except you!"

Lady Justice: "You worship me and love him at the same time - is this a contradiction?"

This is not a contradiction.

But the legion commander felt awkward as if a husband sent his wife out to reward his subordinates...

Of course, the legion commander's feeling was wrong.

Because the legion commander is not a righteous wife at all.

She can only be regarded as the licking dog that Justice gave to her male god as a pet...

The legion commander desperately struggled in vain: "But... Your Majesty, if I become a woman from the Rhine, how can you accept it if another woman competes with you for love?"

Since Her Majesty the Queen likes Rhine and wants Rhine to be her pledger,

So can Her Majesty the Queen allow her sworn one to have another sweetheart? !

Her Majesty the Queen showed a confused expression: "...she has so many women, do you still need you?"

The legion commander's eyes were dull: "..."

The legion commander thought of this man's earth-shatteringly chaotic relationship between men and women.

Legion Commander: "It should be... not bad..."

So, it’s decided.

The Queen of Blood smiled: "Listen to me and be nice to Rhine. If you don't know how to get along with him, then let me take over your body."

Just like what was done to Wei Lin back then,

If the legion commander really hates Rhine so much,

Then justice will not embarrass the army commander,

But she will personally control the body of the legion commander, accompany Rhine in this critical battle, and use her thoughtfulness and tenderness to let Rhine know... who is the goddess who cares about him the most! !

However, this decision of the goddess of justice completely frightened the legion commander.

The legion commander's eyes were trembling, and his heart was filled with panic...


Only this

Absolutely not! !

Once the legion commander synchronizes with the goddess of justice, it will directly cause all the legion commander's senses to be directly transmitted into the consciousness of the goddess of justice! !

At this time, the secret of the Legion Commander, the fact that she was disloyal to Her Majesty the Queen, must be...completely revealed! Exposed! !


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