Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1038: Shen Jingyu's life problems (1)

Shen Jingyu sat down calmly: "Even without this incident, do you think He Boyuan would give up attacking me?"

This is true.

Although the relationship between the He family and the Shen family has been good on the surface.

However, since the affairs of He Peishan and Shen Jingyu were hopeless, He Boyuan would make Shen Jingyu a stumbling block in secret.

It's just that, in the end, his attacks always had no results, and they ended in a hasty. Shen Jingyu hadn't taken care of him seriously all these years.

"Okay, you go to have breakfast first." Shen Jingyu was indifferent.

He Ning also knew what character He Boyuan was.

To put it harshly, he is a dog that can only bark, but dare not bite.

Unaffected by the slightest influence, Shen Jingyu finished breakfast before saying goodbye to He Ning and Lele and went to the presidential palace.

He Boyuan was already there, sitting next to Fu Hongxuan.

Recently, he feels quite energetic, perhaps because Kangkang's healthy growth has given him confidence.

"Jingyu is here?" He Boyuan replied and said, "We are discussing things, you must have heard of it? You are a general in charge of the army, and you actually fell in love with men. This thing is really true. It's a bit shameful."

Shen Jingyu remained silent and did not speak.

Fu Hongxuan had also heard of this incident, and he was still a little skeptical.

Seeing Shen Jingyu's attitude, he really believed it.

He Boyuan continued: "The matter is big, Jingyu, you are in a prominent position, and all your subordinates are men. When you train for the past years, you have to add all kinds of young men to the barracks. If your affairs are spread out, In the future, who will dare to serve under your peace of mind, and who dare to come to your army to defend your home and country?"

The veterans sitting on the side nodded one after another.

Especially Fu Hongxuan's father-in-law Jiang Qi, as the head of the military department, was shocked when he first heard about this!

Almost all of them were quite critical of what Shen Jingyu did.

Shen Fengshan sat on the side alone, intentionally saying a few words for Shen Jingyu, but he was outnumbered, his name was not right, and he was buried in these words.

"So what do you mean?" Shen Jingyu asked, sweeping her eyes around the crowd.

He was awe-inspiring, and standing there gave people a deep sense of oppression.

"..." It's not convenient for everyone to speak frankly.

Everyone just thought that he was wrong, and hoped that he would correct it by himself.

Some words are too aggressive if they are spoken.

Putting such trivial things on him is not in itself the style of a gentleman.

"So what do you want me to do, and what punishment will I get?" Shen Jingyu asked indifferently, her eyes clear and open.

"..." No one could answer his question.

After a few seconds of silence, he asked: "Everyone, when I am with Chu Ning, have I violated any law? Did I violate any prohibition?"

"..." This is definitely not.

The national style of the Dragon Empire is relatively open.

Many things, although there is no legal support, but there is no express prohibition.

If there is any illegal act in Shen Jingyu's incident this time, then Tai Shang Gang is online.

He Boyuan cleared his throat: "Jingyu, we all feel that such a thing is a bad ethos after all. It makes people know that you like men and other people can't work at ease..."

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