Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1042: Refuse to see Lele

Aunt Chen desperately stopped He Ning: "Young Master Ning, I didn't stop you on purpose, but the old lady really explained that way. Don't worry, the old lady is in good health, she just... just doesn't want to see you."

"Aunt Chen, you are the old man who followed Granny Shen, tell me frankly, what is this for?" He Ning believes that all this will not be without reason.

"Master Ning, I really don't know. I only know that the old lady is worried, as if something is bothering her. She told you and Young Master Lele not to come again in the future."

Aunt Chen said reluctantly: "To be honest, I am also very worried, and I look forward to your coming. But since the old lady has said it, I can't disobey her."

He Ning knew that from Aunt Chen, there was nothing to say.

She can only leave with Lele temporarily.

Aunt Chen looked at their backs reluctantly and watched them leave.

Mrs. Shen did not show up again from beginning to end.

After He Ning and Lele returned to the West of Portugal, she sent Lele to Chu Zhuohang's side, and went to the hospital to visit the woman who lost the child that day.

When He Ning went, the woman was in good spirits.

Xiao Zhan told her: "The doctor said that she is actually a stressful emotional disorder. If she can find the child, she can recover. After using the medicine, it is actually quite normal."

"I'll go see her." He Ning walked in.

The woman was actually very young, very different from the way He Ning saw her that day.

A younger woman is taking care of her, listening to Xiao Zhan, that her sister.

"Thank you, Master Ning, for saving my sister." The young girl glanced at He Ning, her cheeks flushed with shame.

He Ning looks good, especially when it comes to men's clothing, he is more approachable and considerate than those rich young masters.

"My sister used to have no problem at all. It was only when the child was taken away." The little girl said helplessly.

"In the past two years, she has been in a bad state of mind, and sometimes she will do unreasonable things outside. Others always beat and scold her. Only Master Ning you are willing to help her."

The little girl admired and thanked He Ning.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of effort."

He Ning sat down and looked at the woman seriously: "Ms. Hu, are you sure that the child was taken away?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. Although the hospital said it was because my child was not breathing well after birth, and the rescue failed. But I clearly saw someone took the child away. When the child was taken away, the child was fine. Yes, there is no problem at all..." Ms. Hu said with tears.

"But the hospital just refused to admit this, and it was of no use for me to fight a lawsuit."

The more Ms. Hu spoke, the more sad she became.

He Ning didn't know that what she said was true or false, so she could only comfort her and rest.

After all, if there is no evidence, He Ning himself can't favor her or any side of the hospital.

Even if it is to be held accountable, proper evidence is required.

"Master Ning, I used to drew the people who took my child away. I have painted all of them. I just thought that one day, I could be fair to my child." Ms. Hu took out a bunch of things. She drew all kinds of paper by herself.

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