Sweep the World

Chapter 957: : Consumption

"They have been retreating eastward, and we didn't find a new Han army appeared." Zakuma asked with some uncertainty: "Are they running away?"

Within the time that Li Kuang identified, the Han army camp on the frontal battlefield seemed to move eastward in embarrassment, and it was no longer the kind of circle of cavalry fighting.

The Han army retreating from the frontal battlefield is indeed very embarrassed. Before they set off, their most prosperous force reached more than 70,000. When they retreated within a hundred miles of their own border, there were less than 30,000, which is equivalent to more than half. The people stayed in that strange foreign country.

Those who did not successfully retreat with the large army, whether it was the guards of the Western Regions, or the Han Xiaoguo and the Western Regions, not all of them were dead. Some became captives of the Hunets, and some were. Dispersed with the large forces in a mobile combat state.

Unless it is during the combat phase, the death is clearly registered, otherwise it will only be recorded as missing. However, as long as it is considered missing in a big battle, it is basically difficult to reappear.

"There is still an enemy army in our territory." Le Kumar has always wanted revenge. Since he said that, it means that the revenge has not been reported: "You need to support me."

Zakumar knew what kind of support Le Kumar needed, but he shook his head: "Of course the enemy army will be eliminated, but we have no extra troops."

"As long as the enemy army returns its logistics, it will continue to be threatened!" Le Kumar did not hide his hatred at all: "I need to destroy them to restore my reputation!"

I don't know if it has not received the notice of retreat, or the retreat period of the troops led by Yang Su has not expired, and they are still wandering in the territory of Hungary.

This 3,000 Han army, they almost let Le Kumar succeed. They retreat quickly and decisively after seeing the opportunity to continue to wreak havoc in the territory of the Hunets. It is inevitable that there will be casualties. 3,000 There are only two thousand two hundred people left.

"We have lost too much this time." Zakuma didn't know all the news, but only those who knew almost passed out: "The Han army is like a demon. Most of our territory has been ravaged and killed in a sneak attack. The number of people cannot be counted. There are more than 500 destroyed villages and attacked tribes."

Le Kumar’s news should be more informed. He learned more accurate data from the tribes. Excluding the casualties caused by battlefield clashes, more than 400,000 people died in the Han army’s attack, except for the attacked villages and villages that Zakuma said The tribe, two other big cities were destroyed by fire.

The Han people and their lackeys, the Western Regions, rushed into the territory of the Hunets and saw that the Hunets were brutally murdered, both men and women, old and young, destroyed houses, burned villages, killed livestock and took away war horses.

On the side of the Hunets, the crimes of the Han and the lackeys of the Western Regions are simply too numerous to document.

The world has always been divided into camps without pure good and evil. At present, it is the Hans who have done a lot of things to the Hunets, but haven't the Huns done it to other countries (nations)?

If the Hunets stand on the side that rushes into the Han Empire to burn, kill, and looting, they will be extremely excited and proud. They don't know how many celebrations they will have.

This is the so-called hero and enemy, and the reason is that simple.

“What we can do now is to chase and wait for Kam’s order.” Zakuma said Kam is a servant, and Le Kumar’s father is one of the servants: “Maha will soon Came the order."

Maha is a sacred place for the Hunets. It is located in the western part of the modern capital Kush Mountains. It is not a large city, not even a small mountain village. When the temple was built, elders were stationed for a long time. The servant will also rush, and the servant will discuss with the elders and inform Shan Yu of the result of the discussion, and then Shan Yu will make the final decision.

The chief of the Hunnites is called Shan Yu, and most of the nomadic leaders in the world are called Shan Yu, and a small number of them are called Da Khan.

Nomads have a tradition every time. The Huns have been tyrannical for so long and have had a great influence on the world, including some of the names that affected the nomads.

Powers like the Hunite that have descendants of the Huns generally continue the titles of the Huns. Abandoned, some titles such as ten thousand captain, thousand captain, and centurion were retained.

The politics and religion of Hunite are not unified, it is a situation that is only subject to religion. It is very simple to form such a situation. The patriarch of each big tribe is generally a "servant." Their "servant" is the human spokesperson of a certain god, who has a natural right to speak. Only if the force at his disposal does not reach the title of suppressing everything, then Yu alone will naturally be subject to the religion.

The Han camp looked embarrassed, and the Hunnite cavalry units that fought with it were not much better.

The fifty thousand Hunnite cavalry under the command of Zakuma, except for the 15,000 cavalry who were released, the 35,000 cavalry placed on the front battlefield was only 17,000 when the Han army took the initiative to retreat. Thousands or so.

Although the number of troops is relatively small, the Han army camp is the retreat side, and the Hunnites in the pursuit state have a psychological advantage.

"It's precisely because they took the initiative to retreat." Zakuma said happily: "If they insist on... even for one day, we should not be able to support it first."

Le Kumar was full of thoughts about trying to get his face back, and really didn't have any more time to listen to Zakuma's bitterness: "Without solving the Han army, our back will never be safe!"

As a mom, losing face means impaired prestige. It doesn't matter whether he can completely wipe out the Han army that attacked behind him. The key is that Le Kumar must show the side that must be repaid.

Le Kumar brought three thousand cavalry from behind. After the rendezvous, their strength was more than 20,000. Zakuma repeatedly tried to persuade Le Kumar to join forces. Obviously, the persuasion failed.

"Reinforcements have been coming in the direction of the Aral Sea." Le Kumar insisted: "After the rendezvous, the strength of your side will reach 67,000. You should allocate 5,000 to me!"

Zakuma already knew that the Aral Sea had sent reinforcements, and that was one of the main reasons he continued to pursue the pursuit seriously.

"Two thousand." Even if Zakuma doesn't give Le Kumar face, he will give face to Zayyaku's surname: "It can't be more!"

There were another two thousand cavalry, and the total number was five thousand cavalry. Le Kumar went to various camps to gather together and could gather another two or three thousand cavalry out. It's just that the cavalry that came out from behind is either old or weak or strong, that is, strong and strong, it is not very useful in real combat.

The Han army scouts hiding in a low sloping grass, they all showed bewildered expressions when they saw the Hunets divide their forces.

This Han army scout team has been following for six days, always paying attention to the movements of the Hunets, reporting to the rear in time, and there are several other Paoze teams doing the same thing with them.

Paying attention to the enemy's movements is something that any commander will do his best. In such an era, to know the enemy's movements can only rely on scouts. That's why it is said that a good scout can withstand at least one force. s reason.

The news of the division of the Hunnies in the chasing state was passed to Li Kuang, and Zhao Chang immediately took a group of praise paintings for discussion. They concluded that the Hunnite cavalry who had been divided went to intercept themselves and did not withdraw. force.

"We still have two troops that have not withdrawn. One of them is the subordinate of Yang Su who was ordered to attack the logistics." Chang Zhao has never forgotten how many of his troops are on the battlefield: "There is an attempt to contact the subordinate of Yang Su. , We didn’t find them. In a way, it’s good news."

"Is there no retreat after the rendezvous period?" Li Kuang looked at the map of mountains and rivers hanging on the shelf without looking away: "They can't withdraw, or have they found a valuable target?"

Zhao Chang was even more inclined that Yang Su's subordinates could not be withdrawn: "The losses of the Hunets are too great, and they are all crazy."

During their retreat, they were repeatedly attacked by small groups of Hunnites. Many Hunites came to die like moths fighting a fire. The term "crazy" is appropriate.

Those Hunnites who kept raiding the Han army to death, either survived the Han army’s attack, or they had their blood relatives who died in the Han army’s attack. Come desperately with hatred and shame.

The left Han army on the expedition had already withdrawn within fifty miles of its own border, and if it retreated another twenty miles to the east, it was time to reach the preset position.

Li Kuang has always stayed on the left side of the army, and even the marching chief Shi was in the left army, and the right army was handed over to the deputy Yang Rui.

"Counting time, Vice Admiral Yang has launched an offensive against the Aral Sea." Zhao Chang knew why Li Kuang kept his eyes on the map of mountains and rivers. Flip back and forth."

If he had never fought with the Hunets, Li Kuang would not find anything difficult for the Hunets to fight, just because he had fought several times, and seeing the tenacity and tenacity of the Hunets, he could not help but guess the battle in the Aral Sea. It is difficult to decide the outcome.

"It is difficult to fight quickly and make a quick decision, and it will also make it difficult for the Hunets to take care of the head and tail." Zhao Chang had to be a pity. If the Western Regions Protectorate had sufficient troops, it would not be too much, as long as one more army would be added. World War I will not be so difficult: "The general trend is still with me."

The Western Regions Protectorate had only 15,000 regular troops. They spent 10,000 on an expedition to the territory of Hunite and recruited 40,000 Han and 130,000 Western Regions.

From the first stage to the end of the war, did you count the two troops of the Right Army and the Left Army who were cruising in Hunite, and the left Army who withdrew to the border of the border was left with less than 30,000? people.

Among the 30,000 people, more than 11 thousand belonged to the Han people, and about 4,000 Han people were left in the territory of Hunite. There were more than 56,000 Western Regions conscripted for the expedition, and more than 37,000 remained in the territory of Hunite.

If defined by the goal of consuming the Western Regions, the Protector of the Western Regions is undoubtedly successful, not to mention the results of the Left Army's raging on the side of the Hunets, even if the expedition of the Left Army is annihilated in the Hunets. Within the country, it is actually a huge profit based on data alone.

"One hundred twenty thousand..." Li Kuang finally looked away from the map of mountains and rivers: "Plus the previous 130,000..."

After the Han people recovered the Western Regions, based on rough statistics, the number of Western Regions recorded was more than 2.3 million. So far, they have recruited 250,000 Western Regions. They are almost the youngest of the Western Regions. Give it a clean.

Zhao Chang thought that Li Kuang had some hesitation or confusion, and said in a low voice: "For the great man, for the future generations, why not die for the non-my race?"

"Hehe." Li Kuang would not blame himself or be confused because of the death of too many Western Regions: "In the second stage, only those Western Regions may be concerned about anti-Geism or riots."

"Their relatives are all in the rear." Zhao Changshu sighed and continued with a smile: "Our propaganda is that the Hunets are going to the Western Regions to burn, kill, and looting, and they will do their best to resist. That is to say they dare to be alienated... Just let the princes of the DPRK and the Central Government know, it is better to ease the disease."

Li Kuang is not willing to leave a record of incompetence on his resume. He has always been under psychological pressure that is hard for others to experience. When he was a school lieutenant, his wife was already Linziling. When he became a member of the generals, his wife became Gong Ling and also held the post of Diao Chan. With such a wife, as a husband, I don't want to stay in the same position for a moment.

After the troops withdrew to the pre-determined battlefield position, they could finally catch their breath. The Hunnites who were chasing discovered that there were more than one hundred thousand Han troops here, and they might not know how many belonged to the Han army, more than one hundred thousand. But it was a number that made the Hunets dare not rush forward.

The Hunites were frightened and retreated twenty miles back. Zakuma figured out that more than 90,000 of the more than 100,000 talents were all talents from the Western Regions and ordered to stop their retreat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Han Empire is killing two birds with one stone! "If Zakuma hadn't figured it out before, once again seeing the Western Regions who had been recruited to the battlefield in large numbers, they should also figure it out: "They are deliberately pulling the Western Regions to the battlefield that consumes us! "

What if I figure it out? The Western Regions rushed into the Hunite border and did those things. The Hunites could not give up revenge because the Western Regions were driven by the Han.

"The Han people are too insidious!" Zakuma didn't know the new changes in the northern frontiers of the Han Empire. He only thought that the consumption of the Western Regions was one of the goals of the Han Empire: "Is it possible for us to instigate the Western Regions?"

Pushmal is an imam with the army, a role similar to a priest. He was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "It depends on whether we can win this battle."

"It's okay to tell the Western Regions clearly that they are being consumed?" Zakuma didn't like this answer: "Those Western Regions like horse dung, don't you know that the Han Empire wants them all to die?"


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

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