Sweep the World

Chapter 958: : AIA is surprised!

"Good news! The Western Regions Protector House reported good news!"

A knight in standard Han military uniform, with a flag holder behind it, with three small triangular flags inserted. He rode on the majestic war horse, and continued to report victory with the crisp sound of horses stomping on the concrete road.

On the road, everyone who stood in front of Hong Ling's urgent road stepped aside to both sides, and the residents of Chang'an who heard the shout turned their heads to look.

"I heard that there are only 15,000 Erlang in the Western Regions Duhu Mansion?"

"It seems to be calling for annihilating one hundred thousand enemies?"

"Yes, that's really a big victory."

"No, how many people should become Lord Hou?"

"Who are you hitting?"

"have no idea."

Hearing the triumphant Han Chinese, their faces naturally showed joyful expressions, but they really didn't have much excitement.

People who have never seen or heard of the Western Regions have heard of it. That was when 130,000 Western Region women were suddenly sold in the previous year, and some literature and art that were different from those of Zhu Xia appeared in shops. Even if we did not buy Western Region women or literature and art, I should know more or less.

For the current Han people, it is normal to hear good news, and it is not normal to hear the bad news about which army in the country suddenly one day.

From this victory to another victory, we have been winning. The Western Regions did not seem to have encountered an invasion before the war broke out. When people heard that the Western Regions had a great victory, they would be happy if they were happy, but they would say they were delighted. It's really hard to show this kind of emotion if you are crazy.

The eager Hong Ling who reported victory drifted away with the clear sound of horseshoes. The people who had stopped watching and cheering should do what they should do.

On the third floor of a tea house, Julian stood by the window and watched the reaction of the Chinese people, with a complex expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Western Regions?" Xiasi sat on a garden group in a posture of kneeling down, straightened his waist and holding porcelain cups in both hands: "When did the Han Empire take military actions against Hunite?"

Julian turned around, and took a few steps to sit down in a kneeling position in a garden group: "You don't know that the Han Empire is at war against Hunite?"

Xias felt inexplicable: "Why do we have to know."

Julian would feel strange, surprised that the Han Empire did not communicate with the Persian Sassanids.

You must know that Hunite was sandwiched between the Han Empire and the Persian Sassanids. At present, the Han Empire and the Persian Sassanids are allies. The Hunites can also gain more advantages when they go to war.

They have not left since they came to Chang'an, and they still stayed as envoys.

Because it is the relationship of the envoys, even if they have the money to buy the mansion, they can only live in the arranged post.

Not only Julian and Xias did not leave, but the first group of envoys from various countries to come to the Han Empire, as well as the many nobles from various countries that came after them, plus those who came one after another, only Chang'an had them. There are more than 40,000 crooked nuts, and there are almost 40,000 crooked nuts in Jingkou, and the number of crooked nuts in the entire Han Empire has reached more than 180,000.

It's quite interesting to say that the crooked nuts who came to the Han Empire, only less than a thousand people took their own ships on their own, and the rest were all on the ships of the Han Empire in various ports before they arrived in the Han territory.

In addition to the fact that there are not many ocean-going ships in various countries, there are also other countries that have to pay almost sky-high fees as long as they pass through Malacca. When they arrive in Han Jing, they have to pay another expensive fee. At the same time, ship berthing fees, repair fees, Replenishment costs... and so on, the total cost of waiting for the total cost is enough to buy a few more ships of the same style.

Although it was such a high price, there were still foreign ships that arrived in the Han territory by themselves, but they were all funded by the government. Of course, the reason was that those countries wanted to use their own ships to take the route by themselves.

"The Han Empire knows that we will test the ocean currents everywhere, and we can only experience the voyage by driving the boat by ourselves." Xias sighed: "They can promise to let our boat come over, proving that they don't care."

The Han Empire didn't care about the control of routes by countries, but there were so many restrictions and exaggerated fees. At first, the countries didn't understand why, and thought they were making things difficult. They later recalled that the officials of the Han Empire made those things to create profits for the businessmen of the country!

Ships belonging to the Han Empire and private ships naturally also need to pay various fees, but the amount of those fees is very reasonable.

The Han Empire did not prohibit the navigation of ships from other countries, but it would cost a thousand gold coins to take a ship from another country. A ship of the Han Empire might only cost one hundred gold coins. Because of the difference in customs clearance fees for the same commodity, the price for selling the same product is also absolute. Different.

In that case, it is also a merchant. The problem is that the merchants of the Han Empire have advantages in their goods, and it is obvious what choices consumers will have.

"What can I do?" Julian did not feel grief and anger, but was helpless: "It is only natural for the strong to exploit the weaker."

The Romans came here for thousands of years, and they continued to exploit the outside world, only to have the glory of the Romans from generation to generation.

When the Persians were able to oppress and exploit the weaker, they did not see any softness. Or the Persians who had not experienced decline and stood up again, how could it be that they are still an empire today.

The truth is that. Standing on the side of the weak understand that it is a universal law, and being able to accept it does not mean that it has no emotions.

"Yes." Xiasi smiled bitterly: "What can you do."

If they can beat the Han Empire, whoever is ill will accept exploitation.

The current Han Empire still uses commercial means instead of using force to knock on the door of the country. This alone is enough for them to be fortunate.

"The Han Empire has been very restrained." Julian said in a Roman way of thinking: "It's us. Only if we can attack and the attacked country is unable to counterattack, there will be no peace."

Xias also needs to admit this.

The fleet of the Han Empire can reach Constantinople, and it is not difficult to get to the coastline of the Persian Sassanids.

Now only the Han Empire has the ability to carry out long-distance cross-sea operations, and no country is known to have that ability except the Han Empire. It means that even if a country is invaded by the Han Empire, at most, it will be a battle to defend its homeland.

It is the cruel reality that allows any country, including Rome and Sassanids, to know how to face the Han Empire, and to understand rationally that it cannot be angered by the Han Empire. As long as it does not have a way to survive, it should first develop in ugliness and strive to become stronger one day. Able to have an equal dialogue with the Han Empire, and even surpass the Han Empire.

There is no shortage of powers in some countries secretly mocking the Han people, thinking that if they only fight others by themselves, others can only fight the local defense war, and there will be no hesitation in starting the fight early.

"Why did the Han Empire suddenly start a war against Hunite...?" Julian sneered when he finished speaking. The Han Empire had entered a state of war with Hunite before, but the scale of the war became larger: "Do you have any news?"

Xias is still very upset that he didn’t realize that the Han Empire would take action against Hunite, or Sassan could join the war at all. Increasing friendship with the Han Empire is one aspect, and the other is Sassanian and Hunite. It is also an enemy country.

The Persians were happy to take advantage of things that could teach Hunite, even though they knew it a little late, Xias decided to send the news back.

Hunite has been taught by the Han Empire. Sassan should try to take advantage of Hunite’s weakness to try to destroy the country. Benefit.

"Although we have received courtesy in all aspects, you also know about other things." Xias pointed out that the Han Empire was not obliged to inform everything, and those Han Empire dignitaries with whom they were friends would only say some insignificant news: " I didn’t care much before, but now that I think about it, I might be able to guess some."

Chang'an is the capital city, and the number of powerful and powerful people is the highest in the whole territory.

There are too many dignitaries, it is a bit exaggerated to say that there is a big banquet every day, but it is normal for someone to hold a banquet every three days.

After all, Julian and Xias are also powerful royal families. They will invite banquets if they are polite. They can hear some news. As for whether the news is useful or not, it is up to you to discern it yourself.

"You mean..." Julian reacted: "They have talked a lot about Beijiang recently?"

"Yes." Kossias nodded and continued and said: "This time the Han empire has acted against Hunite, it should be to prevent the Western Regions from being threatened by Hunite after the war in northern Xinjiang."

Julian was stunned for a while, and said with a wry smile: "The Han Empire is really domineering."

Only if they might be threatened, they should do it first. The Han people have shown their domineering side, but everything is so reasonable and reasonable. Who makes the Han Empire itself an enemy country relationship with Hunite.

"The Hunets are not weak." Kesheas dared to swear that he was definitely not saying that because Sasan was planted in the hands of the Hunets several times. He said extremely seriously: "The Han Empire uses one army..., is it an army?"

What Julian knew was that the Western Regions had only one army establishment, but he couldn't guess how much force the Han Empire used to fight against Huny this time.

"A standing army may enlist local Han people, but must enlist the Western Regions." Xias knows that the military operations of the Han Empire like to draw a group of servants of the country, and more or less guess that the Han Empire will consume the Western Regions: "Hungary The cavalry that Nit can assemble in the east will not be less than 150,000. We saw the urgent envoy Hong Ling who reported victory. The result of the war is that the Han army will undoubtedly win. Once again, it proves the strength of the Han Empire."

What they didn’t know was that the eastern frontier of the Hunets had been raged all over the place, and half of the assembled Hunets cavalry were on the battlefield, but there was no division in the Western Regions. More than 3,000, of the 250,000 Western Regions who have been on the battlefield, in the end, there are only more than 50,000 left.

If the victory is based solely on casualties, it does not mean that the Han Empire camp, which has nearly two hundred and twenty thousand casualties, loses.

According to incomplete statistics, the number of Hunets (including soldiers and logistics personnel) who died on the frontal battlefield should have been 130,000 to 440,000. The key is that the number of Hunets who died in the wandering rages reached an astonishing 400,000. It is equivalent to the active attack of the Western Regions Protector House, which immediately reduced the number of Xiunites by more than 500,000.

For a country with a population of only about 3 million, one-sixth of the population is lost all at once, and it is more than just a problem.

Coupled with the losses caused by the ravages, Hunnet was almost instantly beaten from a regional power to a second-rate country in less than four months.

The good news was sent to Miyagi, waiting for Liu Yan's order to fully announce the achievements made by the Western Regions Protectorate. The people from various countries who read the notice couldn't help but fight a cold war in an instant.

"It's terrible!" Goodhouse has not left since he came to the Han Empire, staying in the Han Empire as a communication between Frank and the Han Empire. He spent about four years and spent a lot of money on his own efforts. He could speak fluent Chinese, but he couldn't read Chinese characters fluently. He asked the translator: "Is it true?"

The translator hired by Frank was a thin, thin, black Nanyang species whose household registration was in Xianglin in Nichinan County. He was originally a nobleman from Linyi Kingdom and is now one of his naturalizations.

"Of course it is true." Lin Wen was the new name he gave himself. He held his head up and said proudly: "The big man will not cheat in the announcement!"

Lin Wen’s experience is a bit complicated. When the country was broken, there was no resentment and he didn’t even believe him. From a nobleman to a relatively wealthy naturalized citizen, his heart was full of gaps, compared to those who died and became slaves. People seem very lucky.

From the initial resentment to the gradual acceptance of a new identity, Lin Wen feels that he has become a Han...Even if he is a naturalized citizen, he is a hundred times more noble than a non-Han nationality, and his mentality has become proud again~www .wuxiaspot.com~ I have been able to treat my customers with a tsundere expression and tone as a matter of course.

"More than half a million!?" Goodhouse widened his eyes and trembling lips: "It is more than the population of our entire country, and was killed by... 15,000 Han troops in less than four months. died."

Lin Wen was very serious about translating just now. The notice stated that the Western Regions Protectorate had dispatched nearly 300,000 troops, but out of pride, he explained that the Western Regions Protectorate had dispatched an army. The Han Xiaoguo and the Western Regions were both affected. The irregular army temporarily enlisted seems to be understood by Goodhouse as the only army in the Western Regions?

Goodhouse didn't think he had any misunderstanding. They Frank had a clear distinction between combat effectiveness. The army is the army, and the civilians are the civilians. The army and the civilians will not be deliberately confused.

Even the regular army of 15,000 is a big number for Frank. If they are mobilized to the limit, there are fewer than 50,000 men and women who are capable of fighting.

This piece of notice is in the post building area. Naturally, the people who came to watch were almost all crooked nuts. They were really frightened by the content written on the notice. The total population of many countries did not exceed 500,000. I can't help thinking about what will happen to my country if I provoke the Han Empire.

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