Swear Fealty To Me, My Subjects!

556.The First Night of Lady Justice (12)

late at night,

As the general left the banquet, the banquet quickly dispersed.

It's quiet outside the door,

The legion commander sat beside Rhine's bed and was dumbfounded for several minutes...

What's happening here?

Lady Justice is confused...

An understatement of thanks,

But it made the goddess of justice... no, made this flower elf feel pleasure?


Pleasure? ? ? ?

Why does being told thank you make her so happy? This flower elf is too altruistic! !

But soon...

Lady Justice realized the truth...

Because along with the strong senses that swept through the spirit of the Goddess of Justice... there was also a damn woman, those incessant whispers!

Y-F-M-Ya-! !

That evil dragon's lackey...! ! !

Zhengyi finally knows what happened to her army commander...

In the mind of the goddess of justice, a piece of trivia came to mind.

As flower elves who are the prototype of goddesses, when they were first born, they did not naturally correspond to the concept of nature...

Who are they going to become?

They need to decide for themselves.

The concept that draws from nature, assimilates itself to it, modifies its own existence completely according to the other person's concept, and then sublimates it into a god that can represent them.

This phenomenon has different explanations in different regions, but here in the Netherland, they call the growth method of the peak life that dominates the mortal world "similar transformation".

This is an indispensable instinct of the flower elf, but with this plan, if the instinct of the flower elf is wrongly anchored to a certain spiritual life... something terrible will happen. .....

Like now...

The legion commander's body was trembling with pleasure because of Rhine's affirmation. In her eyes, Prince Heine, who was already unparalleled in beauty, had an appearance that even...even the goddess of justice Everyone will blush and their heart will beat, the dangerous level of falling in love at first sight.

So it turns out that Zhengyi seems to understand her army commander...

This is the reason why the legion commander has been refusing to get close to Rhine...

She is afraid of being exposed!

Exposing herself, afraid of letting justice until, in fact, her beloved Chief Chosen One has... recognized the fact that Rhine Hein is her master! !


How... did this happen to me again...

Lady Justice didn’t know whether she should blame this believer who had harmed her because of her excessive loyalty...

She was already looking around flawlessly, and her senses were in perfect sync with the legion commander. She felt her body was numb, her breathing was quickening, and she felt so good that she felt so good! !

Just like a dog will be instinctively happy after being praised by its owner...

This is what a flower elf will feel after being affirmed by the person she resembles.

This is by no means a reason for any obscenity...

This is just the biological instinct that the flower elf, who is the prototype of a goddess, must have, and it is an essential trait that prompts her to complete her sublimation and evolution...

But still...

Once this trait is used in an inappropriate place... it will definitely happen...! !

The goddess of justice clenched her hands tightly and tried her best to suppress the delicate gasp in her throat...

She stared at Rhine helplessly...

She, an innocent believer, was madly tempting Justice without his knowledge, making Justice almost go crazy for him...

All right......

Then here comes the problem.

Now...what should I do?

Her own legion commander has already started the transformation process and completely transformed into the shape of Rhine, and Justice, who is now living in her body, is also being constantly affected by the instinct of transformation...

The strong emotions in the heart of the goddess of justice are completely uncontrollable.

The racial characteristics of the flower elf have been inherited by the goddess of justice without reservation as the goddess of justice dominates the legion commander's body...

Now Lady Justice thinks Rhine is very sexy,

Special color,

It is completely uncontrollable to love Rhine...

She loves it so much! ! !

The goddess of justice finally understood why the legion commander was so harsh on Rhine.

Because if the legion commander cannot forcibly mobilize the anger and murderous intention in his heart and regard Rhine as an enemy...the legion commander is afraid that he will not be able to help but kneel down in front of Rhine as soon as he sees Rhine!

Now the goddess of justice is also a little bit... no, she really wants to kneel down to Rhine! !

At this time, the drunken Rhine looked at the legion commander...

Rhine is still conscious and knows what is happening now.

He was just ordinary drunk, not completely drunk.

Rhine knew that it was the legion commander who saved Rhine from the God of War lady after he was drunk.

Did you save him...or did you take him away?

Now in the quiet bedroom, Rhine and the legion commander looked at each other...

The legion commander was silent, trying her best to suppress her enthusiasm for Rhine and maintain her seriousness and fearfulness.

The legion commander's frightening beast howl came out in a low voice: "Rhein Hein, you are drunk, rest."

Rhine did not answer immediately,

He just looked at the legion commander with gentle eyes.

He is not afraid of the scary disguise of the legion commander, he has never been afraid...


He put his hand on the dragon-shaped helmet with many edges and corners.

Rhine asked softly: "...let me see your face, okay?"

Legion Commander: "!!!"

The enthusiasm that was about to be suppressed suddenly surged again, almost swallowing up the soul of justice! !

Rhine, Rhine, he... is actually having an affair with me? !

What does he mean? !

Could it be that he wanted to do something to the legion commander! !

Justice is incredible... I have to say this guy is really bold!

Isn't he afraid that under this helmet is a monster as terrifying as the armor?


The master has already given the order.

The trembling hands of the goddess of justice could not help but reach out to her face...

Now Rhine wants to see her face, the flower elf's transformed object, and has sent an invitation to the flower elf...

Whether it's taking off the helmet, or making other requests immediately after seeing the flower elf's stunning face in Rhine...

As the leader of the flower elf army, he couldn't refuse.

This is the nature of flower elves,

Unable to resist...

But...Goddess of Justice, not the flower elf!

She is a goddess...! !

She is the supreme goddess of war and the queen of the netherworld. She has ruled the chaotic and dark world of gods for tens of thousands of years. No one can shake her, no one can order her! !

Could it be that at this time... she was going to succumb to her desires like a humble mortal, show her affection to this person of the opposite sex, and accept his pursuit?

Could the God of Justice, who was always angry and only longed for blood and heads, be so miserable? Do you want to do something so despicable that goes against your status? !

She.........will! !

There is really no way around this...

Lady Justice comforted herself...

The current goddess of justice only possesses the legion commander and controls the legion commander.

It was not she who obeyed Rhine,

But the legion commander, this poor flower elf who was framed by the fallen angel! !

This person who has been deeply in love with Rhine for a long time is a flower elf, not justice. The one who wants to have a closer relationship with his followers is not justice either...! !

no problem......

After all, if the senses affected by the synchronized state are also included in the main body,

So as early as the Kingdom of Heaven, righteousness is already unclean...


it does not matter,

Don't worry, don't be shy... isn't it just the result she has always wanted for Rhine to have a good relationship with the legion commander, and even develop into lovers?

Now with the character of the legion commander, if her consciousness comes back at this time, I don’t know what she will do.

Or let Lady Justice...

Bear this alone...

So, the proud goddess leaned down and looked at Rhine from almost zero distance.


The tyrannical divine blood containing supreme divine power gradually evaporated, and all armor accessories, including helmets, were removed.

And revealed the infinitely charming baby goddess...

flower elf,

The prototype of all natural gods before their sublimation,

This most noble creature in the world, with a doting and loving smile, clung to Rhine's body at this moment.

Let go of all honor and pride, just be a woman, snuggle up in Rhine's arms obediently,

Then he let Rhine kiss him...

This night,

In the vastest and most powerful divine realm in the Netherland, on the land of skulls with rivers of blood flowing, the weather changed drastically,

In the sky of the God's Domain, violent winds and rains arose along with the goddess's strong emotions.

But at the same time, on the earth, in the gaps between the endless skull fields... it was as if spring had arrived, and countless scarlet embryos grew...

A large number of new blood demons were created, and the earth became full of vitality.

The newly born blood demons screamed happily in the storm, sang and danced hard, ecstatic about the goddess's gift.

A piece of happiness and peace, fierce and crazy...



The next day, morning.

The legion commander opened his eyes from his deep sleep...

The first feeling after waking up, the legion commander couldn't help but groan...

My body hurts...

She couldn't remember what happened last night. She felt as if she was drunk. She had no memory at all of why she was lying on a strange bed without wearing armor...

All in all her body was... very tired.

Muscle aches, physical weakness, listlessness...

But there is no way... After all, as a flower elf, the Legion Commander is actually very weak. She can only rely on her special racial talents to inherit the power of the Blood Queen with the highest efficiency, and use the blood armor given by the Goddess of Justice to arm herself. , gaining power comparable to that of a demigod...

And once it is disarmed, naturally, this weak body, which has been borrowed from work for a long time and has not been exercised for a long time, will definitely feel extreme pain in the muscles no matter what it does...


When it is natural to come to such a conclusion...

The half-asleep legion commander suddenly thought of something...


Where's my armor? ? ? ! !

The legion commander opened his eyes wide, and she suddenly woke up!

She suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at herself...

What she saw was a weak flower elf whose armor had been completely evaporated, wearing only very simple and thin clothes generated by magic...

With such simple clothes, it’s impossible to tell whether it is for body protection or for some other purpose...

in the end......

what happened! ! !

The flower elf was confused. She couldn't remember anything. How on earth did she take off the armor last night... She had no memory at all!

Last night, after her body was forcibly taken over by Her Majesty the Queen, when she woke up, it had become like this...

So what did Her Majesty do to her body to cause her pain as if she had been tied up and beaten hard all night?


What a stupid metaphor.

The strongest chosen one laughed, but at first she didn't think much into this stupid metaphor...


She heard another person's breathing coming from the pillow...

Legion Commander: "!!!"

Suddenly, the flower elf seemed to realize something, and her body suddenly became extremely stiff.

Her frightened eyes...slowly moved to her side...

a man,

is sleeping,

It's Rhein Hein!


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? ! ! !

The legion commander stared at the sleeping Rhine, her eyes trembling...

last night,

what happened? ! !

And if you look closely, this guy’s sleeping face is so beautiful! !

No, no, no, no... don't get distracted, the point now is...

The legion commander plucked up the courage and gently lifted up the quilt on her and Rhine's bodies with his hands, and took a look inside...

The next moment, she immediately covered her eyes and turned pale! ! !

Something bad is happening! !

And just then...

The sleeping man opened his eyes.

He looked at the legion commander...

The flower elf's body trembled violently,

I saw this breathtakingly handsome Prince smiling at the flower elf:

"Miss Flower Elf, I didn't expect...it turns out that you are the legion commander of the Goddess of Justice."

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