Sweep the World

Chapter 956: : Phase 1 completed

Reincarnation is a technical job, especially from the moment a person is born, is it right? Most of the time, a person's future is doomed to cast a good birth.

Some people were born in a wealthy family. Not only do they grow up in an environment where there is no lack of wealth, but the education they receive will also be more top-notch. He (she) will stand at a very high starting point because of the efforts of his father or grandfather, even if he or she is wasteful, he or she can afford the price paid more than ordinary people.

Not everyone can vote for a good baby, but it's not that the father's generation will always be poor when they are poor. If they can't be a rich second generation, they still have a chance to become a rich generation. It's just that the opportunity will always give hard work and are lucky enough.

If reincarnation into a wealthy family is a lucky thing, then reincarnation into a family that can determine the fate of most people without much effort is just because a surname holds a lot of power, then it is more than luck. .

The surname Zayaku represents power in Hunite, and the head of the family is also the patriarch of the three major tribes of Hunite.

In the history of Zhu Xia, there was a period of time when a surname was worthy of the public to follow. It can even be said that even if a certain person has nothing, just because he is a certain surname, as long as he appears in the public's field of vision, people will know His surname can have an infinite number in an instant.

The history that a surname is worthy of public follow has disappeared in Zhuxia, and it also represents the decline of blood lineage theory.

In Hunite, the theory of ancestry is still preserved. Perhaps it should be said that in addition to the summers in the world, most countries (tribes) including Rome, Sassan... and so on, have what ancestry (surname) It is still possible for a person with nothing to have unimaginable resources instantly.

In those countries (tribes) that can enjoy privileges because of their descent (surname), most of the countries or city-states such as Ah San have shown enough examples, but those countries and city-states of Ah San are one of the pedigree theory... Say? variant?

Hunet still retains the relatively primitive posture of the "blood theory". He insists on an example of the grassland a long, long time later. As long as he is a member of the "Golden Family", it means that he has sufficient political power. 1 rule, 1 influence, 1 influence, 1 force.

The camp was burned down, the herd to be protected lost at least 70%, the horse lost 60%, and about half of the people were killed or injured. So what?

Relying on the influence of his surname, Le Kumar killed a back-cuffer and accepted a cavalry force. Everything seemed so natural, and no one even asked for questions.

"Momm, what should we do next?"

"All we have to do is wait!"

They had been to a camp before, but they were one step ahead by the Han army. The camp was attacked, losing some herds and horses, and some people were killed or injured, but the situation was better than the first camp that was attacked overnight. many.

Le Kumar didn't stay in that camp for long. Instead, he chose to take away the capable cavalry, and left the old and weak women and children to clean up the mess and came to the third camp.

The translation of "Mum" in the name of the Hunets into Chinese is not a leader, but a "son of servant".

What they call "servants" are servants of the gods they believe in, just like the position of the archbishop of Rome.

The belief system of the Hunets is completely different from that of the Romans. The Romans believe in one **** and one religion, while the Hunite believes that all things have anims, and that if there is a spirit, they can become gods and be called gods.

If we can take a look at the Hunets' practice of religion, religion, rituals, and rituals, the Han people can definitely find some traces in some ancient books, only because the Hunets... at least those in the nomadic state, their The ceremony is not much different from the Huns.

The nomads are right to believe that everything is animist. If the nomads do not disappear completely, they will stick to it.

In many countries, both military power and divine power are controlled. The combination of the two is not one plus one equals two, but one plus one equals infinity.

The Tsudan clan of the Hun empire, even if it was Mouton, did not have both military and divine power at the same time, but Yi Zhixie, the descendant of Mouton, did it.

It is a pity for the Xiongnu that Yizhixian grasped both military and divine power too late, but even if Yizhixian did it only when the Xiongnu Mountains were exhausted, the Xiongnu continued to persevere under the repeated blows of the Western Han Empire.

Among all the nomads, the Huns are the most resilient. Unlike other nomads who suffered unbearable defeats and immediately genocide. After repeated severe injuries, they persisted in the east for two to three hundred years, and then migrated westward. The other one almost destroyed the Roman Empire.

It is difficult to say whether the Huns have the tenacity of the Huns. They continue to clashed with the Sassanids, but they can stand firm with far less population and national strength than the Sassanids, and they can even defeat the Sassanids many times. Not the weak.

What Le Kumar had to do was to set a trap and wait for the arrival of the Han army that circumvented the enemy. Even if it was unable to completely eat this Han army, he had to deal enough blows.

The Han army, who was ordered to destroy the logistics of the Hunets, was already working and achieving results.

Ordered to attack the Hunite cavalry units in the logistics of the Han army, most of them turned into corpses or prisoners of war, and only a few survived by escaping quickly.

"More than three thousand enemy troops were eliminated." Zhao Chang had just left the enumeration site and came to the Chinese army's big account to report: "The rangers have been sent to chase and kill the escaped enemy troops. They can't escape."

Li Kuang nodded and said that he knew, and said with a calm expression and a flat voice: "They will not be fooled again, and for the same reason, they will not rush to launch an attack again. Don't let that enemy army cruise behind us."

The number of Hunyite cavalry who bypassed the battlefield and came to the rear of the Han army was no less than 10,000. Last night, only about 5,000 carried out a sneak attack at night, and they were hit hard by the trapped Han army.

The logistics force of the Han army is different from that of the Hunite.

Even if it is a logistic unit, the Han army will not have any old or weak. Some women are some foreign women who go with the army to do skin and meat business. Generally, they are foreign women such as officials and prostitutes... Or even more directly called camp 1 prostitutes.

The prostitutes of the Army Combat Carrier Battalion have a long history in Zhuxia. They are also in the business of washing clothes. They basically belong to a certain caravan and will not be self-employed who serve with the army.

By the time of the Han Empire established by Liu Yan, at the beginning, women who were in the flesh and skin business were carried by military dealers, and later they were gradually transformed into official camps.

The reason for continuing to retain this "tradition" is quite simple. Don't expect the soldiers to have a high level of ideological awareness, so that they can vent their animal desires in the course of combat. It is better to have a legal channel for venting.

Under normal circumstances, although the personnel of the Han army's logistics units will not be frontline elites, at least they will be young and strong. In today's Han Empire, all young men with sound limbs have undergone military training. They are not elite soldiers, but they still know how to obey orders and are not lacking in fighting skills.

This time, the Protector of the Western Regions had noticed that there were enemy troops around, and they would definitely be prepared accordingly.

The reason why a sneak attack is a sneak attack is that it is prepared and unprepared.

If the opponent had been prepared before the attack, it would be hard to say who would attack. It should be the group of people who were preparing to attack, but found that they were ambushed, they should be in shock and panic. .

"The casualties on the front line are more serious." Zhao Chang was talking about the troops who had entered the confrontation state with the Hunets first: "The enemy is not doing well. If the two sides do not carry out reinforcements, it will become a bad battle."

In terms of the number of forces between the two sides that are being engaged in the confrontation, there are actually more Hanites than the Hunnites. If only the establishment and ethnic group are to be considered, the Western Regions Duhufu, which is in the front line combat position, has only one division and less than nine thousand Hans. Xiaoguo, the rest are close to 40,000 Western Regions Suihu and 7,000 Wusun people.

The number of Hunets entering the battlefield was about 15,000 less than the intelligence, and only 35,000 Hunets appeared on the frontal battlefield. For the remaining 15,000 people, about 5,000 attacked the Han army logistics unit last night, and another 10,000 people were constantly cruising.

The confrontation has been going on for seven days. The first day was a relatively positive confrontation, but from the second day it entered a very traditional state of riding battle.

Cavalry fighting is not like the infantry, which is to draw a narrow field to attack and defend. Cavalry is constantly moving, chasing and being chased, and it is not always chasing by one side. The roles between each other are often There will be exchanges.

If you unfold a map, you will find that their combat area has exceeded four hundred miles. If you mark the lines, you will find that there is no straight line with a track at all. Camping, it can even be said that most of the time eating, drinking, pulling, spreading, and sleeping are done on horseback.

"Waiting for three days." Li Kuang groaned for a while before continuing, "Or if the casual guards are consumed to less than 10,000, let's start."

"Duhu, the enemy troops in the Aral Sea are already moving towards our side. According to the report of the scout..." Chang Zhao must remind: "They will arrive at the battlefield in two days at the latest."

The Hunites on the Aral Sea only moved on the fifth day of the fight here. It is probably not clear what the Han army rushed into the territory of Kangju was. The first group of the Hunites was 20,000. about.

On the third day after the 20,000 or so Hunite cavalry left the Aral Sea station, another group of about 30,000 Hunite cavalry was deployed.

The 50,000 or so Hunite cavalry were not all who left the Aral Sea. There were also nearly 150,000 old and weak women and children who left behind. They were the logistics force that guaranteed the army's logistics supply.

On the Aral Sea, there were originally about 100,000 Hunite troops, but 50,000 left, and the remaining 50,000 Hunites stayed in the Aral Sea. In addition to the garrison, there were about 50,000 troops. There are also close to 300,000 Hunnites.

Should the population of the entire Hunite ethnic group be around three million? In such a short period of time, including the actual participation in the war and the number of logistics guarantees approaching one million, it is enough to show that the Persians are very objective in their evaluation.

"We chose to invade in the spring, not only because the ice and snow melted, but also because it was the season for herdsmen to mate and multiply." Li Kuang meant that most of the Hunite border was ravaged, and a period of burning, looting and looting not only destroyed Hunite. With their national strength, the Hunets also delayed the mating and reproduction of herding animals: "If there is not an excellent opportunity, there is no need to engage in redundant fighting."

Zhao Changshu sighed. This is what he meant. Since the combat goal has been achieved, the Hunets cannot concentrate the resources needed to invade the Han territory for at least three years. At this stage, they should retreat to their own borders and enter the second stage of the war. .

"The number of people from the Western Regions who have been enlisted has reached 120,000. Although it is much less than expected, time is not allowed to be delayed." Zhao Chang walked to the side of the mountain and river map and pointed to the location marked as drug donation: "Hunite People have suffered such a great loss, and we will certainly pursue them when we retreat. This will be a good battlefield."

The drug donation was in the northern part of modern Pamir. According to the current mountains and rivers, it was in the upper reaches of the North River. The terrain was generally relatively flat. For the defense side...especially if the newly recruited Western Regions were not equipped with war horses. , Located in the upper reaches of the North River for garrison fortification, will be a good battlefield for the defending side.

The so-called second stage of the war, without any concealment, was a war that was waged to consume the young and strong people of the Western Regions.

"What is the probability that the Hunnites will not pursue it?" Li Kuang had asked several times before, and the answer was different each time: "Are there any new deductions?"

The probability of the same thing at different time points is not static. For example, the Han army loses a lot after the war, or the Han army is forced to retreat before completing its military goal, and even the Han army is completely annihilated. This is a different result. Will produce their respective follow-ups.

"We sent troops to attack their logistics ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to make the illusion that we would fight them for a long time." Zhao Chang was almost repeating the results of the praise painting deduction: "Our casualties are heavier than expected. In a way, the subsequent withdrawal is more convincing."

"I can imagine how much the Hunnites hate us now." Li Kuang will regard the enemy's hatred as his own merit: "How much they hate us, the higher the possibility of chasing."

"Yes." Zhao Chang thought that Li Kuang was very thorough. He gave a few flattering words and said the data: "The probability of them chasing is more than 70%."

Once a military action reaches 60% or more, it is almost inevitable. The calculation of the probability is just one of the more complicated aspects. For example, the Hunets are really chasing by many troops and few troops.

Then another new question arises. Should the Han army at Kangju enter the Hunite border to wreak havoc again, or let the Han army at Kangju cut off the way to pursue the enemy according to the original plan?

Before the battle situation has entered a certain stage, Li Kuang can only make a preset plan, wait for the battle situation to reach a certain level, and then choose the one he thinks is correct from the many preset plans based on the real-time battle situation.

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