Sweet Wife, be Good!

Chapter 1088: Someone is releasing water

Why should these people be used to pay for everything the rich and powerful?

Chu Zhuohang held her hand and motioned to her not to act rashly.

Chu Ning also knew that he could not move around at will, otherwise even the eldest brother would not be able to save it, so let's not say anything else.

She had to turn her head and stop looking at the poor people who had become guilds.

He Yiming broke his leg and couldn't walk. Chu Zhuohang walked out with him on his back, and the time was delayed for a long time.

As they evacuated, there was a burst of sirens.

Immediately afterwards, there was a uniform sound of footsteps outside, and it sounded like the regular American army had arrived.

"Damn it!" Chu Zhuohang cursed secretly.

After a while, the lights were brightly lit outside.

He Yiming's voice was dry: "You go, leave me alone..."

"How is it possible?" Chu Zhuohang said, "Don't talk, I can always take you away!"

Since entering, he has several options.

However, he did not expect that the regular army would come so quickly.

"Go to the entrance to the back door. The defense there is the weakest. There is an underground passage. After we get out, we can drive away!" Chu Zhuohang said immediately.

He directed the subordinates he had brought into the headset, and diverted the attention of these troops from other positions.

Chu Ning followed behind him and ran in the direction of the back door.

Along the way, the neat footsteps of the army can be heard.

Gunshots and loud roars came from outside.

The bullet whizzed towards Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning,

It seems that He Yiming was taken away, which caused a lot of turmoil in popularity.

The underground passage is very secret. You can go straight after you enter through the plants on the wall.

Gradually, the voices behind him were thrown away.

When Chu Zhuohang drove away, the regular army behind appeared again.

The US has always had the best tracking system. It seems that getting rid of them is not an easy task.

Helicopters appeared in the sky, following Chu Zhuohang's car all the way, no matter whether his car was going through the alley or entering the avenue, these troops and helicopters followed closely behind, like a shadow.

Chu Zhuohang had changed cars many times on this route. This was one of the plans he had prepared long ago.

However, those helicopters followed endlessly, and the lights illuminated the entire street.

Seeing that the Chu Family Manor was not far away, Chu Zhuohang couldn't drive in the car.

The trouble was so big that he couldn't bring the trouble to the Chu family.

However, Chu Ning soon discovered a problem: "Brother, these helicopters are equipped with weapons, but they did not shoot!"

Chu Zhuohang also discovered this problem. These helicopters belonged to the military, and they had been firing on them a long time ago, but they haven't been until now.

In other words, someone in the military is actually releasing water.

It seemed that the army that followed them was the closest to chasing them, but in fact, it seemed to be protecting them, tracking vigorously, but did not do anything at all.

Who will it be?

Neither Chu Zhuohang nor Chu Ning could think of anyone who would help them in this way.

Could it be Yan Junhao?

At this moment, a motorcade appeared in front of him and stopped in front of Chu Zhuohang's car.

The people on the opposite side were all familiar faces of the Dragon Empire.

Several people ran over and shouted: "Master Shen, please change your car!"

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