Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

555: Lady Justice: This is...the joy of serving (12)

On the outskirts of the hunting area late at night,

The artillery fire roared and exploded, and the flames rushed into the sky along with the fragments of Yashen.

The silicon-based Mimikyu led the Black Legion, still tirelessly bombing the forest in the darkness in the distance.

However, at the same time, the lively atmosphere at the banquet scene in the coalition's frontline base suddenly came to an abrupt end.

The blood demon and the succubus, the justice camp and the evil dragon camp, the top executives of the two strongest groups in the Netherland put down their wine glasses and tableware, and they all fell into silence.

And quietly took out the weapon and constructed the technique...

The silent banquet is no longer noisy...

But the big guys on both sides became even happier!


It’s time for the repertoire when the blood demon meets the succubus! !

The chosen one from the evil dragon camp and the legion commander from the justice camp both set their sights on a drunk handsome guy. They refused to give in to each other and were filled with murderous intent...

At this time, it is no longer a question of handsome guys, but whoever takes a step back will be a coward, and the goddess represented by whose family will be inferior to others! !

Not to mention, this handsome guy is really handsome! !

A nice big fuck...

It’s about to become inevitable! ! !

That small table in a remote location became the front line for the confrontation between the two camps.

The God of War Coleusia held Rhine's hand, and after receiving His Highness Rhine's permission, prepared to bring the drunk Rhine into the camp to take care of him.

Generally speaking, when someone of the opposite sex makes excessive demands when they are drunk and confused, Miss Dou Shen has to admit that her method is indeed not very honorable...


Whether it is glorious or not, whether it is lacking in virtue or not, this also depends on the situation.

But for this rotten... His Royal Highness, who has many levels of personal intimacy,

He had so many lovers, and his heart of dedicated and pure love was broken into so many pieces and distributed to all the demigods in the world, and there was no trace of innocence left in his body.

The fighting god Colerysia, among the demigods he slept with, was not the strongest in terms of political influence or combat effectiveness, but he was still among the best, plus the charm bonus of the evil dragon... for As far as Rhine is concerned, the God of War Coleusia was originally his intended target.

Even if his body was picked up, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage at all!

On the other side, Hestia, the only guardian of Rhine, retreated silently. Since His Highness has spoken, she has no objection to this, and she has no reason to have any objection...

Unonia, who was recuperating in her room, covered her eyes, unwilling to look at the scene that made her jealous.

However, just when the God of War supported Her Royal Highness the Princess's male god and proudly showed off his power to his peers...

But she encountered unexpected obstacles...

The essence of all violence, anger, and struggle is a complex of killing concepts with a large number of powers in the netherworld.

The Chief Chosen One of the Goddess of Justice stood in front of her.

Can't understand...

Ever since he joined the coalition, the legion commander had a long-term bad temper and was full of aggression. He was even more hostile and aggressive towards Rhein Hein.

But now...

But she stopped Colerysia, the god of war.

Dou Shen frowned: "What do you want to do?"

The legion commander's voice was cold and did not allow for refutation: "Put him down."

The God of War sneered, she hugged Lain affectionately in her arms, and said delicately: "Why? Just now, the Lord General, personally ordered me to serve him tonight... You are too much in charge, right? ?”

The legion commander never likes to talk nonsense.

She drew her sword, her voice still cold and unwavering: "I won't say my words a second time."

Colerysia, God of Fighting: "Tsk..."

Put down Rhine Hein?

What a joke! !

This is the first time in her life that Colerysia has encountered such a lustful man! The Chosen One cannot be resurrected like the Apostle. If she dies on the battlefield in the hunting area in the future, tonight...will be her last ecstasy! !

The God of War hugged Rhine tightly, like an animal protecting food, and grinned: "Don't even think about it!"

At this point...negotiations broke down.

Then get ready to take action!

The Blood Demon Apostles were the first to attack, and violent magic power erupted one after another. The apostles who entered the state were covered with special effects, and instantly polluted the camp into a blood-red color full of violence!

They don't really care about what their legion commander is quarreling with this Dou Shen clan.

But it's always good to have the head chopped off.

The God of War Coleusia was still sneering, the legion commander had someone to support him, and of course Olivia’s camp would not just sit idly by!

Right! My colleagues! !

While the God of War was confidently confronting the legion commander, his eyes slowly moved towards the selectors of the Evil Dragon God camp.

However, these beauties, who are always full of hormones, just drink and watch the show calmly.

With a meaningful smile on his face.

"Oh? That God of War is looking at us."

"Does she want us to help her snatch the man from the Blood Demon?"

"I don't want it~"

"Since you want to eat alone, don't leave us at this time~"

The corner of Dou Shen's mouth twitched: "You...!!"

It can be seen that these chosen ones are bargaining with the God of War Colerysia.

But the legion commander had no intention of listening to these boring contents.

The legion commander raised his hand and stopped the Blood Demon Apostle who was sharpening his sword and wanting to join the battle.

The legion commander said calmly: "We don't need others, we will solve the problem ourselves."

This...means I want to fight alone.

Fighting God: "Woooooooo...!!"

Colerysia, the God of War, stared at the legion commander with a pale face...

One-on-one with the strongest chosen one.

This is too disrespectful of life...

Colerysia, the God of War, is a little timid...

The Dou Shen Clan... were originally a group of fighting people with fighting and confrontation engraved in their genes.

They regard killing as the only channel to realize personal value, yearning to die on the battlefield, and longing for a more powerful enemy...

Death is the highest stage in a Dou Shen tribe's life. What they worry about is never the time when death will come, but whether their death is heroic enough...

They are often misunderstood as the servant race of Sequence Six because they are as crazy and warlike as the Final Knights.

Provoke the strongest person in the world, and then die in a duel with the strongest person in the world...

This is so fucking glorious. In the Dou Shen Clan, people have to queue up for such good things!

But Colerysia could not do it;

She was expelled from Doujin because she didn't want to die! !

And just when the situation reached a deadlock...

Rhine's weak voice came:

"There's no need for this, Colerysia... If the commander of the legion comes to see me for something, let me go with her..."

Rhine patted the shoulder of the God of War Coleusia, tried to stand firm, and walked in front of the legion commander...

The legion commander quickly and carefully helped Rhine up, his movements very gentle.

Under this ferocious bloody armor covered with thorns and edges, there seems to be a faint emotion of care and pampering...

Legion Commander: "Let's go, Rhine."




At this moment, the being who dominates the legion commander's body is none other than the Queen of the Nether Realm, the Queen of Blood, and the Goddess of Justice.

Goddess of Justice, I really can't stand it anymore...

For seven whole days, during this expedition, the commander of the army maintained a cold attitude towards Rhine throughout the whole process as always, with a disdainful face, showing all kinds of disgust and distance from Rhine.

And Rhine was as unfazed as ever and continued to care about the legion commander.

Rhine's tolerance can be interpreted as a concession of interests for the sake of team unity...

But it can also be seen as...

Could it be that this prince actually likes the legion commander?


Does he value the face of the goddess of justice behind the legion commander?


This strengthened the idea of ​​Lady Justice to give the legion commander to Rhine for free... Now she had another reason to keep the legion commander with Rhine.

Rhine does not hate the legion commander;

Then justice should allow the legion commander to continue to please Rhine and win Rhine's favor.


Since the legion commander failed to complete the mission of justice, justice can only use some means on its own...

This time, the goddess of justice will not embarrass the legion commander again!

She synchronized with the legion commander and took away control of the legion commander's body!

She had to take action, because Rhine was about to be picked up by the chosen one of the evil dragon!

Justice has reason to do this!

Not to mention the drunken Rhine, whether the reward mentioned is true or false, but since it is said that Rhine wants to reward the heroes who made military exploits in this war...

Then the legion commander, after all, should have a quota! !

Unonia and Histia are both close confidants of Rhine. They and Rhine are indistinguishable from each other and trust each other.

However, the legion commander and the chosen ones from the evil dragon camp are outsiders.

Now it was their first time meeting Rhine! !

In this case,

If there is a merit-based reward among these God-chosen ones, then the one who deserves the reward the most...


They should all be legion commanders, right? !

Killing the most people and fighting the wisest battle, the legion commander's performance during this expedition was second only to Unonia!

However, when the legion commander saw Rhine being kidnapped by the evil dragon's lackeys... he just sat there silently and did nothing.

In fact, even after being scolded by the Goddess of Justice many times, the legion commander was still full of rejection of Rhine.

Does she hate Rhine so much?

It shouldn’t be!

Justice is very tolerant and doting on his legion commander,

But this does not mean that

Justice can allow her to disobey herself again and again! !

Lady Justice: "I want to commandeer your body."

"Requisition? Wait, do you want to synchronize with me? Her Majesty the Queen?!!!"

The legion commander was shocked and begged in a low voice: "Your Majesty the Queen...wait, it can't be done, only this can't be done!!!"

That’s all! !

Zhengyi no longer trusts the legion commander's flirting skills, and she wants to take action herself! !

If the Dou Shen clan is allowed to sleep on Rhine's bed, doesn't that mean that Olivia will win another point? !

Of course, it doesn't mean that now the legion commander has to go on stage, he has to sleep with the prince, and take advantage of others' danger when the prince is drunk...

But at least...

When Rhine was at his weakest, he took care of Rhine, and when Rhine was awake the next day, he was the first person to appear in Rhine's eyes and win Rhine's favor -!


It can’t be Olivia’s lackeys!

Thanks to the previous fighting, the corruption of justice has quietly spread in this forest.

Although each Netherland goddess has absolute control over her own divine realm,

However, the authority of the Queen of the Netherland can be so unreasonable.

Not to mention that the legion commander’s body itself is the unshakable divine domain of the Goddess of Justice.

So he controlled the legion commander's body,

The goddess of justice finally had her first physical contact with her beloved believer. She supported Rhine and came to his room.

For the first time in her life, the goddess served others, changed clothes, washed, and went to bed.

If she were the high-ranking Queen of the Netherland, Justice would certainly not act so humblely.

But now, she is just...a demigod who has received a lot of care from Rhine and wants to repay him.

How simple it is to show kindness to Rhine and take care of this mortal...

Zhengyi doesn't understand why her chosen one can't do it?

Zhengyi didn't know the little secret that the legion commander hid from her. At this moment, she was still serving Rhine innocently.

But soon...

Rhine, who was unconscious, noticed the legion commander and smiled.

"Thank you...I knew...you would help me..."

This is just a normal thank you,

And Justice is also prepared to give an ordinary answer but...

But in the next moment! !

Something unexpected happened just like that! !

Legion Commander: "!!!"

In an instant, with Rhine's thanks, a strong emotion surged crazily into the heart of the goddess of justice! !


Again! !

The goddess of justice felt the same as her chosen one, and synchronized with an extremely intense pleasure! ! !

On the land of skulls, the goddess of justice doesn’t even have room to blush or even beat her heart.

She sat sluggishly on the throne, looking straight at the sky.

Lady Justice: Cosmic Cat.jpg

This is an extraordinary joy,

Not physically,

But spiritually,

For the...extreme joy of being able to serve and receive praise,

That is an experience that no ordinary race or mature goddess can obtain in their lifetime.

Lady Justice closed her eyes tightly,

Just a thank you...

However, the joy still came to my heart unconsciously...

At this moment, the goddess of justice suddenly came back to her senses,

She saw Rhine...looking at her intently.


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