Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1037: Looks a little abrupt

Seeing that the security was about to open the mad woman, He Ning stopped him: "Wait."

"Mr., do you have any more requests?" The security guard said when he saw that He Ning's temperament was so good that he dared not offend him.

"Don't beat her. Leave it to me."

The security guard will be skeptical, but since someone has taken over the trouble, he is also happy to relax.

He Ning called Xiao Zhan and asked him to come and pick up the woman, who was taken to the hospital for care.

She then took Lele to KFC.

While eating with Lele, Shen Jingyu's tall figure hurriedly appeared in KFC.

Behind him, followed by a row of tall men in black clothes and sunglasses, all of them looked solemn and waited.

When such a group of people appeared, many people were frightened and hurriedly stood up.

Shen Jingyu had just returned from an important business meeting, so he was still wearing a formal suit and appeared in such a place, which seemed a bit abrupt.

When he found He Ning and Lele, he sat down and grabbed He Ning anxiously. Seeing that she and Lele were all right, he breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to wave back the subordinates he had brought.

The entire KFC finally recovered calm.

"I'm okay. Who told you with such a big mouth?" He Ning solved such a small matter without mentioning Shen Jingyu, fearing that he would be distracted by such a thing.

"The driver said that he saw you being besieged and called me. When he said he wanted to help, you disappeared and he was very anxious..." Shen Jingyu said in a low voice.

Seeing that she was okay, I was naturally relieved.

The driver had been driving with He Ning, but the mother and son walked out of the driver's line of sight for a while, naturally making him panic to inform Shen Jingyu.

That's why Shen Jingyu came here with such a big fanfare.

"What the **** is going on?" Shen Jingyu asked.

He Ning simply told him: "That woman looks pitiful, I want to help her, so I asked Xiao Zhan to take her to the hospital. I have also experienced the pain of losing a child, so I understand how she feels. Pity the parents of the world, I have a duty to help her."

"Then I will inform the hospital to make thorough preparations and arrange more people to take care of her." Shen Jingyu can understand He Ning's mood.

"No, the small exhibition has passed. Too many people arranged, but it caused psychological pressure on the lady. Let's check the situation first."

Shen Jingyu stopped insisting and stayed to eat with them.

When returning, the three of them chose to walk home instead of taking a car.

The night is clear and clear, which makes people feel relaxed.

The next day, Xiao Zhan called and told He Ning, "Master Ning, the woman has been treated by the doctor and her condition is not bad. But the doctor said that she had lost the child and her emotions would still return."

"Let her stay in the hospital. Treat her well and avoid harming others."

"it is good."

He Ning accompanied Lele to breakfast.

Miyazawa came hurriedly.

He took a document and ran in in stride. He seemed to have a lot to say, but when he saw He Ning, he stopped talking.

"Something?" Shen Jingyu brought out his breakfast.

"Then what..." Miyazawa hesitated.

"If you have something to say directly, there are no outsiders here."

Miyazawa hurriedly said: "He Boyuan, General He, at the working meeting of the Presidential Palace, he specifically mentioned Lord Shen and you and the young grandmother. It is against your style to say that you are in love with'men'. Later, Lord Shen, you are in the Presidential Palace. There are meetings, I am worried that he will continue to attack you with this."

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