Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1041: Looks so pretty

"Shen Jingyu, you can express a little opinion." Gu Yunchen's heart of gossip is burning now, but Shen Jingyu just sits firmly on the Diaoyutai and refuses to reveal a word of information.

"I have no opinion."

Gu Yunchen frowned, and remembered another thing: "You know, He Birong is out too!"

Shen Jingyu got a little emotional, looked at him, motioned him to continue talking.

"He Birong was sentenced herself, but she performed well while serving her sentence and was reduced for many years. I heard that she was also protected by Shen Sihai because she was able to treat Shen Sihai's illness, so she came out early."

Gu Yunchen is now completely calling He Birong by her first name, and she really doesn't dare to compliment her character.

Shen Jingyu pondered for a moment, and the doubts flashed over the father and son Shen Sihai and Shen Muhan.


He Ning still didn't know about Shen Sihai, and took Lele to the hospital to see Mrs. Shen.

During this period of time, Lele and she accompanied the old lady Shen, and the old lady's mental condition recovered much better.

When He Ning is free, he will spend more time with her.

She took Lele's hand and walked to the door of the hospital.

Many people who saw Lele couldn't help but look sideways at this cute and well-behaved little bun, and showed envy in their eyes.

"What a cute little bun! I really want to pinch my face!"

"Lovely. The man holding his hand is also so handsome. Drooling."

Lele was very calm, watching his nose and his heart and walking forward.

He Ning was already used to these enviable eyes holding his hand.

Who made her Lele look so good-looking?

When she arrived at the nursing home where Mrs. Shen often stayed, Aunt Chen greeted her: "Master Ning, Master Lele."

"How is Grandma Shen today? Lele and I came to see her specially."

He Ning said as he walked in.

She has a good relationship with Mrs. Shen. She has always been familiar with each other. She has long been familiar with each other. When she gets used to it, she will go directly in to visit her old man, regardless of each other.

However, Aunt Chen stopped her today: "Master Ning, the old lady said that she was a little tired today, and she didn't see outsiders."

"Is Grandma Shen not in good health? Should I notify Doctor Gu to come over?" He Ning asked concerned.

"That's not the case. The old lady said that you are also busy, and Young Master Lele is not in good health. In the future, please do not come often. The journey from West Portugal to Jingyuan is not so convenient. If you come here often, It's actually more troublesome..." Aunt Chen explained the old lady's words.

In fact, she herself did not understand why the old lady Shen had to explain this.

Obviously every time Master Ning and Master Lele came, the old lady would be very happy.

Every time I met them, the old lady had to eat two more bowls of rice, and her body recovered very quickly.

The old lady often wanted to see Master Ning and Young Master. Why didn't Aunt Chen want to see them?

However, the old lady seemed to have something on her mind. After confessing these words, Aunt Chen herself also couldn't figure it out.

He Ning was even more puzzled. It was obvious that grandma liked herself and Lele so much, but she avoided seeing her?

Is it possible that someone like Xie Yichen, what wind is blowing in Mrs. Shen's ear, and what deceived her?

After all, the old lady's body has not fully recovered as before, and there are still problems.

"Aunt Chen, you let me in!" He Ning bypassed Aunt Chen and walked straight in.

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