Sweep the World

Chapter 929: : Be the emperor today

No matter how gorgeous the text is, Burning Biao is actually a process of remembering bitterness and thinking about sweetness, telling God how hard I have been, how and what kind of situation I created, and what I will do in the future.

Articles on each occasion will be in a different order. It can be sweet and bitter first, or bitter and sweet first. That's the same thing anyway.

Being able to be the person who is arranged to read the article is destined to leave a name forever.

Such words will be recorded in the history of Han Dynasty: the date is "the first day of the first month of the thirteenth year of Yuanshuo", the official position is "the prime minister", the title is "Xingyang Hou", the character is "Jichang", and the place is "Tiantan". ", on behalf of Liu Yan, prayed to heaven.

After reciting the eloquent form of nearly a thousand words, Ji Chang bowed to Liu Yan and shouted: "Please burn the form to tell God!"

Nian can be used instead, but Liu Yan must do it himself to throw the writing into the burning tripod.

The writing was thrown into the burning cauldron. When Liu Yan was doing this, someone brought an incense table and prepared a corresponding incense candle and tribute.

Burning incense has always been part of the sacrifice. The tribute is the highest standard of three animals, grains, and fine wine, of which jade bi is needed as a background.

When Liu Yan was performing the sacrifice, except for those who needed to chant some prayers, everyone else watched quietly.

There were at least 30,000 people at the scene, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Yan, and their eyes moved with Liu Yan's walk.

Sacrifice is a tedious process, and it takes about half an hour to get to the meat cutting process.

Zhu Xia always had a meat-sharing link during sacrifices. The meat cut by the emperor was called Zuo meat and could be distributed to those who thought it was appropriate.

Long ago, only princes and kings were qualified to obtain Zuo Rou. Since the first Han Dynasty, the specifications have been lowered, but only those who are in the Emperor's Heart can get Zuo Rou.

Zuo meat can be cut large or small. If a piece of Zuo meat can be obtained in a grand sacrifice, it is a matter of pride and honor no matter how big or small it is.

Every time Liu Yan cut a piece, he would call out a name, and everyone who was named was shocked, with extreme surprises on their faces.

They will show when they get Zuo meat, which is to show off naked.

This kind of show off will naturally be envied and hated, but it is part of the etiquette, to the effect that the emperor Lao Er feels that we have contributed to the country and feels close to us.

In the Zhou royal period, the act of showing off Zuo meat was also a demonstration. In the early days, only the vassal kingdoms with military exploits could be divided into Zuo meat, and they were all vassal states that won extraordinary victories in the war against foreign races.

The ritual of dividing Zuo meat was accompanied by the entire Zhou royal family, but later changed from being a foreign race to showing off its national power, all of which meant to issue a warning to the princes who were not able to deal with and were really difficult to fight.

Who should get Zuo meat actually has a statute in advance, and a set of them is actually a political signal to the world that the monarch and his ministers have each other.

At the end of the solemn ceremony, the crowd once again chanted the slogan "Ten Thousand Years".

At this time, foreign visitors finally had the opportunity to speak.

"It is not unreasonable for the Han Empire to call itself a country of etiquette." Childe said with emotion: "Their etiquette is too much and too complicated."

Every country or nation will have its own set of etiquette, usually the more civilized the society is, the more complicated the etiquette will be.

The Romans naturally have their own set of etiquette, but compared to some countries that are also at the imperial level, their etiquette is much thinner.

"That meat..." Julian knew that it wasn't a question of whether it was good or not, but a manifestation of glory: "It's a little different from us."

In Rome, after offering tribute to the gods, unless it is a brave thief or clergy, no one will move at all, especially when it comes to food.

As for the clergy, to give to the gods is to give to them, and it is a matter of course to move. Therefore, people who are generous to the gods can always get more blessings from the clergy. Please note that it is the blessing of the clergy, not the gods.

The scene was already singing, and it was a chorus of two hundred men and women.

On this occasion, some great elegance in the "Book of Songs" is generally chanted, and the "Book of Songs. Daya. Changwu" is being chanted.

He He Mingming. Wang Mingqing Shi, ancestor of Nanzhong, father of the master. Reorganize my six divisions to repair my army. Both respect and precept, benefit this southern country.

Wang called the Yin family and ordered Cheng Boxiu's father to control Chen Xing. Stop our division and lead Huaipu to save this Xutu. Nowhere to stay, three things are ready.

Heheye has a strict emperor. Wang Shubao made, bandits and bandits roamed. Xu Fang yelled at him, shocked Xu Fang. Like thunder, Xu Fang was shocked.

Wang Fen Jue Wu, as shocked as anger. Entering Juehuchen, Kan is like a tiger. Shop Dun Huai Lian, still clinging to the ugly captive. Cut the other Huaipu, the home of the king.

The king's journey is like flying like a Han. Such as the river is like a Han, like the bud of a mountain. Like the stream of the river, with wings and wings. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Zheng Xu Guo.

Wang Youyun, Xu Fang came. Xu Fang is the same, the work of the emperor. The Quartet is flat, and Xu Fang comes to court. Xu Fang did not return, but Wang Yue returned.

Approximately it means to praise the royal family for being so powerful and powerful, how vulnerable the enemy is, and after the war is won, the king's class returns to the court.

There will not only be the "Book of Songs. Daya. Changwu" that demonstrates martial arts, but on such occasions there will inevitably be "Book of Songs. Daya. King of Wen", "Book of Songs. Daya. Emperor Hua", "Book of Songs. Daya. Changshang Zhehua" And so many.

The skewers like a chorus is one after another, and people who know how to sing will also join it, causing a poem that has spread more widely to become a chorus of all people.

"It's really shocking!" Xias actually didn't understand what he was singing, but he could see that all Han people had different mental outlooks according to the different poems they sang: "I heard " "The Book of Songs" is part of the history of the Han people, and every poem is true or false."

"Yes." Julian knew this far better than Xias: "That is the history that happened in the ancient times of the Han people, which proves the foundation of the civilization of the Han people."

Rome also has its own poems, and there are a lot of them. There is no shortage of poems praising a great man, and they will be read out on some occasions.

Persians also have their own poems, which are also part of history.

The poems of the three nations are different in format, but the core is the same. At this point, the common ground of the hegemonic nation appears. A nation without a foundation has no poems handed down from ancient times.

The Egyptians also have their own national poetry, but the Egyptian civilization has long since fallen, and their history has become a part of the history of the Romans.

The ceremony on the Temple of Heaven has entered the final stage. Liu Yan's choice is to end with "The Book of Songs. Guofeng. Qin Feng. Wuyi".

"The Book of Songs. Guofeng. Qin Feng. Wuyi" is probably the most frequently used poem on some occasions in the past dynasties, and it is almost adapted to all occasions related to the fortune of the country.

When the phrase "Qiyue Wuyi? Same robe with son. Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear. Revenge with son!" When the official chorus took the lead in singing, all the Han people on the scene joined the chorus. After that, the entire city of Han people sang along.

To talk about the rest of the poems, probably the "Book of Songs. Guofeng. Qin Feng. Jian Jia" and "The Book of Songs. Guofeng. Zhou Nan. Guanju" can be compared with the "Book of Songs. Guofeng. Qin Feng. Wuyi". , It’s just that the "Book of Songs. Guofeng. Qin Feng. Jian Jia" and "The Book of Songs. Guofeng. Zhou Nan. Guanju" are generally used in courtship...

The entire city resounded through the singing of "The Book of Songs. Guofeng. Qin Feng. Wuyi" so that foreign visitors could not help but get goosebumps all over their bodies. What I understand is the murderousness that is shocked by the text, but I don’t understand. People also felt that murderous aura rushing toward their faces.

In how many years, how many people are singing "Qiyue Wuyi" on the battlefield. The aura of civilization and history is composed of singing, which will make people think about iron and fire. .

The chanting is over, and the last link comes.

Liu Yan didn't need someone to bring himself a "crown", he had worn a full set of costumes belonging to the emperor before.

In the conspicuous place of the Temple of Heaven, there are two things on a table. They are a book and a sword.

Liu Yan walked over to pick up the book and the sword, and showed the posture of holding a book and a sword to the crowd. He stood still for about a minute, and Ji Chang took the lead in bowing and worshiping.

I don’t know how many people kneel down and worship at the same moment, shouting "Your Majesty!"

Those foreign visitors were dumbfounded when everyone knelt down.

For example, the countries of the Japanese islands and some vassal countries from the three continents, they knelt down without any hesitation.

People from countries such as Rome, Sassanid, Two Satrap, Vagatoga, Gidoro, Frank, Burgundy, Alemanni, etc., they took a long time before they felt suitable. The etiquette of salute.

The etiquette was inconsistent, and messy things appeared. Some people just bowed down and saluted, some followed them on their knees or on one knee. People around them were surprised when they saw that they all wanted to kill.

Director Liu and Zhou Bian glanced at each other silently. They reminded them in accordance with the procedure in advance, and did not require foreign visitors to kneel down. If such things happen, they will not be punished.

For those foreign visitors who come to observe the ceremony, the Han people will mark the ceremony based on the ceremony they give. When they destroy their country in the future, the treatment of their country basically depends on the ceremony they pay today.

The end of the ceremony at the Temple of Heaven refers to the departure of Liu Yan and Baiguanhui. After they leave, there are actually activities here. There will be folk orchestras and dance troupes performing on the stage set up, and there will also be folk artists in the square. Performing various performances will still continue to lively.

While the ceremony was on this side of the Temple of Heaven, there was preparation for the military parade on the other side of Baihu Avenue.

The street cleaning of Baihu Avenue was already underway a few days ago. After the street cleaning, a viewing platform was specially set up to hold a grand military parade today.

The west gate tower of Miyagi was also deliberately decorated. After Liu Yan took the carriage to inspect the army phalanx lined up in the street, he would stand on the tower to inspect the army phalanx in a split pattern.

It is not known that foreign visitors who were destined for the future due to the salute posture left the Temple of Heaven under the leadership of Director Liu and Zhou Bian.

"I thought there was no military parade in the Han Empire." Julian had inquired countless times before and confirmed that Han had not held a grand military parade before. Only when he went out repeatedly would he see the ceremony of military formation leaving the city: "I hope to see it today. More troops from the Han Empire."

Legends about firearms have spread to various countries for a long time, but they have never seen what gunpowder looks like, only those who have participated in the battle of the Asan Continental Plain have seen bronze cannons and explosive packs.

Visitors from foreign countries were taken to the viewing platform, and from a distance they could hear the slogan "Ten Thousand Years of Your Majesty, Ten Thousand Years of the Great Han". It was Liu Yan riding on the chariot to greet the soldiers in the line, and the soldiers gave it to them. Response.

The military parade is the name of later generations, and it is now called Yanwu, but such a grand occasion has not appeared for a long time. It should be said that there has been no grand military performance since the decline of the Zhou royal family. The Spring and Autumn and Warring States period includes the Qin Empire, The Western Han Dynasty, Eastern Han Dynasty...etc. during the period of unification or splitting, basically all were directly drawn to the battlefield to start wars.

Liu Yan, who was in the chariot and inspected the phalanx of the army, when he came to the top of the tower, his figure just appeared to usher in the deafening cry of "Your Majesty, the Great Han".

There are still densely packed people on the left and right sides of Baihu Avenue. They came here very early to grab a place and have a place to stand. They have long been looking forward to watching the mighty and mighty teachers.

Not only the ground on both sides of Baihu Avenue, but also all the places where people can stand on their feet, including floor windows, roofs, trees, etc., are full of people who are looking forward to it.

A bleak horn was blown, followed by the sound of drumbeats that don’t know how many war drums were beaten~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The sound of neatly stepping came from afar.

Everyone saw that the people walking in front of the phalanx on foot were Xu Zheng and Ran Min, and behind them were the heavy infantry in a square formation and marching neatly.

At that moment, the weight of metal was trampling on the earth. The burly man was covered in heavy armor, with only a pair of eyes exposed from his body. Every time they stepped, they followed the drum sound and made a stepping sound.

When the phalanx passed the white line in front of the tower, they shouted in unison, "Your Majesty Ten Thousand Years, the Great Han Ten Thousand Years". Every heavy infantry soldier in his arms crossed his waist with his sword, strangling every step he took. When Mo Dao clicked, it seemed that it belonged to a flash of cold light.

"The soldiers of the Han Empire, I was fortunate to have seen their performance on the battlefield." Cicero was talking about the defensive battle of the Pingman Captain's Headquarters: "This unit is terrible. They advance like a wall. Any enemy troops that stand in front, whether they are infantry or cavalry, or even chariots and elephants, will become fragments under the brandishing of that sword."

Not only Cicero has seen the performance of Mo Daobing, anyone who has seen it will be shocked, and will think about how to target it.

The second phalanx is coming...

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