Sweep the World

Chapter 928: :The imperial world

Etiquette is a code of conduct for a certain occasion after the civilized society has entered a certain standard, and for various reasons, different forms of etiquette have been formulated.

No one is born to be knowledgeable and rational, and all are born to learn and practice, so that they know what rules to follow in what occasions.

To put it simply, the behavioral norms of the Han people are developed after the day, and they do not cross the line based on what kind of punishment they will encounter after they cross the line.

Various laws and rules restrict what can be done, what kind of punishment will be given to what is done, and create a social environment in which the Han people look to abide by the order.

Hundred officials and those who have reached a certain level of title. They stayed in Miyagi from last night. In previous years, they only participated in Miyagi activities for the New Year’s Eve. The city waited for the ceremony to begin.

There is no shortage of places to rest in Miyagi, but very few people slept last night.

Officials who are responsible for certain ceremonies need to be busy for the daytime affairs and confirm certain links repeatedly so that no errors can occur.

Most of the people who are not responsible are extremely excited, and the excitement coupled with the environment dictates that they would rather chat with people all night than spend their time sleeping.

At three o'clock in the morning, a team of palace ladies in Miyagi walked the night with lanterns, and when the voice of the female officer shouted, the people who fell asleep got up to wash up and get busy, and those who didn't sleep also went to wash up and make their own preparations.

Before the milt appeared in the East, all the preparations were in place.

The city of Chang'an last night was also a city that never sleeps. In fact, every New Year's Eve is a sleepless night for the Han people. It is a custom of night vigil. The elderly and children usually sleep.

According to legend, the Nian beasts in ancient times would come out to eat people on the last day of the year, burn bonfires and make noises to deter the Nian beasts. It is not safe. Someone needs to be on duty throughout the night. Once danger is found, everyone should be warned to resist or avoid, and New Year’s vigil. The customs also passed down.

As early as after midnight last night, people came to the square outside Miyagi one after another.

Every night in Miyagi Square, the stone lampstand is lit and illuminated. There is no shortage of light in the square. After the people come over, they will not go close to the city wall or palace gate, or even step on the aisles. They or a family choose a place to sit. Down, or people you know get together.

As more and more people came to Miyagi Plaza, the space naturally became crowded, and people couldn't sit down leisurely, but had to stand up.

There are people watching the Miyagi every night, including the square and the city walls, and the most heavily guarded are the palace gates.

The Guards did not drive away the people who came. Not only did they not drive away during the New Year, they would not drive them away during the day as long as they were not within 100 meters of Miyagi, but they were not allowed to come by at night.

The New Year’s Eve is special. People’s coming to Miyagi Square is considered to be an act of the king and the people. People are no longer restricted from coming to the square at night, but they still can’t get close to within a hundred meters.

At four or five o'clock in the morning, the Miyagi Plaza, including the Miyagi’s east-facing Qinglong Avenue, is full of people.

No one makes a loud noise, but even if you speak at a normal volume, too many people will make a loud noise, like the "buzzing" sound made by a large group of bees.

After the whiteness appeared in the east, the gate on the left side of the palace gate was slowly opened in a loud "creaking" sound.

The first to walk out of the palace gate were groups of imperial guards. They stood at one person every meter along the aisle, forming a cordon of soldiers.

After the palace gate was opened, the people who were talking to quieted down, and everyone acted in anticipation of Miyagi.

About half an hour later, the front door and the right door of the palace gate were slowly opened again in a loud "creaking" sound. People outside looked inside and could see the lined up and quietly dressed in costumes.

I don't know who shouted the first cheer, and then someone followed. Soon there was cheers like a mountain and a tsunami.

Just amidst the cheers, Ji Chang and Xu Zheng stepped forward side by side and walked out of the palace gate, followed by the people behind them.

Those people who walked out from the main entrance were all wearing marquis-level dresses. Earlier, they were the formal dresses of the princes. The biggest difference between the style and the emperor's dress was the crown and ribbon, and then the emblem and pattern. In general, it was There is not much difference.

There are not too many people who have been enshrined earlier, but today there are a lot of people walking in the marquise's crown. Some people curiously counted as many as 37 people, more than he knew before. There are more than twenty more Master Hou.

In the past, Liu Yan was very stingy with the marquis. Having the main credit for participating in the destruction of the enemy's country was the basis of the marquis. As a result, the number of people was very limited.

Those who are not a marquis today but can walk in the queue in a marquise's robe. They also benefited from a great battle to annihilate the enemy country, but they definitely have water compared to those who were banned in the past. .

Today's Han is more cautious than the previous dynasties in appointing the marquis, and it is also destined to be rich and powerful.

For example, when the Western Han Dynasty was founded, there were eight kings of different surnames, and as many as 145 of Chehou and Guanneihou.

Liu Bang’s awarding of different surnames to Wang and Marquis is not based on the merits. For example, Zhang Liang, who was the third best in the Han Dynasty, was ranked 62nd for his credit. Han Xin, who played half of Liu Bang’s surname, was ranked 21st, and Xiao He was ranked. Ranked first, but Xiao He is Liu Bang’s township party, and Cao Shen, Zhang Ao, Zhou Bo, Fan Kuai, etc. are all ranked in the top ten, and the other two Lu Ze and Lu Shizhi, who have played half of Liu Bang and even took over the logistics, are simply Hanging tail.

The merits of the unified dynasty were determined. The merits of the founding of the Western Han Dynasty should not be based on merits but by distant and close relatives. The ranking of the founding heroes of the Eastern Han Dynasty is considered to be a reliable point. The establishment of a country based on divisions generally depends on the distant and close relatives, and even re-returns the world. One's Sima also adopts distance and closeness.

Liu Yan is a lonely man. Even if he wants to distancing himself, he can't do it. He adopts a strict theory of merit, but he didn't rank him.

In fact, the current Han country still has a credit ranking, but it is not Liu Yan's ranking, it is an unofficial recognition.

The queue that looks like a line is based on the recognition degree. Ji Chang and Xu Zheng walked side by side. The Hussar and the imperial doctor were in the second queue. The four marches and the Jiuqing’s Zhisu Neishi, Taipu, The Shaofu and Tingwei are in the third queue, the fourth queue is the rest of Jiuqing's official positions, and the rest are behind them. The entire queue is in five rows.

If Liu Yan wants to become emperor, he must send a big gift package. The three gongs and the nine princes who did not have a marquee before, as long as they are not really without credit, today there is finally one who is considered to be a marquise.

The same people who enjoy the big gift package and some people who have been lacking in credit. Seriously assess that they may be a little bit short before they can be appointed or promoted. The key is that Liu Yan must celebrate the emperor with universal celebration, and there is only a trace of credit. Those who are promoted are promoted at the time of assessment.

The whole city of Chang'an resounded through the mountains and tsunami-like cheers.

The hundred officials and the nobles who came out of the palace gate, they stepped on the Qinglong Avenue, enjoying the cheers and attention from the people, and everyone looked like You Rongyan.

They are indeed worthy of pride. They expelled the Tartars and recovered the Han family, took revenge on all races that had harmed the Han family. They executed the spirit and the extermination of the Jie family. The killing and fusion of the rest of the Hulus created the Han family. Another era of prosperity.

It’s just that the restoration of the old land of the Han family and the restoration of glory are worthy of pride. Then the old land was smashed out to open up territories, and countless alien races were conquered at the same time. There is a territory under the sun, creating an era that belongs to the Han people and the sun never sets. Isn't it possible to be a little proud?

The Baiguans and the nobles walked towards the Temple of Heaven. About half an hour later, the cheers resounding throughout the city were covered by the ringing bells.

The bell was ringing at the same time, and the source of the sound was Miyagi and every highest point in the city.

In fact, those clock towers are also ringed at ordinary times, mainly used to tell the time on the hour during the day, and will ring if there is an invasion.

Today, there will be 108 bells ringing in unison, not only in Chang'an, but in every county within the Han realm. As long as there is a bell tower, there will be 108 bells ringing, which is an announcement to everyone. The Han people reappeared with the dual identities of the emperor and the emperor.

From a long time ago to a long time later, people living on this land have always been inseparable from the "ruling the world."

It is the "rule of the world", not a single identity "son of the emperor" or "emperor", there can only be one "rule of the world".

When the bell rang, there was only the sound of bells in the entire country.

At that moment, everyone was full of emotions, and some particularly emotional people had even more moist eyes. They had waited for too long for their own dual identities of emperor and emperor.

From the moment Liu Yan claimed the emperor, it represented that the Han people had their own guardian again, and he did fulfill the responsibility of destroying and expelling Hulu.

Liu Yan, who was called the emperor early, did not reach the pole until nine years later (the emperor was called the emperor in the third year of Yuanshuo).

If the emperor is the guardian of the people of the Han family, then Liu Yan regards this work of the emperor as a slasher of an alien race.

The current Han country is already in the process of conquering and opening up, but in Liu Yan's opinion, it is just a small fight. The army swept westward until it hit the end of the Western world. It will be carried out in his career as emperor. .

The chime rang every two seconds, and the chime stopped after nearly four minutes.

At the gate of the palace, there was another garrison guard. Walking in the front was a burly man. He held the flag of nine-headed bird and led him, and behind him were teams of equally burly guards.

The totem of the nine-headed bird is the totem of the current old Liu family. The more standardized name is "king flag", which also conforms to the custom passed down from civilization, using birds as the totem.

After the army phalanx on foot, the knights phalanx on horseback came out of the palace gate.

Each knight is wearing the latest style of plate armor, with a bright red cloak behind him, and the mounts are also covered with vests. They are equipped with a square formation of armor.

The neat stepping sound was added to the same neat hoof stepping sound, and the onlookers held their breath and waited for the most grand moment.

Liu Yan wore a twelve-chapter suit and rode on top of the car. The appearance of the frame made the people who had been brewing burst out with the sound of "Ten Thousand Years" with all their strength.

The cry of "Ten Thousand Years" appeared from Miyagi and spread to the entire city. Waves of sound swept across the vast world.

When the chariot passed by, the people on both sides knelt down and worshiped, still shouting the word "10,000 years" in their mouths.

Kneeling is not an official requirement, and no one at the scene directs the people to kneel. It is on a special day like today. With the solemn atmosphere and the feeling of heart, no one wants to make such a move.

In non-significant ceremonies, Han people’s knees are not so soft. The people kneel down to worship Liu Yan today. Is this a way of expressing obedience to authority?

Liu Yan, who was sitting on his knees, kept his eyes on the front, and the expression on his face was obscured by "旒".

When the shouts of "Ten Thousand Years" were shouted out, people everywhere knew that Liu Yan's chariot had left Miyagi. The people who performed their duties raised the spirit of 120,000 points, and everything just waited for Liu Yan. The chariot arrived at the location of the Temple of Heaven.

The Temple of Heaven was built in the east city of the city. It was built to deal with today's emperor rituals. It is usually used to hold rituals to sacrifice to the heavens. It will also be used if subsequent successors ascend to the extreme.

After Liu Yan came here, he still saw a sea of ​​people. He stepped up the steps to the top of the Temple of Heaven. He turned around and looked at the officials and lords standing in the bottom line. He also looked at the foreign envoys on the side. , Nodded to Ji Chang who had been waiting.

In Zhuxia, major ceremonies have a link ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that is the step of "burning the watch".

There was a huge four-legged cauldron on the spot. The cauldron was rectangular and it was burning inside. Today, many vessels, utensils, and objects will be thrown in.

Ji Chang may be too excited, and tried very hard to force his tremor to not be so severe, and took a deep breath before starting his duties.

"Since ancient times, when emperors came to imperial the world, China has lived inside to control Yi Di, and Yi Di lived outside to serve China. It has never been heard that Yi Di lived in China and ruled the world.

Since the Jin Zuo moved, Hulu entered China, and within the four seas, he did not surrender. This is a manpower, it is a gift from heaven. At that time, the king was good and he was good enough to protect the world, and there was still a sigh of inverting the crown and shoes...

...The court is the foundation of the world; the courtesy and righteousness is the defense of the imperial world.

How can he be trained in the world for future generations!

He and his heirs were left alone and lost the way of the monarch and ministers. They added the authority of the prime minister to the constitution to report grievances. There was poisonous and abuse. So the hearts of the people rebelled. It’s caused by personnel, and when it is really disgusted with virtue and abandoned..."

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