Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1087: She must go

Master Chu said, "There are many old men on my side, all of whom are my confidants. They can accompany Zhuo Hang."

"Yes, Ningning, you are obedient, you don't need to go." Chu Zhuohang also didn't want her to take the risk.

Chu Ning insisted: "This trip is very dangerous. What if my brother accidentally gets injured? Besides me, who else can help him stop the bleeding and heal his injuries?"

This is a very real problem.

It is precisely because of this cause of Chu Zhuohang that he has given up actually managing the Chu family's family business for so many years.

Both Chu Ye and Chu Zhuohang were silent.

Master Chu's own legs and feet were injured in his early years, and now it is inconvenient.

Others really couldn't solve the problem that Chu Ning just raised.

However, Chu Zhuohang had to go. This time the matter was of great importance, and his participation was necessary to resolve this matter.

Master Chu had to say: "Okay, then you go. But...be careful of everything. Your safety is the top priority for everything. I don't want to lose any more children."

Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning solemnly agreed.

At night, they and the people they took came near the military research institute.

There are all kinds of people in military uniforms guarding all around, so it is not easy to get in.

Only at twelve o'clock at midnight, when the people on duty change shifts, there is a three-minute gap for them to enter the interior.

After entering the interior, Chu Zhuohang's people hacked the internal monitoring system, and Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning could really do it.

When they entered the interior, the monitoring was successfully switched.

They can finally see the condition of the laboratory.

The situation inside makes people see the uncontrollable hairs and can't help but feel nauseous.

There are naked and naked human bodies everywhere, young and old, men and women, with various pipes and instruments plugged into their bodies. These people can no longer be called human beings, they can only be regarded as experimental objects.

Because they don't have any freedom and dignity as human beings, they can only exist here like white mice for research.

There was an unpleasant breath everywhere.

Those dying guinea pigs yelled unconsciously: "Help! Help me..."

"Help, please!"

Various languages ​​are crying for help.

These voices are desperately creepy.

Chu Ning has been walking in with Chu Zhuohang, and finally, they saw a familiar figure!

He Yiming was lying on the operating table, like everyone else, covered with various pipelines and connected to instruments.

The only difference is that he didn't call for help from beginning to end.

Feeling someone coming, he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes filled with coldness and coldness.

Although he is also in such an environment, his consciousness is fully awake!

This made Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning both couldn't help but rejoice.

"Big Brother!" Chu Ning whispered.

He Yiming seemed to be unable to believe all this before him, thinking he was dreaming.

"Brother, let's take you out!" Chu Zhuohang stretched out his hand to support him, unplugged all the wires and tubes that were in the way, and helped He Yiming to go outside.

Seeing someone being rescued, some people in the research room who were still awake couldn't help but stretch out their hands and kept shouting: "Help me, help me..."

Chu Ning couldn't bear to look at these scenes.

She really wanted to rescue everyone here.

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