Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1039: Shen Jingyu's life problems (2)

"It's really funny." Shen Jingyu directly interrupted He Boyuan's polite words, "I like men, and all other subordinates and people in the army are dangerous. Then General He likes women, isn't it that all women in the world are dangerous? Is it a good ethos to isolate the general from all the women?"

If it weren't for the seriousness of the occasion, someone could not help but applaud the logic of Shen Jingyu's words.

Especially when he thinks of He Boyuan himself, Xiao San can be raised, but Shen Jingyu is still making things difficult for this kind of thing, it makes people feel more and more funny.

Shen Jingyu likes men, although it sounds bad, but he has always been devoted, and it was more than four years after the death of his ex-wife that he had this relationship.

It's like He Boyuan, he traded more frequently than the other.

He Boyuan's face changed color, and he finally managed to forbear and suppress the breath.

"I like men, but it doesn't mean that I like all men. This is my attitude towards this matter. Everyone, today, I must not be here to talk about my personal life, right?" Shen Jingyu shifted the topic to the right time. Business.

He Boyuan can only give up this topic temporarily.

Fu Hongxuan gave a light cough: "I think Jingyu's private life topic, let's stop here. Everyone's focus should still be put into work. Today, I want to introduce you to the new vice president."

In the tradition of the Dragon Empire, the president is elected by referendum.

The vice president can be selected and appointed by the president and parliament.

Generally, there can be at least two vice presidents and a maximum of eight.

Therefore, it is normal for the president to announce the appointment of a new vice president sometimes.

After he finished speaking, looking in the direction of the door, a man in formal clothes walked over here.

He is about 50 years old, and he can see that he looked extraordinary when he was young.

Next to him was a young man of 27 or 18 years old, who looked quite similar to him.

The young man was very vigorous, and there was a hint of dark prey in his eyes, but it was well covered up, and almost no one could see it.

When Shen Sihai appeared, Shen Fengshan's eyes suddenly let out a ray of light, and he opened his mouth, trying to say something, but didn't say anything.

"Everyone, Shen Sihai, I must have heard of his name." Fu Hongxuan smiled.

Many people have reacted. Shen Sihai is a member of the Shen family and the biological brother of the same father and mother of Shen Fengshan. However, when he was young, didn't he disappear?

There was no news for many years, and everyone thought he was dead.

Even Shen Jingyu had never seen him.

Why is he back now, and has become the vice president?

Shen Jingyu also looked at Shen Sihai strangely.

As far as he knows, the four brothers of the Shen family, the uncle died of a disease, and the second uncle died in an accident while in South Africa.

Shen Fengshan is the youngest, and Shen Sihai fought for the power of the Shen family.

After Shen Sihai failed, he disappeared without a trace.

In recent years, Mrs. Shen and Shen Fengshan rarely mentioned him.

Fu Hongxuan continued to smile and said, "Shen Sihai has been helping me in the cabinet for several years, but he is a man who does everything but does not take credit, so no one has heard of his name."

"Next to him is his son Shen Muhan."

Shen Muhan narrowed his eyes to the yin bird of prey, facing everyone's jaws.

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